Tehran Declaration Adopted by the 13th Session of the PUIC Conference

Tehran– Islamic Republic of Iran
28 - 29 Rabi ul Thani 1439
16 - 17 January 2018

We, heads and members of delegation of the Parliaments of the OIC Member States, participating in the 13th session of the Conference of the Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States, held in Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran, on 16 - 17 January, 2018, upon the kind invitation of the Islamic Parliament of the Islamic Republic of Iran, and having discussed the developments and challenges facing the Islamic world, which are included in the agenda of the session,

Stressing our commitment to materializing and achieving the PUIC objectives and principles which are considered, according to our conviction, an integral part of the process of achieving peace, democracy and stability in the Islamic world, as a prelude for the adequate involvement of the Islamic Ummah in building a developed, secure and stable world that ensures prosperity and happiness for all humanity;

Commending the active, prominent and influential role of the Union in addressing the important and vital issues of the international community, as it brings together Islamic parliaments and endeavors to conduct consultations and address the common affairs of Muslims and of humanity as a whole, on the basis of the sublime values of justice, democracy and beneficence for all, considering that legislative and consultative assemblies in our countries represent the popular identity and the independent and truthful voice of Muslim peoples in the context of achieving independence, justice and equality;

Reaffirming the fact that justice, peace, and security on the one hand, and sustainable development on the other, constitute two mutually-supportive pillars whose materialization, in a simultaneous, balanced and fair way, should rank first on national agendas and on the agendas of regional and international organizations;

Recognizing the importance of managing inter-state relations on the basis of respect for the principle of national sovereignty and common interests, as well as the firm rejection of any foreign interference, and the commitment of all countries to realize social justice, enhance mutual understanding, and develop balanced plans for economic growth, social development, and environment protection;

Underlining that the diversity of the traditions, cultures and beliefs of peoples constitutes a valuable factor to guarantee such noble values as freedom, justice, equality and tolerance;
Appreciating the enhancement of the culture for peace, dialogue, cultural diversity, justice and equality, the involvement of women and youth in local and international activities, as well as the guarantee for the respect and materialization of human rights principles;

EXTENDING our sincere congratulations to the Islamic Parliament of Iran and to the Iranian people on the successful organization of the 13th Conference of the Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States, especially to H.E. Dr. Ali Larijani, Speaker of the Islamic Parliament of Iran, on his presidency of the Conference;

We Declare as follows:
1-    Condemn terrorism as a belief, thought and practice; and urge our governments to develop their cooperation with a view to rooting out all forms and manifestations of terrorism, by drawing upon the expertise and experiences acquired in this regard.

2-    Welcome the recent great achievements in defeating Daesh in Iraq and Syria and appreciate all Islamic countries, in particular, the Islamic Republic of Iran who have played valuable and active role in this regard in coordination and cooperation with Iraqi and Syrian governments.

3-    Call for deepening dialogue among religions and Islamic schools of thought (Madhahib), combating intolerance and extremism, disseminating the true understanding of religion, and rejecting Takfir and the propensity for violence.

4-    Condemn and Denounce the racist comments occasionally made by the US President targeting colored peoples, and associating the Islamic religion with global terrorism; and note with deep concern that such a psychological state will fuel conflict and misunderstanding among peoples, religions and civilizations

5-    Condemn strongly the unilateral decision by the President of the US administration recognizing Al-Quds as the so-called capital of Zionist regime (Israel), and considers it as a threat to international peace and security and a blatant aggression on the inalienable rights of the Palestinian People, as well as a null and void measure that has provoked the sentiments of Muslims, Christians and the entire free people of the world.

6-    Extend our support and backing to the continuous struggle of the Palestinian people, and consider the resistance, in all its forms, as a legitimate right until the realization of the rights of the Palestinian people, primarily, the right to return and to establish the independent Palestinian State with Al-Quds as its capital.

7-    Call on the Inter- Parliamentary Union (IPU) to terminate the membership of the Knesset of the Israeli entity in the IPU, as a punishment for the aggression of the Zionist entity on international laws.

8-    Request the Members who are politically and economically connected to the Zionist entity to freeze these relations until the US Administration retracts its erroneous decision concerning the transfer of its embassy to Al Quds.

9-    Reject all US unilateral and extra-territorial laws and actions as well as judicial verdicts against other States especially PUIC members which are in contradiction to international law, United Nations Charter and violate sovereignty and independence of States;

10-    Express grave concern at the alarming deterioration of the humanitarian situation in Yemen; and insist on the need to focus on the political solution and facilitate for expediting the delivery of humanitarian aids to all the regions of Yemen.

11-    Condemn strongly all gross violations of human rights in the Rakhine State of Myanmar, including the loss of many innocent lives, and, particularly, the abhorrent practice of ethnic cleansing, and call on the Government of Myanmar to cease these violations with immediate effect and ensure full respect for the human rights and fundamental freedoms of all persons, without distinction of race or religion;

12-    Urge our States of  PUIC Member Parliaments to establish a new economic system built on Islamic solidarity, and support the setting up of a platform for enhancing economic, commercial, financial and banking relations, without distinction between  peoples, particularly among the peoples of the PUIC members, to achieve development and deepen regional and sub-regional cooperation, while providing equitable conditions for attaining the sought economic growth, increasing local production, raising the volume of inter-state exports, and consequently helping create productive job opportunities in national economies and accelerate the pace of economic progress towards combating poverty and meeting the other objectives enunciated in the SDGs document.

13-    Stress the need to resist all types of media campaigns targeting Islam and Muslims and express our serious concern over the manifestations of intolerance, discrimination and violence against Islam and Muslims in different areas of the world, as well as over the profiling and negative stereotyping of Islam and Muslims by associating them in international media with violence and terrorism.

Tehran, 17 January 2018

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