PUIC President Calls for Solidarity with Rohingya Muslims

8 August 2012  PUIC Desk 

H.E. Speaker of the House of Representatives of Indonesia and the President of the PUIC Conference, Dr. Marzuki Alie, expressed his great concern about the escalation of violence against the Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar. He stated that such violence includes killing, arson, rape, expulsion and dispersion of Muslims.
He also stated that these acts have been going on for more than three decades, and that violate international legal instruments particularly those relating to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the UN Convention on Statelessness.
His Excellency expressed his strong condemnation and denunciation about the recent repression targeting the Rohingya Muslims.
In his letter to the PUIC Secretary General, Dr. Marzuki Alie urged, in his capacity as PUIC President, all Member Parliaments to shoulder, their duties and responsibilities and show solidarity with the brothers the Rohingya Muslims.