Statement of the National People’s Assembly on the Situation in Palestine

Statement of the National People’s Assembly on the Situation in Palestine

At the conclusion of the extraordinary session of the People’s National Assembly of Algeria which was held on Tuesday 31st October 2023, concerning the grave situation in the occupied Palestinian Lands, the members of the assembly issued a statement to discuss the painful developments and the tragic situation suffered by the Palestinian people, particularly in the Gaza Strip, as a result of the barbaric assault launched by the usurped Zionist entity against the unarmed civilians, Having listened to the speeches of Mr. Ibrahim Boughali, Speaker of the People’s National Assembly of Algeria, the speech of Mr Ahmed Attaf, Minister of Foreign Affairs and the National Community abroad, as well as speeches of the Chairpersons of the Parliamentary Groups, the Assembly adopted a statement which included the following points:

Reaffirming their stand and absolute backing of the firm stances of Algeria on the side of the Palestinian cause.

Condemning, in the strongest terms, the genocide, ethnic cleansing, and the massacres perpetrated by the Zionist occupation against the brotherly Palestinian people.

Algeria remains in the trenches of resistance rejecting occupation.

Since the (Disaster of 1948), the present occupation committed the original crime which gave rise to several crime branches, e.g.: siege, hunger, forced displacement, preventing assistance, targeting children and women, schools, mosques, churches, hospitals, Red Crescent facilities, the press, etc.

Read full text in Arabic here

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