27 JANUARY 2012
1.    On the sidelines of the 7th Session of the Parliamentary Union of Member States of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (PUIC), the Conference of Muslim Women Parliamentarians held its first meeting at the Aryaduta Convention Center on Friday 27 January 2012 with the attendance of representatives of member parliaments as indicated in the attached list.

2.    His Excellency Dr. Marzouki Alie, Chairperson of the 7th PUIC Conference and Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives, inaugurated the Conference by delivering a statement in which he paid tribute to the Women Parliamentarians Conference, describing the moment of its opening as historic. He expressed hope this Conference will be held annually in one of the PUIC member states and that it will come up with favorable results to strengthen women positions in terms of political, economic and social participation. He also reviewed the experience of the Indonesian women and their contribution to career and public life. His Excellency then left the Meeting venue.

3.    Chairperson of the Conference, Dr. Nour Hayatty Aly el Sakaf, MP in the Indonesian House of Representatives, took the floor and was quoted as saying that bringing together women parliamentarians was the first of its kind on the fringes of the PUIC Conference. She expressed hope the Conference will adopt a declaration that strengthens the women status.

4.    Agenda:  The agenda composed of the following items was approved.
4-1    Election of the members of the Conference Bureau as follows:
4-1-1    Vice-President from the Arab Group
4-1-2    Vice-President from the African Group
4-2    Report of the PUIC Secretary General
Themes of Discussion:
4-3    Enhancing the role of women in all development aspects in PUIC Member States to strengthen democracy
4-4    The role of Islamic and civil society organizations in the member states in projecting the rights granted to women by Islam;
4-5    Women potential in solving problems and disputes;
4-6    Role of women parliamentarians in alleviating the sufferings of women and children in Palestine and the Golan
4-7    Date and venue of the next Conference of Muslim Women Parliamentarians
4-8    Adoption of the Conference Declaration
4-9    Any other business

5.    Election of the members of the Conference Bureau:
5-1    Mrs. Khadija Azzoumi from the House of Representatives of Morocco – as Vice-President for the Arab Group
5-2    Mrs. Mansoura Hamid Nouri from the National Assembly of Chad – as Vice–President for the African Group
5-3    Representative of the House of Representatives of Indonesia – as Rapporteur

Report of the Secretary-General
His Excellency the Secretary-General presented his report inclusive of the following points:
-   Today’s world is advancing towards progress and development in all fields, thus necessitating utilization of the strengthened role of women and their effective involvement in pushing forward the process of development;
-    PUIC’s due attention to women as reflected in the adoption of several resolutions dedicated to the promotion of their role;
-    Follow-up and implementation of resolutions adopted by PUIC organs on enhancing the role of women;
-    Conferences and symposia to be held by Muslim Parliamentarians and their participation in conferences dealing with women issues;
-    Emphasis on the fact that the General Secretariat will attend to the implementation and energizing of the Conference resolutions and recommendations;
The Report of His Excellency the Secretary-General was highly appreciated. His Excellency left the Conference venue and His Excellency Ambassador Seddig Yousif Abu Agla took over to follow up the Conference proceedings.

Themes of Discussion 4 - 3 / 4 - 6
The Conference held exhaustive discussions on themes under no. 4 – 3/4 – 6. It also reflected on the draft declaration to be adopted.
4-7    Date and Venue of the next Conference of Muslim Women Parliamentarians
-    It has been agreed that the next Forum of Muslim Women Parliamentarians shall take place on the periphery of the next PUIC Conference.
-    The Conference of Muslim Women Parliamentarians accepted the invitation extended by the House of Representatives of Morocco to host the Conference during this year and ahead of their Conference which will be held next year as part of the proceedings of the 8th PUIC Conference. 

4-8    Adoption of the Declaration of Conference of Women Parliamentarians:
The Conference of Women Parliamentarians adopted the Declaration.

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