Secretary-General condemns Beirut terrorist attacks

H.E. the PUIC Secretary General Prof. Mahmud Erol KILIC, condemns in strong terms the treacherous terrorist attacks which targeted the Southern Suburb of Beirut and resulted in the death of more than 40 persons and the injury of more than 200.

While denouncing such terrorist actions, which involved unarmed civilians, we in the PUIC express our sympathy and support to the brotherly Lebanese people in this plight. We are certain that the sisterly Lebanon Republic will overcome this passing crisis by virtue of the fact that its people are upholding their national unity, coexistence, tolerance and rising above their suffering. We trust that this people will put the security, stability and safety of Lebanon before any other consideration.
We pray to Almighty God to preserve Lebanon and its people and protect them from any sedition.

14 November 20155

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