Speech of H.E. Alassane Bala Sakandé, Speaker of the Burkina Faso Parliament at the PUIC 16th Conference

Speech of H.E. Alassane Bala Sakandé, Speaker of the Burkina Faso Parliament at the PUIC 16th Conference

H.E. Mr. Sayouba Ouedraogo, Chairman of the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights at the National Assembly of Burkina Faso delivered the speech on behalf of the Speaker of the Assembly and President of the PUIC 15th Conference, H.E. Mr. Alassane Bala Sakandé, ISTANBUL- REPUBLIC OF TURKEY, 6 Jumadul Awwal, 1443H10 December, 2021

- H.E. the President of the Republic of Turkey;

- H.E. the Speaker of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey,

- Your Excellencies the Speakers of Parliaments, Shura Councils and Parliamentary Organizations,

- H.E. the PUIC Secretary General,

- Honorable Invitees,

- Brothers and Sisters,

Here we are meeting in-person at the 16th Session of the PUIC Conference, despite the world situation which is still affected by the pressure of the Covid-19 Pandemic, not only that, but also by the emergence of a new variant (Omicron) which is causing concern for humanity.

Allow me, on the occasion of coming up to the podium, to offer the warmest and most sincere congratulations to my dear colleague H.E. Mr. Mustafa Sentop, and also to all Turkish authorities who have succeeded in the contest for the actual convening of this Conference.

I, personally, and my delegation, offer to you ample thanks for the warm reception in this great metropolis, the city of Istanbul, whose cultural and historical heritage make it one of the most tourist destinations in the world.

I am speaking from this podium in my capacity as Speaker of the Grand National Assembly of Burkina Faso, as well as in my capacity as President of the 15th PUIC Conference.

- My Colleagues the Speakers,

My Presiding over the 15th PUIC Conference has coincided with the Covid-19 pandemic. Now my mission comes to an end under the same circumstances of the health crisis.

Hence the health and economic impact and the concomitant protective measures, such as closing the borders and travel banning have all resulted in the disturbance of the steering of our Union during this period.

In order to confront this new disturbing situation I made an appeal to our peoples affirming the necessity of:

Drawing up a well-controlled coordinated international approach among our states based on solidarity and the exchange of scientific experiences.

Mobilizing our resources in favour of our governments in order to coordinate and manage the best necessary health measures to protect our peoples against the difficulties relating to economic growth and protect employment.

Establishing close cooperation among our states in order to lessen the health and economic dangers caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.

It is regrettable to notice that under the shadow of the spreading of the pandemic, the obligation of solidarity, which is one of the principles on which our Union has been established, has been affected by rough individual dealings.

Thus during the race for manufacturing, buying or distributing vaccines, some states raced alone, leaving behind the less rich states exposed to the Covid-19 pandemic.

In the case of shortcomings relating to state borders, ethnicities, religions and natural resources, etc, we were unable to get rid of our individual inclinations or of our national selfishness.

We have to draw lessons from this, and realize that it is one of the most important pivots with which to measure our attachment to the values of solidarity and friendship.

In this respect, and on behalf of this Group, I express our sentiments of the utmost grief towards all the persons who have passed away due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

And for all women and men who have got the disease now or those who are affected by it psychologically, socially or economically, I express our sympathy and solidarity.

- August Parliamentarians,

- Ladies and Gentlemen,

As I have said before, the health condition during the past two years had the utmost impact on the activity of our Union.

This situation has not enabled me to implement my program which I have carefully drawn up when I assumed my mission which would have led me to visit the majority of the regions of the member states in the PUIC in order to make contacts with them bilaterally and multilaterally.

By the grace of Almighty Allah, the President of the 16th PUIC Conference is luckier than me, because science and medicine give real hopes as far as this pandemic is concerned.

In addition to the statements, appeals and virtual meetings, we have met in an emergency form in Iran following the grave Israeli- Palestinian crisis.

In the beginning of May 2021 we witnessed a deterioration in the situation in Gaza between Israel and Palestine. As a result of the renewal of the unprecedented violance our organization could not stand with folded arms.

Therefore, I avail myself of this opportunity to express my gratitude and warm thanks to the Islamic Parliament of the Islamic Republic of Iran, and through it to its august Speaker Mohammed Bagher Qlibaf for this noble initiative to invite and host an enlarged meeting of the members of the Palestine Committee which convened in-person in Tehran on 24 May, 2021, in spite of the international circumstance impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic.

This Meeting was held under an important motto, ie. “Using Diplomatic Mechanisms and Parliamentary Capabilities to support the oppressed Palestinian People, and the Immediate cessation of the Massacre and Genocide Carried out by the Zionist Entity”.

It is understood from this Motto that we ought to make dialogue and consultation overcome the language of arms in cases of conflicts.

- August Deputies,

- Ladies and Gentlemen,

The Secretary General Mr. Mouhamed Khouraichi Niass, has been informing me about his movements and the arrangements to organize this Conference by Turkey, as the conditions related to the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic did not allow the convening of the Conference at the beginning of the year, which was scheduled to be held in Tunisia.

Regrettably, in addition to the situation relevant to the covid-19 pandemic, and in spite of the good will of the Assembly of the People’s Representatives in Tunisia to host the 16th PUIC Conference, other special circumstances have precluded holding it on this date.

According to the order in practice, the African Group was to be followed by the Asian Group. Therefore, the Asian Parliaments were entitled to host the 16th Conference in 2021. However, the request of Tunisia to host the Conference, and the approval by the Asian Group, made the 15th Conference to approve the convening of the 16th PUIC Conference in Tunisia.

In the shadow of the deadlock which may have happened, the Grand National Assembly of Turkey expressed its readiness to host the 16th Conference on behalf of the Asian Group.

approved the proposal to hold the Conference in Turkey and that the 17th Conference to be convened in Tunisia.

- August Deputies,

- Ladies and Gentlemen,

concerning the theme of this Conference: “Sharing, Conscience and Islam: Palestine, Migration and Afghanistan” I would like to say, at the outset that I admire the first name of the theme, ie, “Sharing”. This is because the current global situation makes it incumbent on us to adopt new approaches to preserve the interests of the Islamic Ummah, through continuous dialogue and a strong cooperation among us.

The cause of Palestine and the cause of Afghanistan constitute one of our main concerns, and the modality of extending a quick support to the affected inhabitants.

- Your Excellencies the Speakers of Parliaments, Shura Councils and Parliamentary Organizations,

- Brothers and Sisters,

I would like before I conclude my speech to reiterate my appreciation of the PUIC Secretary General who was able, with all resolve, and despite the health circumstance through which we are living, to make the PUIC maintain its position and avoid lethargy.

I express to the women and men who work in the General Secretariat my appreciation and gratitude.

- H.E. the Speaker of the Great National Assembly of Turkey,

- Your Excellencies the Speakers of Parliaments, Shura Councils and Parliamentary Organizations,

This is the last time in which I address you in my capacity as President of the 15th Conference of our common organization, the PUIC, but shall address you in my capacity as a member of the Troika. I shall remain keen, as far as possible, on contact with my colleagues in order to be together to serve the PUIC in favour of the good of our peoples.

In view of the many challenges prevailing in our world, to which is added the problem of security to countries, like our country Burkina Faso, which suffers, like the states of the Sahel, from recurrent terrorist attacks, I hope that this 16th Conference, which has selected the Motto “Sharing, Conscience and Islam: Palestine, Migration and Afghanistan”, will contribute to durable solutions to problems from which the world suffers, especially peace in Palestine and Afghanistan, and in all the states of the PUIC Member Parliaments, including Burkina Faso.

Long live the PUIC.

May Allah the Almightily bless our States.

Thank you.

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