Oman Parliamentary Elections

Oman Parliamentary Elections

On Sunday, October 29th, 2023, the Sultanate of Oman held parliamentary elections to select (90) parliamentarians as members of the Shura Council for the tenth period from 2023 to 2027.

The electoral process saw (843) candidates, of whom 32 were female, compete for the seats, while the number of voters who participated in the electoral process reached 496.279 voters, representing 65.88% of the total number of registered eligible voters which is 753,690.

These elections were conducted in all their stages in a secure electronic manner and with high accuracy by means of smartphones, the process was simple and convenient, thanks to the "Intikhab" phone application.

On this occasion, the Secretary General of the Parliamentary Union of OIC Member States, Mr Mouhamed Khouraichi Niass, extends his congratulations to the Sultanate of Oman on the successful holding of these elections and wishes it continued success, progress and prosperity.

First of November, 2023

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