13 SAFAR, 1432H
18 JANUARY, 2011


Resolution No.1-WSC/13-CNCL on  supporting the efforts to establish sustainable dialogue between Islamic and western parliaments


Resolution No.2-WSC/13-CNCL on promoting dialogue among civilizations with special emphasis on facing western campaigns against Islamic values


Resolution No.3-WSC/13-CNCL on adopting a un decision on issuing an international legislation banning insult of divine religions and their symbols


Resolution No.4-WSC/13-CNCL  on Promoting

the Role of Women


Resolution No.5-WSC/13-CNCL on protection of Al-Aqsa Mosque against Israeli threats


Resolution No. 6-WSC/13-CNCL on protection of Islamic holy places


Resolution No. 7-WSC/13-CNCL on promoting the position of the youth in the Islamic world


Resolution No.8-WSC/13-CNCL on the child care and protection in the Islamic world


Resolution No. 9-WSC/13-CNCL on role of Islamic parliaments in confronting  global pandemics and fatal diseases



The Council of the Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States, in its 13th  Session, held in Abu Dhabi, State of the United Arab Emirates, on 13 Safar, 1432H corresponding to 18 January, 2011,

1.    Stresses the necessity of projecting the real image of Islam which is based on the propagation of justice, peace, rejection of violence and interacting with others to serve humanity and achieve advancement of nations and peoples, as well as focusing on facing western campaigns against Islamic values through the establishment of dialogue between Islamic and Western Parliaments ;

2.    Calls on all national parliaments to play an active role in the implementation of the Global Agenda on Dialogue among Civilizations as stated in UN resolution No.56/6 for the year 2001 in cooperation with other parliamentary organs;

3.    Commends establishment of a PUIC Focal group on dialogue and also one inside every parliament aimed at taking appropriate initiatives in coordination with their respective governments and other bodies in order to develop the culture and spirit of dialogue, cooperation and mutual respect for peaceful co-existence.

4.    Calls for PUIC Member Parliaments to take advantage of their membership in other international, regional parliamentary organizations to promote PUIC goals in establishing sustainable dialogue between Islamic and Western Parliaments.

5.    Commends the Parliaments which have established Focal groups on dialogue among civilizations and renews its request for the establishment of PUIC focal groups.

6.    Commends the intervention made by Bahrain’s delegate on the efforts exerted by the Kingdom of Bahrain in consolidating cultural dialogue and dialogue between Islamic and Western Parliaments. In this regard, welcomes the emphasis of His Majesty King of Bahrain on the readiness of the Kingdom of Bahrain to host a General Secretariat for dialogue among religions and cultures to be based in Bahrain.


The Council of the Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States, in its 13th  Session, held in Abu Dhabi, State of the United Arab Emirates, on 13 Safar, 1432H corresponding to 18 January, 2011,

    Recalling the resolutions adopted by the OIC Islamic Summit Conferences, especially 11th Session of the Islamic Summit Conference, the 35th Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers, the 5th Session of the Islamic Conference of Culture Ministers and the 2nd Session of the Standing Committee on Information and Cultural Affairs (COMIAC); as well as the principles included in the Tehran Declaration adopted by the 8th Session of the Islamic Summit Conference in December 1997

    Referring to the Ten-Year Program of Action of the OIC, and reiterates that the principle of dialogue among civilizations based on mutual respect, understanding and equality between nations is a sine-qua-non for international peace and security as well as for tolerance and peaceful coexistence;
    Commending the initiative of the Member States to support and strengthen dialogue among civilizations and cultures;
1.    Invites Muslims of different doctrines to unify and respect the other opinion.

2.    Calls for coordination among Muslim States to establish centers and institutions for dialogue among cultures and civilizations.

3.    Calls also for constituting a PUIC Focal group as well as one in each Parliament of Islamic States aimed at taking appropriate initiatives.

4.    Calls for continuing to engage in interactive dialogues in order to promote dialogue among cultures and civilizations through concrete and sustainable initiatives and symposia. Appeals to the governments of Member States, the Islamic Development Bank and the Islamic Solidarity Fund to extend every financial and moral support for the success of these dialogues.

5.    Expresses its concern about the marginalization and loss of the Arabic language vis-à-vis foreign languages in Arab and Islamic States; calls for facilitating the teaching of Arabic language to non-Arabic speaking students, youth and the young in Islamic States, as Arabic is considered the language of the Holy Quran and one of the basic factors for the unity of the Muslim Ummah.

6.    Calls on the Arabic speaking Islamic countries, particularly those which have financial potentials to support the youth in non- Arabic speaking Islamic countries, and to provide them with scholarships and appropriate educational programs that help the youth of poor Islamic Countries to learn the Arabic language as a means of understanding Islam and to finance these programs and scholarships through the legitimate resources, including Zakat funds.

7.    Calls for facilitating giving entry visas to students and young men who are financially capable and wish to learn Arabic in non-Arabic speaking Islamic countries, in order to let them enter the Arabic speaking Islamic countries where they can find suitable Islamic education.

8.    Praises the efforts of ISESCO in the field of propagating and teaching the Arabic language and its sciences to non-Arabic-Speaking people; invites the Member States to support the organization in this respect.

9.    Requests the Islamic Development Bank to prepare a project, in consultation with the OIC cultural organs as well as with scholars and elites from different parts of the world to contribute towards realizing effective and constructive dialogue between the Islamic and Western civilizations and project a realistic and positive image about Islamic civilization; and invites the Member Parliaments to enact the necessary legislations in this respect.

10.    Stresses the importance of establishing national Islamic television channels, broadcasting in foreign languages, to be directed to the West, in order to project the real image of Islam, and urges ISESCO to establish specialized channels in this respect.

11.    Urges Muslims residing in non-Muslim countries to demand their civil rights in those countries, including their right to a just human treatment, as well as their right to have access to Halal food and drinks in all places and on all occasions.


The Council of the Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States, in its 13th  Session, held in Abu Dhabi, State of the United Arab Emirates, on 13 Safar, 1432H corresponding to 18 January, 2011,

Recalling the provision of the Final Communiqué of the 11th Session of the Islamic Summit Conference, held in Dakar, Republic of Senegal, on 13-14 March 2008, to achieve respect for all religions, cultural values, and banning discrimination and instigating on hatred of all religions’;

Stressing commitment for the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which criminalizes incitement of animosity against religions, and views people as equal, irrespective of their religious or political beliefs;

Calling for total respect of all divine religions and religious symbols as well as respecting peaceful coexistence among sects, religions and beliefs;

1.    Invites Member Parliaments to urge their governments to request   the United Nations to issue a resolution calling for ensuring total respect for all divine religions, and the inadmissibility of exploiting the freedom of expression to insult religions, and calls for curbing the growth of the phenomenon of religious hatred among people.

2.    Strongly condemns the republishing of cartoons insulting to the Prophet of Islam, Mohammad (PBUH). Also condemns the backing of some European States of these abhorrent actions and asks for stopping such provocations.

3.    Appeals to all parliaments, including the IPU to hasten to enact legislations expeditiously in order to proscribe  repition of any insult of any of the  prophets and messengers of God, or to divine religions and virtuous beliefs in general or places of worship

4.    Strongly condemns the growing tide of hatred of religions harbored by extremist elements in all religions. In this regards, strongly denounces the bombing of mosques, churches and places of worship and calls on governments to take vigilant measures to safeguard religious institutions and keep them away from danger.

5.    Expresses the need for following a common priority policy aimed at preventing the distortion of the image of Islam on the excuse of the freedom of expression especially through the media and the internet.

The Council of the Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States, in its 13th  Session, held in Abu Dhabi, State of the United Arab Emirates, on 13 Safar, 1432H corresponding to 18 January, 2011,

        Recalling the commitments of the OIC towards international agreements and instruments, especially those relating to the Beijing Declaration and Program of Work (Fourth Conference on Women of 1995-Beijing+5) and the recommendations submitted to the First Conference on the “Role of Women in the development of OIC Member States” held in Istanbul, as well as the Ten-Year Program of Action of the OIC;

    Taking note of the results of the Second Ministerial Conference on the Role of Women in the Development of OIC Member States, held in Istanbul 2006, Cairo, Arab Republic of Egypt, on 24-25 November 2008, and in Tehran in 2010, reiterating the provision of the resolution adopted by the 6th PUIC Conference held in Kampala, Uganda on 30-31 January 2010, concerning promoting the role of women

    Stressing the great role of education in the empowerment of women, in eradicating poverty and promoting of her contribution to development and decision-making;

    Stressing also equality between all human beings and that empowering women does not violate Islamic principles;

1.    Requests the Member parliaments to urge their respective governments to strengthen the role of Muslim women in the political, social, economic and cultural life

2.    Urges PUIC Member Parliaments to promote the empowerment of women in their respective countries and requests their governments to pay attention to their education, and anything that enhances their role in development;

3.    Requests again Islamic organizations and civil society institutions in Member States to project the rights which Islam has granted to women in order to draw up a document for Muslim women and a document for Muslim Children, and submitting them to specialized UN committees for discussion among world documents so that they may be a reference to the rules that enable Muslim States to implement them.

4.    Demands giving top priority to the development of women capabilities and their qualifications through training, capacity-building and enactment of permanent legislations supportive of women’s rights with the aim of enabling women to effectively participate in building society.

5.    Lauds the approval of the People’s Assembly of Syria to host a World Islamic Forum for Muslim Women Parliamentarians which will be held in Damascus during this year and urges the Member Parliaments to effectively participate in this Forum.

6.    Urges Member Parliaments to adopt an Islamic vision on the issue of discrimination and violence against women through convening a scholarly conference to be organized by Muslim parliaments in order to address this issue.

7.    Stresses the necessity for correcting the negative and disfigured image of Muslim women, especially in the West, and always referring to the divine direction based on the Holy Quran through an Islamic Forum to be hosted by a PUIC Parliament.

8.    Requests the Member Parliaments to urge their governments and competent organs to exchange their experiences as regards the role played by women in development in their countries

9.    Welcomes the invitation of the  Indonesian Parliament to organize a conference on women to be held within the framework of the activities of the PUIC Conference that will be held in Indonesia in the year 2012



The Council of the Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States, in its 13th  Session, held in Abu Dhabi, State of the United Arab Emirates, on 13 Safar, 1432H corresponding to 18 January, 2011,

Proceeding from the principles and objectives enshrined in the OIC Charter;

Pursuant to the resolutions adopted by the various relevant Islamic Conferences and meetings;

Referring to the resolutions of the U.N General Assembly and Security Council concerning the city of AL-Quds and the religious sacred sites therein;

In view of the continuous Israeli threats to demolish the blessed AL-Aqsa mosque and build the so-called Solomon Temple in its place;

1.    Stresses that AL-Aqsa Mosque is exposed, now more than ever before, to real danger that threatens its very existence as a result of continuous excavations and demolition works carried out by the occupation authorities beneath the Mosque and in its ramparts.

2.    Strongly condemns all the measures and arrangements taken by the Israeli occupation authorities, specially the Jewishness of the Zionist entity, aimed at impinging on the safety of AL Aqsa Mosque and its environs.

3.    Stresses that the blessed AL-Aqsa Mosque is a place of worship for Muslims and that Jews have no right to enter into its precincts to perform their rituals.

4.     Affirms the necessity of consolidating Islamic efforts at the political and diplomatic levels for the protection of AL-Aqsa Mosque.

5.     Urges the Member Parliaments to request their respective governments to take speedy and effective action in order to prompt the United Nations and its specialized organs to shoulder their full responsibility for developments taking place in Eastern AL-Quds.

6.     Urges also the Member Parliaments to request their governments to mobilize and direct their embassies and diplomatic missions abroad to create a world public opinion supportive of the cause of AL-Quds and to throw light on the danger facing AL-Aqsa Mosque as well as Muslim and Christian holy sites in the City.

7.    Urges Muslims and Christians in all parts of the World to work together to protect Al-Aqsa Mosque, as Israel’s attempts to demolish the Mosque constitutes a threat to places of worship for all religions.


The Council of the Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States, in its 13th  Session, held in Abu Dhabi, State of the United Arab Emirates, on 13 Safar, 1432H corresponding to 18 January, 2011,

Recalling the resolutions adopted by the Islamic Summit Conferences and other OIC conferences in particular the 11th ordinary and the 3rd Extraordinary Sessions of the Islamic Summit conference, the 35th Session of Council of Foreign Ministers (CFM) the 5th session of the Islamic Conference of Culture Ministers (ICCM) and the 8th Session of COMIAC;

Recalling the objectives of the OIC which stress the need for coordinated efforts to safeguard the Islamic Holy Places and strengthen the struggle of Islamic peoples for the preservation of their dignity, independence and national rights;

Affirming those objectives and principles enshrined in the Charter of the OIC aimed at coordinating efforts to guard and preserve the Islamic heritage;

Also recalling the resolutions of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, on the unified stand against the desecration of Islamic Holy Places especially Resolution No.3/6-C(IS) of the Sixth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference;

Recalling the Resolutions of the Organization of the Islamic Conference on a unified stand on condemning of the violations of the sanctity of the sacred Muslim Places;

a-    Destruction of the Babri Masjid in India and protection of the Islamic Holy places;
b-    Destruction of the Charar-E-Sharif Islamic Complex in Kashmir and other Islamic shrines therein;
c-    Destruction and desecration of Islamic historical and cultural relics and shrines in the occupied Azerbaijan territories resulting from the aggression of the Republic of Armenia against the Republic of Azerbaijan;
d-    Destruction of mosques, churches, holy tombs, Hussainiat and houses of worship in Iraq.

1.    Denounces strongly the subversive activities against the sanctities and the Islamic places of worship;
2.    Stresses the necessity of coordinating efforts to protect holy places, mosques and Islamic and Christian places of worship;
3.    Deplores strongly the criminal action which targeted the two-Saints Church in Alexandria, Arab Republic of Egypt;
4.    Urges the international community, in particular the OIC Member States, to exert utmost efforts to provide possible assistance in order to protect religious places especially as they are edifices of Islamic civilization.


The Council of the Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States, in its 13th  Session, held in Abu Dhabi, State of the United Arab Emirates, on 13 Safar, 1432H corresponding to 18 January, 2011,

Recalling the resolutions of the Islamic Summit Conferences and the Third Extraordinary Session of the Islamic Summit Conference, the 35th Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers, the 5th Session of the Islamic conference of the Ministers of Culture and the 8th Session of the Islamic Standing Committee for information and Cultural Affairs (COMIAC) on youth qualification and care in the Islamic World;

Referring to the danger posed by some programmes beamed by some satellite channels, considered as an easy access for changing Islamic behaviour and identity of youth;

Emphasizing the role of youth in the Islamic World in promoting dialogue among civilizations, cultures and religions, including highlighting the true image of Islam and in the dissemination of its eternal values and principles which call for moderation, dialogue, tolerance and the respect of the others;

1.    Urges Member States to pay attention to raise the awareness of youth through objective information which advocates enlightened Islamic values and principles by enacting laws to protect children and youth from dangers engendered by  negative programs.

2.    Urges also the Member States to establish research centers devoted to the issues of Muslim youth in order to prepare them to confront the negative impacts of globalization, and in such a way as to preserve their Islamic identity.

3.    Calls on the Member Parliaments and their governments to ensure participation of youth in their political agenda and to boost the efforts aimed at realizing appropriate representation and participation of youth in decision making.

4.    Urges the Member Parliaments and their governments to expeditiously and conclusively confront the phenomenon of the spread of narcotics among some youth which negatively and dangerously affect their mental and physical abilities, as well as address the moral and economic destruction caused by this despicable phenomenon.


The Council of the Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States, in its 13th  Session, held in Abu Dhabi, State of the United Arab Emirates, on 13 Safar, 1432H corresponding to 18 January, 2011,

Recalling the provisions of the Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam which stress the importance of the rights of the child in Islam;

Welcoming the Rabat Declaration on the issue of children in the Islamic World, adopted by the 1st Islamic Conference of Ministers in charge of Children's affairs, which was held in Rabat on 7-9 November, 2005;

1.    Requests Member Parliaments to urge their governments to disseminate Islamic values relevant to family, women and children, through the media, and to project the radiant image of Islam in improving child condition in the Islamic World, and reiterates the Islamic States solidarity on all child related issues.
2.    Commends the role of UNICEF in improving child conditions in the Islamic Worlds and hails the distinctive, fruitful and continuous cooperation between the specialized organization in the Islamic Worlds and UNICEF for the benefit of the child's survival, protection and development in the Member States.
3.    Calls on Member Parliaments to urge their governments to act, with the assistance of the international community, to improve the conditions of children, particularly those living under difficult conditions in conflict-ridden regions and those suffering from the effects of economic blockades and sanctions imposed on their countries, as well as displaced child refugees, by providing for their physical and moral needs and by taking interest in their education and helping them to return to normal life.
4.    Calls anew on Member Parliaments to enact the necessary legislations which criminalize trafficking in children to use them as human spare parts, ensure that they are not sexually abused nor allow marriage of underage children.
5.    Calls for creating appropriate mechanisms to protect children, and observe their special position as regards the stages of investigation, interrogation and trial in cases relating to physical or sexual violence;
6.    Calls again on the Member Parliaments to sign international agreements on banning trafficking in children or pushing them to work at an early age.
7.    Urges the OIC Member States to act for the implementation of the Rabat Declaration adopted by the 1st Islamic Conference of Ministers In charge of Children Affairs.
8.    Welcomes the outcomes of the 2nd Islamic Conference of Ministers in Charge of Children Affairs held in Khartoum, Sudan, on 2-4 February, 2009; and calls for following up and implementing them.


The Council of the Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States, in its 13th  Session, held in Abu Dhabi, State of the United Arab Emirates, on 13 Safar, 1432H corresponding to 18 January, 2011,

    Following with utmost concern the spread of Acquired Immune-Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), malaria and other fatal diseases which may cause a global pandemic;

    Expressing its strong concern about the spread of epidemics in some OIC Member States;

    Stressing the necessity of effective solidarity for paying attention to health affairs among all Islamic peoples according to the directions of Islam as well as the basic documents of the PUIC;

1.    Appeals to Muslim Parliaments to enact laws and legislations which help in combating epidemics and contribute to the building of a healthy and disease-free society.

2.    Requests Muslim Parliaments to cooperate among themselves and with regional and international organizations to check the spread of epidemics, especially Acquired Immune-Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), Malaria and other fatal diseases which ravage many souls such as Swine Flu (H1N1).

3.    Commends the Member parliaments which have prepared studies on identifying Islamic countries where epidemics are spreading; and urges Member States to help in the elimination of such diseases.

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