PUIC Secretary-General condemns Zionist aggression against Gaza

PUIC  Secretary-General condemns Zionist aggression against Gaza

Since October 7, 2023, the Gaza Strip in occupied Palestine is witnessing a barbaric aggression launched by the Zionist occupation forces, which resulted in hundreds of martyrs and wounded and the destruction of many homes and service facilities in this city that has been besieged for years.

His Excellency Mr. Mouhamed Khouraichi Niass, Secretary-General of the Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States (PUIC), strongly condemns this brutal Israeli aggression, which comes as a continuation of the crimes and attacks of the Zionist entity against the Palestinian people, their land and sanctities, and the deprivation of their legitimate rights.

His Excellency salutes the victories achieved by the Palestinian resistance over this usurping enemy, and calls on the Islamic nation to stand with the steadfast Palestinian people who have been suffering from severe injustice for more than seventy years.

He reminds the Islamic nation that God Almighty promised them victory, and that victory comes with patience, (If ye will help (the cause of) Allah, He will help you).

The Palestinian issue is an issue of right and justice, and the international community must realize that peace will not be achieved in this vital region of the world unless the Palestinian people restore their full rights and establish their independent state with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital.

8 October 2023

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