Ouagadougou Declaration

Ouagadougou Declaration

15th Session Of the PUIC Conference - OUAGADOUGOU – Burkina Faso - 27-30 JANUARY 2020

We, Speakers of Parliaments and Heads and Members of Delegations of the Parliaments of the OIC Member States, assembled at the 15th session of the Conference of the Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States (PUIC), held in Ouagadougou, Capital of Burkina Faso, on 3-4 Jumada Al-Thani 1441 H., corresponding to 29-30 January 2020;

  • Expressing our deep thanks and gratitude to His Excellency Mr. Roch Marc Christian KABORE, President of Burkina Faso, for having kindly placed this Conference under his High Patronage; thereby ensuring all conditions for the success of its proceedings which have been marked by a fruitful and high-quality debate on current global issues of concern to the Islamic world;
  • Reiterating our adherence to the founding principles of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), particularly the principles of non-interference in the internal affairs of other States, respect for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of States, and the peaceful settlement of conflicts by means of dialogue;
  • Reaffirming our determination to pursue our positive and efficient contribution to the development of the work of the United Nations and its specialized agencies, particularly for the establishment of world peace, regional security, and respect for human rights and state sovereignty;
  • Recalling the responsibility of the international community in settling the Middle-East Conflict, mainly by enabling the Palestinian people to enjoy all their legitimate rights and establish their independent State with Al-Quds as its capital, thereby providing the conditions for the return of the Palestinian refugees to their homeland in accordance with the relevant resolutions of the United Nations;
  • Underlining the need and the urgency for greater solidarity on the part of the international community toward the Sahel countries which are faced with unprecedented terrorism and insecurity;
  • Insisting on the importance of democracy and the rule of law in promoting development, and in safeguarding and ensuring respect for human rights;
  • Recalling the role of our Parliaments in meeting the genuine and legitimate aspirations of peoples, by strengthening their participation in the implementation of public policies;
  • Alarmed by the scale of the threat that extremism, terrorism, and fanaticism pose to the stability of our countries and to global peace and security, in addition to their negative impact of the image of the Islamic World;
  • Concerned over the humanitarian situation and the sufferings of large groups of citizens in numerous conflict-ridden zones in Islamic countries, as well as the sufferings endured by Muslims in many non-Islamic countries;
  • Aware of the global nature of the security issue and of the consequences of terrorism on the stability of our States, irrespective of their geographical location;
  1. AFFIRM our solidarity with the people of Burkina Faso and, through them, with all peoples of the Sahel countries confronted with terrorism, violent extremism, and insecurity;
  1. WELCOME the efforts deployed by the Governments of the Sahel countries, in particular Burkina Faso, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, and Chad, in the fight against terrorism, both individually and as part of joint mechanisms;
  1. CALL for stronger international solidarity and for more action toward these countries whose populations are enduring the adverse effects of terrorism, which undermines their process of development;
  1. REAFFIRM the central place of the Palestinian Cause in the concerns and advocacy action of our Union and of our countries and peoples; as well as our solidarity with the people of Palestine in their quest for their legitimate rights to establish an independent State with the city of Al-Quds as its capital, in accordance with the relevant resolutions of the United Nations;
  1. CONDEMN the settlement activities and the violations carried out by the occupation authorities against Islamic and Christian sites and against the inhabitants of Al-Quds, with the aim of altering the character and identity of this City;
  1. URGE the United Nations and its specialized agencies to provide the necessary protection for the Palestinian people as well as for the monuments and the architectural and cultural sites in the occupied territories; and also to lift the unjust blockade imposed on the Palestinian people;
  1. REITERATE our rejection of extremist thought and of terrorism targeting many Muslim and non-Muslim countries;
  1. CALL, in this regard, for tackling the deep roots of terrorism and for strengthening cooperation among the members of the international community in pursuit of this goal;
  1. CONDEMN the massacres and terrorist attacks perpetrated against the brotherly countries of G5-Sahel, Nigeria and other African countries, and CALL on the States of the PUIC Member Parliaments to support the affected populations.
  1. BANISH all forms of extremist and fanatical discourse, whatever their origin, and REJECT any conflation of terrorism with Islam and Muslims as well as its exploitation in orchestrated campaigns against Islam and Islamic civilization;
  1. REITERATE our commitment to contribute to international efforts to protect the environment and face the disastrous consequences of climate change on Man and the Planet, and on the future of Humankind;
  1. CALL FOR the rapid and effective implementation of the resolutions of the Conferences of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, notably the Conferences of Paris, Marrakech and Madrid, and UNDERLINE in particular the importance of supporting African countries vulnerable to large-scale climate change;
  1. SUPPORT the actions carried out by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) to accompany member States in the implementation of public policies, particularly as regards the issues of support to vulnerable groups, and ENCOURAGE the Organization to strengthen these actions in favor of weak countries;
  1. Call, in this respect, for establishing an Islamic solidarity fund, as soon as possible, in the framework of the PUIC, for supporting parliamentary initiatives of the member countries, especially parliaments of low- income states.
  1. REJECT Islamophobia discourse and all that can cause harm to our communities, including racist rhetoric and practices;
  1. EMPHASIZE the need to safeguard the dignity and rights of refugees and migrants from conflict zones, by allowing them access to basic services, including education and healthcare for children;
  1. EXPRESS our deep thanks and gratitude to the Parliament of Burkina Faso for the excellent working conditions, warm hospitality, and great attention extended to us on the soil of Burkina Faso.

Ouagadougou, January 30, 2020

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