El Malki: PUIC Rejects US Decision on the Syrian Arab Golan Heights

El Malki: PUIC Rejects US Decision on the Syrian Arab Golan Heights

Following the US Administration's initiative on the imperative of recognizing Israeli sovereignty on the 1967- occupied Syrian Arab Golan Heights which runs counter to the logic of history and geography, and contrary to what has been confirmed by relevant international conventions, treaties and resolutions;

The PUIC expresses its blatant rejection of this illegitimate steps, and calls on the US Administration to revise this decision which is illegal at the level of law, geography and well- founded historical facts. The PUIC also affirms that this initiative will only exacerbate unstability and tension of the regional and international situation.

The PUIC confirms what has been agreed by the international community, and what has been affirmed by the UN Security Council, immediately after the 5th of June war. The Security Council unanimously had adopted a resolution on the stance concerning the Arab territories which were controlled by Israel through military force. The Council’s resolution 242 confirmed its non-acceptance of controlling land through war”, and that “just and durable peace must be based on principles that include withdrawal of the Israeli forces from lands which were occupied during the recent conflict.”

This Resolution remained a major support for groups of successive talks and negotiations on the Arab- Israeli conflict.


              Dr. Habib El Malki
          PUIC President

           Rabat: 22 Rajab, 1440, Corresponding to 29 March, 2019  

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