12th Anniversary of the PUIC

14 June 2011  PUIC Desk

The 17th of June 2011 marks the 12th anniversary of the establishment of the Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States (PUIC). On that day of the year 1999, corresponding to 3 Rabie Awal 1420H, the PUIC Statute had been adopted at the conclusion of the founding Conference which was hosted by Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran, on 15-17 June 1999.
During the past twelve years the membership of the Union has been enlarged to reach (51) Member Parliaments which stride the continents of Asia, Africa, Europe and South America. The PUIC has reciprocal observer status with (19) organizations and unions aimed at exchanging parliamentary experiences and views in order to serve common objectives.
The PUIC convenes regular meetings and sessions of its main organs, i.e. Conference, General Committee (Council), Executive Committee and the three Standing Specialized Committees. It also holds, when necessary, extraordinary Conferences. The PUIC has just started to convene qualitative meetings, the first of which is the World Islamic Forum for Muslim Women Parliamentarians which was hosted by Damascus, Syrian Arab Republic.
PUIC meetings address pivotal Islamic and humanitarian issues, and adopts significant recommendations and resolutions which the General Secretariat closely follows their implementation by Member Parliaments.
The PUIC General Secretariat is also keen to project genuine Islamic positions and the correct image of Islam and Muslims through its active participation in regional, continental and international conferences and fora.