Action to Face Somalia Famine

Action to Face Somalia Famine

PUIC Bulletin No.10 Winter 2012

In mid-2011 two consecutive poor rainy seasons precipitated the worst drought in the Horn of Africa seen in 60 years.
This has led to a large movement of people from the conflict stricken parts of Southern Somalia to relief centers in other parts of the country and neighboring states. On July 2011 the United Nations Officially declared a famine in two regions of Southern Somalia, warning that the food crisis could worsen and spread to other parts if humanitarian aid remains inadequate. Several people, especially old and sick persons as well as children perished as a result of the famine and the existing harsh conditions. Reports say that full recovery from the drought’s effects is not expected until 2012.
Facing this terrible disaster Muslim organizations and countries took significant steps to tackle the problem. The PUIC Secretary General Prof. Mahmud Erol KILIC made an urgent appeal to all PUIC Member Parliaments to “urge their respective governments, peoples as well as civil, voluntary and humanitarian organizations to extend urgent and generous assistance to the brotherly people of Somalia.” The PUIC Secretary General also attended the Emergency Ministerial Meeting of the OIC Executive Committee which was held in Istanbul, Turkey, on 17th August 2011 to discuss the humanitarian situation caused by the severe famine in Somalia. This meeting was held under the auspices of the Prime Minister of Turkey H.E. Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

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