The 38th PUIC Executive Committee Meeting Defined the Date of 13th PUIC Conference

16 October 2017 -  PUIC Desk

In response to the kind invitation extended by H.E. the PUIC Secretary General, the 38th Meeting of the PUIC Executive Committee was held at the Headquarters of the PUIC General Secretariat, on 7- 8 October, 2017.
The Meeting was chaired by H.E. Mr. Issaka Sidibé, Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Mali and President of the 12th PUIC Conference.
The Session was attended by Members of Parliament of:  Algeria, Azerbaijan, Benin, Cameroon, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Mali, Mauritania, Mozambique, Pakistan, Senegal and Turkey.
The Meeting paid great attention to the conditions of the Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar, and decided to act effectively in this respect in order to alleviate their suffering and find ways to address their problems. To achieve this, the Meeting decided to contact the competent authorities in Myanmar aimed at familiarization with the conditions of the Rohingya. The Meeting also discussed the situation of their camps in Bangladesh. The delegates of the Parliaments of: Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Pakistan, expressed their wish to participate in any move to be taken in this regard.
The Meeting adopted the Report of Secretary General and also Draft Agendas of the Standing Specialized Committees, the Subsidiary Organs, the 20th Session of the PUIC General Committee and the 13th Session of the PUIC Conference.
The PUIC Executive Committee has approved the proposal of the Islamic Parliament of Iran to host the 13th PUIC Conference on 13 – 17 January, 2018 in Tehran.
The PUIC Executive Committee has adopted the DECLARATION of the 38th Meeting of the PUIC Executive Committee.

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