Final Communiqué of the meeting dedicated to consider means of responding to and confronting the Israeli aggressions against the Palestinian people, especially in the city of Al-Quds and the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque

18 October 2015 - PUIC Desk

We, Speakers and Heads of Delegation of PUIC Member Parliaments, participating in the meeting dedicated to consider means of responding to and confronting the Israeli aggressions against the Palestinian people, especially in the city of Al-Quds and the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, which was held on the sidelines of the 133rd Assembly of IPU, on 17 October 2015, in Geneva, Switzerland, under the chairmanship of H.E. Mr. Nabih Berri, Speaker of the House of Representatives of Lebanon;
Having listened to the report presented by H.E. Mr. Azzam Al-Ahmed, Head of Delegation  of the Palestine National Council (PNC) on the criminal aggressions perpetrated by the Israeli authorities against the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Islamic and Christian religious sites in the holy city, and after discussing the developments and challenges which face the city of Al-Quds as well as the Israeli aggressions and violations, especially the mounting Israeli attack and Israel’s attempt to impose a new fait accompli aimed at the partition of the Mosque, hereby declare the following:

1.    Hail the Palestinian people, and the Maghdesi citizens, in particular, for their steadfastness and confrontation of Israeli Crimes. Request the governments of the Member Parliaments as well as our Muslim peoples not to leave these Maghdesi citizens to stand alone in the face of the Israeli occupation. Reiterate the necessity of large-scale popular action in the countries of the Member Parliaments in support of the steadfastness of Al-Quds, extending all forms of moral and material support. It is incumbent on the States of Member Parliaments to honour their commitments towards Al-Quds, and welcome the proposed Parliamentary contribution in this field.

2.    Hold the Israeli government totally responsible for all events taking place in Palestine, Al-Quds and Al-Aqsa mosque, whether by planning, directing, executing, financing, persecuting or desecrating the holy places in Al-Quds.

3.    Strongly condemn the crimes committed by the settlers and forces of Israeli occupation against the Palestinian people, especially in the city of Al-Quds and the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, considered as war crimes and crimes against humanity.

4.    Demand the international community to provide international protection for the Palestinian people, and take action to halt Israeli violations of all international conventions, agreements and resolutions of the international legitimacy which consider Islamic and Christian sites as an integral part of Al-Quds, capital of the State of Palestine, and be committed to the application of the International Humanitarian Law and the provisions of the Four Geneva Conventions and their Amended Protocols.

5.    Call upon all the Member Parliaments to intensify their parliamentary contacts with the European, African, Asian and Latin American Parliaments, as well as regional and international parliamentary unions in order to create a pressing international parliamentary opinion and position against Israeli occupation so as to stop its crimes.

6.    Confirm the imperative of action to totally boycott Israel at the various political, economic, military and cultural levels until, and unless, Israel abides by international agreements, and puts an end to its occupation of the State of Palestine.

7.    Stress the necessity of Palestinian national unity, and request all Palestinian factions to put an end to schism and to implement the provisions of the reconciliation accords.

8.    Mandate the PUIC Secretary General with addressing all international and regional parliamentary unions and organizations, requesting them to exert the utmost pressure on Israel in order to stop its criminal aggressions on the Palestinian people, particularly in the city of Al Quds and the blessed Al Aqsa Mosque and all the Islamic and Christian sanctities, and urging them to provide political and media support to the struggling Palestinian people.

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