Statement by Dr. Ahmed Fathi Sorour

President of the Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States (PUIC) and Speaker of the People's Assembly of Egypt on "The Heinous Israeli Aggression on Gaza Strip"
Appalled by the obnoxious Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip, which left behind scores of innocent victims, women, children and old people who exceeded 2000 in number, killed or wounded, not to mention the overarching devastation of the Strip's infrastructure, especially in the medical sector, which makes the humanitarian situation in Gaza quite unacceptable and draws immediate action for redress:


Statement By Dr. Ahmed Fathi Sorour
President of the Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States (PUIC) and Speaker of the People's Assembly of Egypt
on "The Heinous Israeli Aggression on Gaza Strip"

The President of the PUIC;
Appalled by the obnoxious Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip, which left behind scores of innocent victims, women, children and old people who exceeded 2000 in number, killed or wounded, not to mention the overarching devastation of the Strip's infrastructure, especially in the medical sector, which makes the humanitarian situation in Gaza quite unacceptable and draws immediate action for redress:
·                                      Cites all resolutions issued by previous PUIC Conferences in assertion of support to the right of the Palestinian people to resist the oppressive Israeli enemy until occupation is brought to an end and the independent Palestinian state established, with Al-Quds Al Sharif as its capital. The resolutions as well underpinned condemnation of Israel's suppressive practices against the Palestinian people in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, especially its persistence in building the racist separation wall and its unfair seize of Gaza in contravention of the simplest norms of humanity and international law.
·                                      Strongly condemns and renounces the hideous assault launched by the Israeli forces against Gaza Strip since early in the day on Saturday 27/12/2008 gunning down more than 2000 nationals, killed or wounded, in large numbers be they women, children and old people who blamelessly had their blood spilled, therefore considering this assault an anti-human crime – and not merely a war crime – that dictates calling its perpetrators to account and leaves much to be desired.
·                                      Appeals to Arab and Islamic countries to get together and rally around action in the face of aggression in order to deter Israel from taking it any further and to embark on necessary steps in this direction, lift the siege imposed on the Palestinian people in Gaza and assist in accessing supplies and emergency relief materials to the besieged population in the Strip; and calls on these countries to act within the framework of the UN to help achieve this goal.
·                                      Invokes the International Criminal Court to direct its attention to afflicted Gaza to consider anti-human crimes committed by Israeli leaders with their hands stained with the blood of Gaza's children, women and old people, which fairly summons accountability and punishment to bring them to court to stand trial before its magistrates and for those accomplices to reap the fruit of their heinous acts against the Palestinian people.
·                                      Pays tribute to the steadfastness, struggle and perseverance of the Palestinian people in the face of Israeli virulent attacks as well as flagrant violations of their legitimate rights to self-determination and resistance against ceaseless Israeli aggressions as represented in continued occupation and Gaza's siege; and further denounces blatant Israeli hostilities against the souls and properties of Palestinians.
·                                      Invites Fatah and Hamas brothers to return to intra-dialogue and respond to Arab mediation efforts, in their entirety, with a view to initiating a Palestinian national dialogue, giving effect to Mecca Accord, forming themselves into a Palestinian national unity government and elaborating a Palestinian national struggle-driven strategy with distinct and integrated targets and instruments intended to unify the Palestinian people to become their chief vehicle for the aspirations of the Palestinian people to come true with regard to the establishment of their independent state with Al-Quds Al Sharif as its capital.
·                                      Solicits Arab and Islamic countries to brush aside their differences,   stay clear of their apathy and dissonance, shun from defamation of Arab policies or pressing flawed charges against some Arab regimes, given that this is likely to create a state of agitation and discord among Arab and Islamic peoples that exclusively serves the interests of the Israeli enemy, and considering that unity, discard of disintegration and transcendence over disunity do account for the practical response to the malicious aggression by Israel on our sons in Gaza Strip with no deterrence of international legality, consciousness or legitimacy.
·                                      Calls on the international Quartet to perform tasks entrusted to it in respect of ending the Israeli occupation of all Palestinian and Arab territories occupied in 1967 including Al Quds Al Sharif and the establishment of the independent Palestinian state in accordance with relevant UN resolutions, the Arab Peace Initiative and the foundations of the peace process.

·                                     Expresses appreciation to Egypt's heroic and sustained role in support of the Palestinian people and its kept-up assistance despite the siege imposed on them; applauds its recent decision, upon the launch of the Israeli aggression, to open Rafah crossing to the wounded, to provide medical care in its hospitals and ensure emergency relief to help save their lives, as well as its welcome of any humanitarian relief materials supplied by any Arab or Islamic country to cater to the needs of brothers in Gaza.

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