Interviews with the Presidents of the PUIC Conferences (Senegal)

Interviews with the Presidents of the PUIC Conferences (Senegal)

The following is responses of the  Speaker of the National Assembly of Senegal to the " PUIC" H.E. Mamadou Seck

* PUIC Action Developed in a Very Positive Way.
* Our Responses must Go Beyond Statements.
* Necessity of Convening Preparatory Meetings to Achieve Coordination in International Fora.

Q: How do you evaluate the work of the PUIC during the past ten years?
A: The evolution of the PUIC action during the past ten years is very positive in our view.
The statutory bodies have met regularly with a reasonable measure of  participation of member institutions.
Work has always proceeded in an atmosphere of discipline and seriousness.
The items on the agenda are relevant and are thoroughly studied, always in the best interest of the Ummah, for peace and progress in the world.
Finally, it is hoped that the parliaments of member states more weigh in the executives for better monitoring of decisions.

 Q: How do you evaluate the PUIC response to Islamic issues in general?
A: The response of the PUIC to Islamic issues in general is very well received because it is consensual. The PUIC reacts instantly, when a major problem appears in the Islamic world, to organize solidarity among the Ummah and always in the direction of world peace, peaceful coexistence of civilizations. However, we must ensure that responses can not be reduced to statements of intent but they should be effective.

Q: In what way/ways can the Palestinian issue be supported in the framework of Muslim parliaments?
A: Within the parliamentary framework,  inter-parliamentary cooperation remains the most appropriate way to support the Palestinian question. The Muslim Parliament can organize their active solidarity for the Palestinian people in the Inter-parliamentary Union, which serves as home to the parliamentary dialogue worldwide. The decisions of parliaments generally being deliberative, parliaments should develop closer ties with executive powers for the implementation of resolutions adopted.

Q: How do you view the level of coordination action by the Union in international fora, particularly in the framework of the IPU?
A: The Union cooperation in international Fora, particularly in the context of the IPU remains to be perfect. There must be preparatory meetings to think about agendas, and even to elaborate, if necessary, common positions and organize supporters in the occupation of positions of responsibility.
These preparatory meetings are necessary at the PUIC to organize the coordination of our actions.
Furthermore, it is important to involve parliamentary administrations that are perennial to ensure the Secretariat and the monitoring of issues discussed by parliamentarians.

Q: How do you envisage the way to activate and energize PUIC action aimed at promoting cooperation among PUIC countries in the economic and commercial fields as may be judged from the resolutions adopted by the Union since its inception?
A: To promote cooperation among countries in economic and trade fields, the PUIC has to put more emphasis on South-South cooperation, by encouraging public authorities and economic operators of the powerful Arab states to invest in other Union’s countries and to grant them preferential treatment in trade especially in the field of energy resources like oil, such cooperation would be beneficial to increasing the weight of the PUIC internationally.
Q: What role may parliamentary diplomacy play in advancing official relations among the various states of the Union?
A: Parliamentary diplomacy has a real role to play in advancing relations between the PUIC states through parliamentary friendship groups, parliamentary systems and at the level of Foreign Affairs Committees.
These instances of dialogue, exchanges and of maturation of concrete actions can really work, not only to consolidate the achievements but also draw new prospects to develop and extend relations between our states.
But to do this, it is important to organize a seminar on parliamentary diplomacy in PUIC space to develop a roadmap to the above authorities.

N.B. The National Assembly of Senegal was the President of the 3rd Session of the PUIC Conference.

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