Agenda of the Second Session of PUIC Conference

9-10 Rajab 1422 H.
27- 28 September 2001

1. Election of the Members of the Bureau.

2. Adoption of the Agenda and the Program of Work.

3. Adoption of the Rules of Procedure of the Conference.

4. Report of the Secretary-General.

5. Consideration of the Reports of the Previous Council Sessions.

6. General Debate of the Following Issues:

a) The Role of the member Parliaments in supporting the Cause of Al-Qods Al- Sharif, and the Intifadah of Al-Aqsa, in order to recover the legitimate rights of the Palestinian People, and to put an end to the occupation of Arab territories in Palestine, Syria, and Lebanon;

b) The Conception of the Union’s Member Parliaments of the Combat against Terrorism;

c) The Implications of the implementation of the Agreement of the World Trade Organization upon developing countries and on Islamic countries. (Study Committee)

7. Nomination of the Members of the Council.

8. Adoption of the nomination of the Members of the Executive Committee.

9. Adoption of the exchange of observers between the Union and the following organizations:

- The World Parliamentary Union

- The Arab Parliamentary Union

- The African Parliamentary Union

- The League of Asian Parliaments for Peace

- The Consultative Council of the Arab Maghreb Union

- The Organization of the Islamic Conference

- The African Unity Organization

10. The date and venue of the 3rd Conference in the year 2003.

11. Adoption of the Report and the Final Declaration of the Conference.

12. Any other business.

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