Details of the gruesome aggression launched by the Israeli enemy on the “Freedom Flotilla”, which was carrying humanitarian aid to the citizens of Gaza Strip, besieged since 2007, began to appear. Following is a summary of the developments of the incident which has been unequivocally condemned by all people of the world:
- The Freedom Flotilla is composed of (6) ships, the largest of which is the Turkish ship the Mavi Marmara.
- The Number of people who participated in the attempt to break the Gaza blockade is between 750 and 800 people- politicians, parliamentarians, human rights activists, and journalists. Some reports say that half of these are women in addition to one child.
- The number of states to which these activists belong ranges between 32 and 40 states.
- The Freedom Flotilla was carrying 10000 tons of medicines, school books, building materials, wood, 100 prefabricated houses, 500 wheel chairs, etc.
- The flotilla was organized by Turkish Humanitarian Aid Foundation.
• Sequence of the aggression:
- Aggression began at about 22:00 on Sunday night on 30/05/2010. About 14 Israeli naval ships started harassing the unarmed boats by firing shots for two hours 130 km out at sea. Then these Israeli ships came back at 04:00 on Monday morning on 31/05/2010 and resumed the provocations.
- Meanwhile Israeli commandos were lowered from helicopter gunships on the deck of “Marmara” and fired indiscriminately on the passengers.
- The Israelis used, in addition to live bullets, electric shocks and suffocating gases.
- The Israeli aggression resulted in nine martyrs and scores of injured people.
- The aid ships were escorted to the port of Ashdod , 40 km. North of Gaza in occupied Palestine.
- The Irish ship MVRachel Corrie was also intercepted in international waters on Wednesday and escorted to Ashdod port.
• States whose Citizens took Part in the Convey:
Following are some of these states and the number of activists as reported by the media:
- Turkey (400)
- Algeria (32) , including 15 parliamentarians.
- Jordan (24)
- Britain (40)
- Kuwait (16), including parliamentarians
- Bahrain (4)
- Syria (4)
- Lebanon (4)
- Belgium (5)
- Malaysia (6) – on board the ship Rachel Corrie
- Egypt (2) members of the People’s Assembly
- Colombia ( one lady)
- Sweden (11) including author Henning Mankell
- Four 1948 Arabs in occupied Palestine, including Sheikh Raid Salah and Haneen Zoubi, Arab member of the Israeli Knesset
- Northern Ireland (Noble Laureate Myread Corregan)
- Greece
• Reactions:
International and regional reactions have been unanimously in denouncing this heinous Israeli crime.
The PUIC General Secretariat have received statements of denunciation from many Member Parliaments which it immediately put on the PUIC website.
- The PUIC Secretary General issued a statement in which he emphasized that the criminal Israeli action reveals to the world the criminal nature of the Israeli occupation, as well as its defiance and provocation to all the peace and freedom loving people of the world.
• On the world Stage:
- More than 40 parliament’s speaker members of the Asian parliamentary Assembly have condemned the Israeli piracy. In a statement issued at the end of their recent meeting in Tehran they confirmed that the Israeli operation is a grave act war crime.
- Spokesman of the Vatican, Fredrico Lombardi, said “The situation is being followed in the Vatican with great attention and concern.” He added, “The Holy See is always against the use of violence because it makes the search for peaceful solutions ever more difficult.”
- The UN Security Council held a special meeting and issued a presidential statement requesting an investigation into the Israeli action.
- The Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM) Issued a statement which said that PAM condemns, without reserve, this violence, and is particularly preoccupied with the loss of lives and the wounded.”
- The State of Nicaragua in Central America withdrew its ambassador from the Zionist entity.
- South Africa recalled its ambassador from Israel.
- Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd called on Netanyahu urging him to open an independent enquiry.
- UN Human Rights Council held an urgent debate on 8.6.2010
- International Federation of Journalists is preparing a journalists’ compensation file.
- The Atlantic Council of NATO held an emergency meeting on 1 June 2010 at the request of Turkey.