Final Report of the First Meeting of the Standing Committee on Palestine

2 – 3 JUNE, 2012

1-    With the recitation of the verses from the Holy Quran, and upon a kind invitation extended by the Grand National Assembly of Turkey, the First Meeting of the Standing Parliamentary Committee on Palestine, which was constituted by a resolution adopted by the 7th Session of the PUIC Conference, held in Palembang, Republic of Indonesia, on 30-31 January 2012, was held in Istanbul, Republic of Turkey on 2 – 3 June, 2012.

2-    At the beginning of the Session H.E. the PUIC Secretary General delivered a welcoming speech in which he thanked the Grand National Assembly of Turkey for hosting the meeting.  He stressed that the cause of Palestine shall continue to constitute a priority concern to the Member Parliaments until the realization of the legitimate and inalienable rights of the Palestinian people to liberation and the establishment of their independent State with Al Quds Al Sharif as its capital.

3-    H.E. Dr. Emrullah IṢLER, Head of the Turkish delegation to the PUIC, welcomed, on his own behalf and on behalf of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey, Their Excellencies Members of the Committee. He emphasized the support and attention paid by the Turkish Assembly to the cause of Palestine and called upon Muslim Parliaments and peoples to intensify their efforts towards the Palestinian people in order to achieve a just, comprehensive and durable solution to the Palestinian issue which he characterized as the core of conflict in the Middle East.  He stated that Palestinians are not alone in their struggle, and that we do not accept what they are suffering such as injustice and usurpation of their rights in terms of settlement, blockade, detention and confiscation of land.

4-    The Meeting was attended by delegates from the following Member Parliaments of the committee (List is in annex 1).

5.    H.E. Dr. Emrullah IṢLER, Head of the Turkish delegation to the PUIC was elected Chairman of the Committee.  Their Excellencies Head of the Palestinian delegation and Head of the delegation of Burkina Faso were elected as Vice Chairmen.  H.E. Mr. Ahmed Hajji, Head of the Moroccan delegation was elected as Rapporteur.

6.    The Meeting was considered as a constituent meeting and hence it examined and discussed its Rules of Procedure which have been prepared by the PUIC General Secretariat as per the mandate of the PUIC Conference.

7.    The following subjects included in the Agenda were discussed:-
-    Recent developments in the Palestinian arena;
-    Al-Quds Al-Sharif;
-    Israeli settlements in Palestinian territories;
-    The unjust blockade imposed on the Palestinians, especially in Gaza Strip.
-    Palestinian detainees in Israeli jails.

Speeches and interventions made by the delegations contained their views and proposals concerning the subjects included in the Agenda.  In general they concluded with the following recommendations:-

1-    Confirming all the resolutions adopted by PUIC Conferences, the General Committee as well as international and regional organizations which stresses support to the just Palestine cause. Acting to submit proposals to the Member Parliaments to implement the resolutions adopt, and to take the necessary steps vis-à-vis developments, in the context of the terms of reference of the Committee.

2-    Extending firm support and full solidarity with the brotherly Palestinian people and adhering to the solid principle positions based on international law and justice.

3-    Expressing strong support for the efforts to promote international recognition of the State of Palestine and urging the States that have not yet done so, to recognize the State of Palestine as soon as possible.

The Committee in this regard, welcomed the application submitted by President Mahmoud Abbas to the United Nations Security Council on 23 September 2011 for the recognition of the State of Palestine as a full-fledged Member State in the United Nations based on the pre-1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital in accordance with the relevant resolutions of international legitimacy, in particular UNGA resolution (181) of November 1947. The Committee also welcomed the success of Palestine in gaining full membership in the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and called upon all countries, particularly the members of the UN Security Council, to take into account the meaningful message given by the international community through Palestine’s UNESCO membership.

4-    Affirming that Al-Quds Al-Sharif is at the centre of the question of Palestine, which is the core of the Arab-Israeli conflict, and emphasizing the vital importance of the cause of Al-Quds Al-Sharif for the whole Muslim world, and the need to preserve its Islamic character and multi-cultural identity and to protect the sanctity of Islamic and Christian holy places therein, as well as to resist its judaization. Also calling on the international community to obligate Israel to implement the resolutions of the international legitimacy and to desist once and for all from building settlements, demolish houses, deport Palestinians or close Palestinian institutions.

5-    Strongly rejecting Israel’s plan to proclaim the occupied city of Al-Quds as the capital city of Israel and the Jewish people, and stressing the declaration made by the PUIC Conference that Al-Quds city is the spiritual capital of Arabs and Muslims as well as the eternal capital of the State of Palestine.

6-    Extending material assistance and in kind to the Maghdesi Palestinians, especially in the field of education and health, to enable them to maintain their steadfastness and rebuild their homes, and also extending parallel assistance to States in which there are Palestinian refugees.

7-    Calling upon the international community, in particular, the UN Security Council to exert all its efforts for halting the Israeli illegal settlement activities in the occupied Palestinian territories of 1967, including confiscation of land, demolition of houses, building the separation wall, stealing of water and restrictions on residency and movement, and for implementing the relevant UN security Council resolutions 465 (1980) and 497(1981) in particular.

8-    Demanding the lifting of the unjust blockade imposed on Gaza Strip which constitutes collective punishment, contrary to international laws and conventions, completely and comprehensively, on land, sea, and air, aimed at putting an end to the dire human and social conditions resulting from the blockade, including poverty, unemployment and decadent health conditions. Also calling for facilitating the visit to be paid by Speakers of Member Parliaments to Gaza Strip in order to evaluate conditions therein and extend necessary assistance.

9-    Stressing its strong condemnation of the brutal attack of Israel on the international humanitarian assistance Flotilla which was heading for Gaza on 21 May, 2010 such attack constituted a blatant  violations of international law,  and calling for ensuring accountability for this heinous attack and urging for immediate follow-up action on the findings of the International Fact-Finding Mission; and reiterating its solidarity with the families of the victims of this attack, as well as strongly condemning Israel’s failure to honor its obligations to Turkey under international law.

10-    Strongly condemns all types and forms of detention, including administrative detentions which Israeli occupation authorities practise against the Palestinians.
11-        Commending the steadfastness and endurance of the Palestinian detainees displayed for improving the inhuman conditions prevailing in Israeli prisons, and demanding immediate release of all the detainees, in particular Dr. Aziz Al Duwaik, Speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council and the members of the Council.  Demanding also facilitating access of international organizations concerned with Palestinian detainees in Israeli prisons for proper inspection of their conditions and reporting thereon.
12-    Expressing appreciation for Palestinian, Egyptian and Qatari efforts for advancing Palestinian national reconciliation, and urging Palestinian factions to continue acting with the spirit of unity and solidarity in order to realize Palestinian national unity in practical implementation of the Reconciliation Agreement of 8 May 2011, and the Doha Declaration of 5 February 2012, and calling on the international community to adopt a constructive approach in support of Palestinian unity.

13-    Affirming that a just solution to the question of Palestine, the core issue in the Middle East conflict, is essential for the establishment of a comprehensive and lasting peace in the Middle East region.  Reaffirming in this regard its support for the establishment of an independent, sovereign and viable State of Palestine within pre-1967 borders with Al Quds Al Sharif as its capital, in accordance with the relevant UN Resolutions and the realization of justice and the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people

14-    Stressing the energizing of parliamentary diplomacy by making contacts and consultations with groups, unions and parliaments concerning mobilizing world parliamentary support in favour of the rights of Palestinian people, and extending support, backing and exchanging necessary experiences for Palestinian Parliamentary activities.

15-    Presenting draft resolutions, proposals and necessary action plans to support the Palestinian issue to international and regional parliamentary fora, especially the OIC Al Quds Committee.

16-    Establishing parliamentary committees called “Committee on Palestine” in all Member Parliaments

17-    Enhancing educational programs for young school pupils and university students with essential subjects on the cause of Palestine and Al Quds Al Sharif, and confronting judaization programs which are being planned against the Muslim Ummah and the cause of Palestine.

18-    Stressing the  importance of political, cultural and media actions to support the Palestinian issue aimed at mobilizing world and Islamic public opinion to back the unarmed Palestinian people to recover their usurped rights, and emphasizing organizing festivals and marches in the last Friday of the Holy Month of Ramadan, being World Day for Al Quds.

19-    Stressing that the cause of Palestine shall remain to constitute a priority concern for the States of the PUIC Member Parliaments until a just and comprehensive solution is found. Also continuing ceaseless action with all relevant bodies, specially the OIC, and supporting the struggle of the valiant Palestinian people to take back its legitimate and inalienable rights to liberation from occupation and the establishment of its independent state with Al-Quds al-Sharif as its capital, and confirming the right of return of Palestinian refugees to their homes from which they have been ejected, in accordance with UN resolution 194, and the necessity of supporting the steadfastness of the refugees.

20-    The Committee shall submit its report to the PUIC Conference including the rules of Procedure for adoption.


21-    It was agreed to host the Second Meeting on the sidelines of the 8th Session of the PUIC Conference which will be held in Khartoum, Republic of the Sudan in early 2013.

22-    H.E. Dr. Emrullah IṢLER, Committee Chairman, read the Press Statement on the Committee meeting (See annex-2).

23-    The committee expressed its utmost appreciation and respect to the people, parliament and government of the sisterly Republic of Turkey for its welcoming of its First Meeting, and for the warm reception and generous hospitality. The Committee prays to Almighty God to protect this dear country and strengthen its steps for the realization of further advancement and prosperity.

24-    Head of the Palestinian delegation thanked the Committee for its concern about the cause of Palestine.  He also thanked the Grand National Assembly of Turkey for hosting the meeting.

25-    Proceedings of the Committee were concluded by a recitation of Verses from the Holy Quran.

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