Adopted by The 9th Session of the PUIC Conference
"Islamic Parliaments, Solidarity, Progress, Justice"
Tehran – Islamic Republic of Iran
18 - 19 Rabi Thani 1435h
18 -19 February, 2014.
The Conference of the Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States, in its 9th Session, held in Tehran, the Islamic Republic of the Iran on 18 – 19 Rabi al-Thani, 1435 corresponding to 18-19 February, 2014,
Aware of the Islamic values with respect to Human rights, the prominent place of Mankind in Islam as vicegerent of Allah on earth and hence the great importance attached by Islamic thought to the promotion, encouragement and respect of human rights,
Keenly aware of the dignity and rights to which all human beings are entitled according to the Islamic Shari’a, and cognizant that all human rights derive from the dignity and worth inherent in the human person,
Referring to the objectives and principles of the PUIC Statue, and Recalling all relevant PUIC resolutions on human rights,
Recalling resolution No. 34/40 of the 40th session of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) on “Designating 5th of August of every year as the “Islamic Human rights and Human Dignity day”,
Reaffirming the civilizing and historical role of the Islamic Ummah which God made the best nation that has given mankind a universal and well-balanced civilization in which harmony is established between this life and the hereafter;
Aware of the prevailing international circumstances and the necessity of strengthening the active cooperation and coordination among PUIC Members for exploring ways and means to disseminate, promote and preserve the Islamic teachings and values in the field of human rights.
Protect and defend the true image of Islam, to combat defamation of Islam as well as encourage dialogue among civilizations and religions through, inter alia, selection of one day every year to be known as the “Islamic Human rights Day” in which an opportunity is provided for the Islamic Ummah to further introduce Islamic human rights to the international community and to reflect upon the Muslim human rights challenges in the world today,
1. Welcomes the decision of the OIC to designating the 5th of August of every year, as the “Islamic Human rights and Human Dignity Day”;
2. Requests the PUIC Parliaments to support the decision of the OIC in this regard, and to pass necessary legislations in order to assist their respective governments to effectively implement the resolution.
The Conference of the Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States, in its 9th Session, held in Tehran – Islamic Republic of Iran on 18 – 19 Rabi ul Thani, 1435 corresponding to 18 - 19 February, 2014,
Guided by the noble teachings of Islam which enjoin the Muslim peoples to safeguard the bounties that Allah has granted them on earth,
Recalling all relevant Draft Resolutions adopted by the Islamic Summits and Islamic Conferences of Foreign Ministers, especially Resolution NO.19/40-P concerning the Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam;
Being aware of the universality and nature of Islamic values which are indivisible as regards human rights, the outstanding position of Man in Islam, considered as God’s vicegerent on Earth, and consequently of the importance accorded by Islamic thought to strengthening, encouraging and respecting human rights;
Convinced that there is an urgent need for further exploring ways and means to strengthen and protect human rights;
Considering the role that education plays in the exercise of democracy and that the popularization of human rights in compliance with Islamic legislation (sharia) are part and parcel of the right to education and training, both being the tool for society and the nation to prepare good citizens and empower them for future leadership;
Emphasizing that awareness of the people of their rights is considered as one of their natural rights based on their right to education provided for by international conventions, based on the belief, culture and needs of the nation in such a way as to achieve harmonization of thought, objective, methodology and the means to ensure the respect of human rights and protect the freedom of thought and expression and the effective participation of citizens in building society all in compliance with the precepts of the Islamic Shari’a;
- Recommends PUIC Members Parliaments the necessity of teaching a special course on human rights and democratic principles in light of the Islamic shari’a,
1.1 Urges the protection of the culture of human rights and respect for its universal values, while recognizing the right of every human being to the preservation of the specific features of his cultural identity;
1.2 Gives attention to the principles upon which the culture of human rights is based and rejection of hegemony of the single culture model.
- Affirms the need to, where appropriate, amend national laws, systems and legislations to achieve democracy and protect human rights and freedom of opinion and expression in accordance with the provisions of the Islamic shari’a;
- Strongly rejects and condemns politicization, selectivity and discrimination in addressing issues related to human rights at the regional and international levels;
- Rejects the attempts to use the issue of human rights in order to throw doubt on the principles and fundamentals of Islamic Sharia, and to intervene in the internal affairs of Muslim States;
- Express support with the Palestinian detainees in the Israeli occupation jails, including members of the Palestinian National Council, which constitutes a blatant violation of human rights;
- Strongly condemns violence committed against women and children in Mali by armed gangs under the name of Islam and calls upon the international community to intervene to put an end to horrible atrocities before it is too late.
- Confirms the utmost importance of the national, regional, cultural and religious specificities in defining the rules and criteria relevant to human rights;
- Strongly rejects the repeated and widespread association of Islam and Moslems with terrorism and violation of human rights, which has led to the intensification of Islamophobia as well as the increase of prejudice and discrimination against Moslems in all parts of the world.
- Calls for enacting national laws condemning takfir fatwas and justifying the killing of others under Islamic pretexts. Condemns attempts to exploit the name of Islam to practice violence, terrorism and inciting sectarian schism among Muslims. Calls for intensifying cooperation and coordination among Islamic States in order to combat this phenomenon.
- Stresses the responsibility of all governments to ensure total respect for Islam and other divine religions and to prohibit the media from taking the freedom of expression as an excuse to defame these religions.
- Calls on all member Parliaments to carry out their obligations in giving top priority to human rights.
- Calls for setting up an independent standing body tasked with the promotion of human rights provided for by the Islamic Charter for Human Rights.
- Urges Islamic organizations to cooperate with international and regional organizations to ensure human rights of Muslim minorities living in some non-OIC countries.
- Calls for serious quest to expand the scope of political participation, ensure equality, social justice and civil liberties, and promote transparency and accountability in addition to eradicating corruption in the States of PUIC member Parliaments.
- Urges the States of the PUIC Member Parliaments to cooperate and coordinate among their representatives in international and regional fora concerned with human rights issues aimed at projecting and holding high Islamic values related to human rights as well as standing against attempts of politicization and discrimination in dealing with these issues, and imposing the hegemony of the single model.
- Calls on the media in States of the PUIC Member Parliaments and outside to scrutinize and seek facts when covering political events and not to project a sectarian image of these events.
The Conference of the Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States, in its 9th Session, held in Tehran – Islamic Republic of Iran on 18 – 19 Rabi ul Thani, 1435 corresponding to 18 - 19 February, 2014,
Recalling PUIC Resolution No.3-WSC/7-CONF on Enhancing the Role of Women in all development aspects in PUIC Member States to Strengthen Democracy which adopted during the 7th Session of PUIC Conference in Indonesia;
Recalling all the outcomes of the OIC Ministerial Conference on the Role of Women in Development held in Istanbul, Turkey, 20-21 November 2006, Cairo, Egypt, 24-25 November 2008, Tehran, Iran, 19-21 November 2010, and Jakarta, Indonesia, 4-6 December 2012;
Recognizing that to enhance the role of women in PUIC Member States is required to pursue sustainable development;
Recognizing also that the involvement of women in politics, social, and economic in PUIC Member States has been strengthened in the recent years and should be continued;
Acknowledging the role of women in alleviating poverty and distributing welfare; and recalls pioneer woman models.
Stressing the need for taking due care of women according to the necessary fundamentals and granting them full rights as guided by the teaching of Islam as derived from the Holy Quran: “And Among his signs is this, that He created for you mates from among yourselves, that you may dwell in tranquility with them, and He has put love and mercy between your (hearts)”. And that male and female believers are the supporters of each-other. They enjoin good and prohibit bad thing.
- Urges PUIC Member Parliaments to promote gender mainstreaming as a key strategy for achieving gender equality and women empowerment in all development aspects including in economic, cultural, social, and political;
- Requests PUIC Member Parliaments to increase the level of women representation in the decision making bodies through application of appropriate and effective measures, including inter alia quota system, as a first step to empower women in decision-making positions,
- Calls upon PUIC Member Parliaments to ensure the protection of the rights of women and girl child as well as the elimination of all forms of violence and discriminations against women and girl child through the adoption of appropriate national laws and legislations;
- Encourages PUIC Member Countries to promote people-centered sustainable development, including sustained economic growth, through the provision of basic education, lifelong education, literacy and training, and primary healthcare for women and girls;
- Encourages PUIC Member Parliaments to strictly monitor the implementation of the protection of the rights of women and girl child policies in their respective countries;
- Requests countries of the PUIC Member Parliaments to support measures in eradicating poverty by ensuring women’s equal access to full employment and decent work, among other, through the consideration of measures to remove structural and legal barriers, and to provide women with the economic opportunity for economic empowerment to be self-sufficient;
- Requests also PUIC Member Parliaments to enact necessary legislations to ensure that all women could enjoy equal access to economic resources, including access to land, to productive resources, to micro credit and finance, and enhancing technological and medical capacities of women in order to improve their skills through training programs;
- Encourages PUIC Member Parliaments to ensure the implementation of PUIC Resolution No.3-WSC/7-CONF and submit country progress report on women empowerment during the annual PUIC Conferences;
- Requests PUIC Member Parliaments to support the implementation of all the outcome documents of the OIC Ministerial Conferences on the Role of Women in Development, inter alia the OIC Plan of Action for the Advancement of Women (OPAAW); the Mechanism for the Implementation of the OPAAW; Tehran Declaration on Women, Family and Economy; and the Jakarta Declaration on Strengthening Women’s Participation and Roles in Economic Development in OIC Member States;
- Calls upon PUIC Member Parliaments to ensure allocation of sufficient budget to implement strategy and policy for achieving gender equality and women empowerment in all development aspects.
- Requests the Member Parliaments to urge their respective governments and their specialize organs to exchange their experiences as regards the effective role which women play in the development of their countries specially addressing negative aspects resulting from areas of conflicts and natural disasters and for their support of peace efforts.
- Calls for the economic, cultural and political empowerment of women, and involving them in decision making centers.
- Requests supporting Palestinian women, especially Maghdesi women who are holding fast in Al-Quds, and who are suffering oppression and persecution by settlers who aim at uprooting people from their land and above their sacred places.
- Commends the governments and Member Parliaments, which have taken important steps on enhancing the position and role of women in the various development aspects.
The Conference of the Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States, in its 9th Session, held in Tehran – Islamic Republic of Iran on 18 – 19 Rabi ul Thani, 1435 corresponding to 18 - 19 February, 2014,
Re-emphasizing that Islam firmly establishes dignity and the freedom of man from all forms of utilization and humiliation. The Holy Quran in Al Israa 70 says "Verily We have honoured the children of Adam. We carry them on the lands and the sea, and have made provisions of good things for them, and have preferred them above many of those whom we created with a marked preferment"
Also emphasizing that |Islam has dedicated many provisions to women in such a way as to preserve their rights and protect their chastity and their human dignity,
Drawing attention to the increase of the phenomenon of exploiting women in commodity promotion through trade advertisement which is considered a violation of the human rights of women and violence directed against them through humiliating their purity, dignity and humanity
- Requests the OIC Member States to take all measures to halt this targeting which is considered as violence against women and violation of their dignity and rights,
- Calls on the states of the Islamic World to create mechanisms that prevent the exploitation and abuse of the dignity of women.
The Conference of the Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States, in its 9th Session, held in Tehran – Islamic Republic of Iran on – 18 – 19 Rabi ul Thani, 1435 corresponding to 18 - 19 February, 2014,
Re-emphasizing that the Islamic view of the participation of women is based on the conception of succession which qualifies her to carry out her various obligations, whether at the level of family or the nation, just like the man because they share in the mandate and succession and their submission to the normal practices,
Stressing that Islamic thought views the humanness of women and man with one perspective as regards the issue of development and responsibility and calls both of them to create the movement of Islamic civilization in the life of peoples,
Referring to the growing role which women play in all aspects of life and the resulting gains and achievements as well as the positive results which they have achieved and which necessitate change in the lives of people and development of Muslim communities,
Referring to the fact that states hostile to Islam still take the issues of Muslim women as a gate way for vilifying Islam,
Observing the weakness of the participation of women in the delegations to the PUIC Conferences and the reflection of weakness in addressing issues and decisions that are of concern to women;
- Requests all the Member Parliaments to represent women parliamentarians in the formation of the delegations participation in PUIC Conferences and standing committees at the rate of not less than 30%.
The Conference of the Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States, in its 9th Session, held in Tehran – Islamic Republic of Iran on – 18 – 19 Rabi ul Thani, 1435 corresponding to 18 - 19 February, 2014,
Recalling the resolutions of the Islamic Summit Conferences and the Third Extraordinary Session of the Islamic Summit Conference, the 35th Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers, the 5th Session of the Islamic conference of the Ministers of Culture and the 8th Session of the Islamic Standing Committee for information and Cultural Affairs (COMIAC) on youth qualification and care in the Islamic World;
Referring to the danger posed by some programmes which are beamed by some audio-visual media, electronic websites and some satellite channels, considered as an easy access for changing Islamic behaviour and identity of youth;
Emphasizing the role of youth in the Islamic World in promoting dialogue among civilizations, cultures and religions, including highlighting the true image of Islam and in the dissemination of its eternal values and principles which call for moderation, dialogue, tolerance and the respect of the others;
1. Urges States in the PUIC Member Parliaments to pay attention to raise the awareness of youth through objective information which advocates enlightened Islamic values and principles by enacting laws to protect children and youth from dangers engendered by negative programs.
2. Urges also the States of the PUIC Member Parliaments to pay attention to education for all and establish research centers devoted to the issues of Muslim youth in order to prepare them to confront the negative impacts of globalization, and in such a way as to preserve their Islamic identity.
3. Calls on the Member Parliaments and their governments to ensure participation of youth in their political agenda and to boost the efforts aimed at realizing appropriate representation and participation of youth in decision making.
4. Urges the Member Parliaments and their governments to expeditiously and conclusively confront the phenomenon of the spread of narcotics among some youth which negatively and dangerously affect their mental and physical abilities, as well as address the moral and economic destruction caused by this despicable phenomenon.
5. Calls on the PUIC Parliaments and their governments to tackle the phenomenon of youth unemployment, as it is the root cause of all evils, by drawing up executive programs and taking capacity building measures, in addition to executing employment projects.
6. Calls for youth to be brought up under paternal and state supervision in addition to enacting laws and legislations to protect them.
7. Urges for efforts to develop youth capacity and encourage them to creation and innovation to avert perversion or idleness.
8. Praises the governments of PUIC Member Parliaments which have taken important steps on youth care and protection.
The Conference of the Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States, in its 9th Session, held in Tehran – Islamic Republic of Iran on – 18 – 19 Rabi ul Thani, 1435 corresponding to 18 - 19 February, 2014,
Recalling the position granted by Islam to the sons and made them part of our own blood, and the Prophet (PBUH) encourages us to choose for the child his mother, genealogy and name;
Recalling the provisions of the Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam which stress the importance of the rights of the child in Islam;
Stressing the importance of solidarity among Islamic States on all issues relating to children and their welfare;
Welcoming the Rabat Declaration on the issue of children in the Islamic World, adopted by the 1st Islamic Conference of Ministers in charge of Children's affairs, which was held in Rabat on 7-9 November, 2005, and appealing for its implementation, and the conclusions of the 2nd Islamic Conference of Ministers in Charge of Children’s Affairs, held in Khartoum, Sudan from 2 – 4 February, 2009.
- Requests Member Parliaments to urge their governments to disseminate Islamic values relevant to family, women and children, through the media, and to project the radiant image of Islam in improving child condition in the Islamic World,
- Commends the role of UNICEF in improving child conditions in the Islamic Worlds and hails the distinctive, fruitful and continuous cooperation between the specialized organization in the Islamic Worlds and UNICEF for the benefit of the child's survival, protection and development in the States of the Member Parliament.
- Requests on the Member Parliaments to work with their governments to provide good and free basic education for all children.
- Calls for establishing an Islamic organization concerned with child education and care.
- Calls on the PUIC Member Parliaments to urge their respective governments to act, with the assistance of the International community and civil society organizations, to improve the conditions of children, especially those who live under difficult circumstances and who live in regions under occupation, violent disputes, natural disasters, famine areas in East Africa, and the African Sahel, and children who suffer from the impacts of siege and the economic sanctions imposed on their countries, as well as refugee and displaced children, by providing their maternal and moral needs, and paying attention to their education and helping in the process of their rehabilitation into normal life.
- Calls anew on Member Parliaments to enact the necessary legislations which criminalize trafficking in children to use them as human spare parts, ensure that they are not sexually abused, in addition to handing down the most severe punishment on perpetrators of such crimes and banning minor’s marriage.
- Calls for creating appropriate mechanisms to protect children, and observe their special position as regards the stages of investigation, interrogation and trial in cases relating to physical or sexual violence;
- Calls again on the Member Parliaments to sign international agreements on banning trafficking in children or pushing them to work at an early age.
- Urges the Member States to sign and ratify the OIC Convention on the Rights of the Child in Islam, the UN Declaration on the Rights of Children and the attached optional protocols.
- Urges for drawing up a document on the Muslim child, and presenting it to the UN Committees to act as a guiding reference when dealing with Muslim children.
- Calls for judicial prosecution of Israeli authorities for their abuse of children including jailing and torturing them physically and psychologically.
- Calls again on the Member Parliaments to urge their governments to provide obligatory health insurance services for children.
- Commends the governments of the august Member Parliaments who have made laws and important decisions on child care and protection in the Islamic World.
The Conference of the Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States, in its 9th Session, held in Tehran, the Islamic Republic of Iran on 14-19 Rabi al thani, 1435 corresponding to 14-19 February, 2014;
Recalling the resolution 1/41ICHM on the OIC Strategic Health Programme of Action (2014-2023) and strengthening health cooperation and resolutions adopted by the Islamic conferences of Health Ministers held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 12-15 June 2007; Tehran, Iran, 1-4 March 2009; Astana, Kazakhstan, 29 september-1 October 2001 and Jakarta, Indonesia 22-24 October 2013 respectively,
Recognizing efforts undertaken by PUIC Member Parliaments in implementing resolutions of Islamic Conference of Health Ministers,
Recalling that achieving health related development goals including those identified in the MDG’s is essential to socio-economic development,
Concerned by the relatively slow progress in achieving MDG’s health related goals and mindful that special consideration should be given by Islamic parliamentarians to the situation of the poorest in their respective countries,
Noting with deep concern the rising number of morbidity and mortality among the Islamic countries due to communicable and non-communicable diseases,
Convinced that global health challenges require concerted and sustained efforts to promote a global policy environment supportive of global health and sustainable development,
Reaffirming the right of every human being to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health, without distinction as to race, religion, political belief, economic or social condition, and the right of everyone to a standard of living adequate for the health and wellbeing of oneself and one’s family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond one’s control,
Recognizing that many in the Islamic world lack access to quality, safe, efficacious and affordable medicines and that such access is an important part of a health system,
Noting with particular concern that for millions of Muslims the right to the enjoyment of the highest standards of health is becoming increasingly remote,
- Recognizes supportive role of the parliamentarians in strengthening basic health systems at a national level and promoting respective cooperation among Member States;
- Urges PUIC Member Parliaments to give high priority to health related issues in the formulation of their national legislations, including through allocation of adequate human and financial resources;
- Affirms the importance of immunization as one of the most cost-effective interventions in public health, and requests Member States to contain immunization as a core component of their health policies;
- Reaffirms the importance of primary health care and social protection mechanism, and calls on Member States to provide access to health services for all, in particular the poorest segments of the population. In this regard, requests Member Parliaments to share their experience and best practices for the means of strengthening health care networks.
- Requests Member Parliaments, in coordination with their governments, to promote, establish or support and strengthen national multi-sectorial policies and plans for the prevention and control of communicable and non-communicable diseases, and to take steps to implement such policies and plans;
- Urges the Member Parliaments to take necessary steps, in coordination with their governments and in partnership with other inter-parliamentary organizations, to implement this resolution.
- Urges the PUIC Member Parliaments to extend assistance in the field of health to needy states, especially the Palestinian occupied territories and refugee camps, such as health clinics, health centers, and sending health teams, equipment and medicines to these states.
- Calls on doctors and their professional organizations (trade unions, unions and societies) in the States of Member Parliaments to hold joint meetings in order to energize cooperation and exchanging experiences to serve the causes of the Islamic Ummah in the health field.
The Conference of the Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States, in its 9th Session, held in Tehran, the Islamic Republic of Iran on 14-19 Rabi al thani, 1435 corresponding to 14-19 February, 2014;
Fully believing that “Khitan” (male circumcision) is an elementary religious duty for Muslims and Jews arising from tradition, religious practice and text,
Reaffirming that freedom of religion is a fundamental human right,
Guided by the “Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Intolerance and of Discrimination Based on Religion or Belief of the United Nations General Assembly” the parents or, as the case may be, the legal guardians of the child have the right to organize the life within the family in accordance with their religion or belief and bearing in mind the moral education in which they believe the child should be brought up,
Noting with deep concern the presupposition, there is a significant conflict between the rights and the best interest of the child and the rights and religious freedoms of parents and families,
Deeply convinced that the parental rights are based on the idea that usually the parents take into consideration their child's best interest more than any other person or institution,
Underlining that the male circumcision and female genital mutilation are not comparable,
Recalling the widely accepted medical benefits of male circumcision,
Referring to the American Association of Pediatrics statement dated 27 August 2012 on new born male circumcision remarking that the health benefits of new born male circumcision outweigh the risks and final decision should be left to parents in the context of their religious, ethical and cultural beliefs,
Referring to the Joint Strategic Action Framework to Accelerate the Scale-Up of Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision for HIV Prevention in Eastern and Southern Africa remarking that male circumcision is critically important to reduce the future burden of HIV in eastern and southern Africa,
Also referring to the related evaluations made by World Health Organization,
Bearing in mind that there is strong and enough evidence in the literature supporting the benefits of male circumcision and preventive effects of male circumcision should not be underestimated,
Remarking that male circumcision is not definitely harmful for children under standardized conditions,
Recalling that restricting male circumcision will increase the number of adverse operations due to unlawful operations rather than preventing children from potential complications,
Also remarking that asking parents to delay the circumcision until a certain age will increase the surgical complications risk and economic costs besides decreasing preventive effects of male circumcision,
Highlighting that restricting male circumcision will only increase the gap among countries, peoples, cultures and religion,
Deeply regretting the unnecessary and offensive questioning of people’s religious practices,
- Expresses that male circumcision is an integral and indispensable part of religious ritual and it is in the child’s best interests to be brought up in accordance with the fundamental tenets and beliefs of his religion,
- Condemns the adoption of Resolution 1952 (2013) and Recommendation 2023 (2013) by Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, which can be considered as a milestone of banning the male circumcision recently,
- Calls upon the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe to reconsider and modify its approach to the male circumcision broadly practiced in the world,
- Welcomes the amendment of the German Civil Law by the German Parliament allowing the male circumcision of infants, after a court in Germany put the practice into question,
- Emphasizes that religious values and practices should not be put into debate at political platforms,
- Underlines the importance of that male circumcision shall be carried out under hygienic conditions by medical doctors.
The Conference of the Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States, in its 9th Session, held in Tehran – Islamic Republic of Iran on – 18 – 19 Rabi ul Thani, 1435 corresponding to 18 - 19 February, 2014,
Reaffirming that the right of custody is a superior and sacred basic human right that gives right to parents to have a close relationship with their children,
Recalling that the Article 8 “Right to respect private and family life” of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms regulating everybody’s private and family life must be respected,
Underlining that children are taken away from their families for very simple and trivial reasons,
Emphasizing that thousands of children are, especially in Germany and Netherlands, taken away from their parents, and given to children’s shelter or to families with no similar cultural backgrounds,
Reminding that the youth care agency experts negatively evaluate certain attitudes and behaviors that occur between parents and children due to the fact that the youth care agency experts lack the knowledge on the culture of immigrant families or are distant to that culture,
Reminding also that some attitudes and behaviors that are only meant as jokes are assessed as sexual harassment,
Observing that there have been cases where such points were not taken into consideration, even in situations where there are close relatives who could take the custody of the children,
Remarking that both the foster family and the youth care agencies are primarily obliged to prepare for the child an environment in accordance with all his/her cultural and social living conditions including religion that he/she had been experiencing within his real family and to provide the child with all the values that are important to his/her family.
Deeply concerned that foster families and youth care agencies have not been adequately providing the necessary opportunities and facilities regarding children’s development and care as per these provisions,
Reminding the report published by the European Parliament Petition Committee in the beginning of 2009 which stated, “The right of custody of the children who were taken away from immigrant families are rapidly taken away from their families and given to German families. Precautions are taken for the prevention of taking these children outside of the country. These children who were given to German families or put in to the Youth Care Agency Home are prevented from practicing their own language and culture”,
Reaffirming the conclusion of the European Court of Human Rights in the Case of Gorgulu v. Germany that it is a violation of human rights to divorce a child from his/her roots by giving his/her up for adoption to a German family, and that it could be possible only under extraordinary situations,
Alarmed by the fact that the custody of Nurgul Azeroglu’s children were given to a (homosexual) Dutch family in 2004 because she dropped her youngest son from the stairs when he was 6 months old,
- Invites the PUIC Member Parliaments through their respective legislative mechanism to monitor the implementation of actions taken by European Union governments regarding custody policies for the benefit of the Muslim youth,
- Expresses its hopes that the main goal of the youth care agencies in Europe should be towards preserving the unity of the family,
- Calls for the respective European Union Member States, in the event of taking the child away from the family, to give him/her to the closest relatives or families whose culture and life style are closer to the child,
- Demands the Member Parliaments of PUIC to raise the awareness of the families against the implementations of the youth agencies and about their rights and responsibilities,
- Draws the attention to the fact that there is a very small number of experts among the ones hired by the youth care agencies with an immigrant origin,
- Draws the attention also to the failure of the youth care agencies to provide immigrant families with sufficient legal and financial support in the resolution of the problems between the parents and children,
- Invites PUIC Member Parliaments to play an influencing and encouraging role to their communities, living in Europe, to become foster families for especially Muslim youth.