28 - 29 RABI THANI 1436H
21 – 22 JANUARY, 2015

We, the Speakers of the parliaments and assemblies of the Parliamentary Union of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation Member States (PUIC), having met at 10th Session of the PUIC Conference held in Istanbul, Turkey, on 21 - 22 January, 2015,
Commending the Republic of Turkey and the people of Turkey for the organization of the 10th Conference of the PUIC, especially His Excellency Mr. Cemil Ciçek, Honorable Speaker of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey, for assuming the presidency of the Conference,
Reiterating the respect for the objectives and principles provided for in the Charter of the Organization of the Islamic Cooperation, including the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of the Member States and peaceful settlement of disputes,
Guided by the Statute of the Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States,
Expressing our commitment to further increase cooperation within the United Nations, which has a leading role in building and preserving global peace and security in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations.
Aware of the urgent need to reform the global humanitarian system to better respond to an increasing number of emergencies,
Mindful of the significant role played by parliaments in political, economic, social and cultural life in our societies and bearing in mind that interaction among our parliaments can contribute to mutual understanding, solidarity and cooperation among Muslim nations,
Conscious of the diversity of cultures, beliefs and traditions among our nations and underlining the need to enhance genuine dialogue and culture of peace, both at domestic and international levels, and respect for Holy sites and religious symbols,
Emphasizing the noble Islamic values concerning moderation, tolerance, respect for diversity, preservation of Islamic symbols and common heritage,
Committed to promote human rights and fundamental freedoms, good governance, rule of law, democracy, accountability in the Member States in line with their respective constitutional and legal systems,
Acknowledging that democracy, good governance and the rule of law, at the national and international levels, as well as an enabling environment, are essential for sustainable development, including sustained and inclusive economic growth, social development, environmental protection and eradication of poverty and hunger,
Reaffirming the importance of peace, justice, stability and security, respect for human rights, including the right to development and the right to an adequate standard of living, including the right to food, gender equality, women’s empowerment and the overall commitment to just societies for development,
Recognizing the importance of building strong national, scientific and technological capacities for development,
Aware of the global political, economic, social and cultural challenges such as armed conflicts, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, spread of terrorism and organized crime, violence and extremism all around the world, racism, xenophobia and Islamophobia,
Aware also of the developments in Ukraine which affects the stability and security of the region and beyond,
Cognizant that policies based on sectarianism and ethnic divisions trigger further instabilities and threats in the wider region and constitute the gravest threat to the stability and prosperity of the Islamic world; acknowledging that such policies are conducive to creating fertile ground for violent extremist groups, such as DEASH and others, in Syria and Iraq, reaffirming that terrorism, including actions by violent extremist groups such as DEASH, cannot and should not be associated with any religion, nationality, or civilization,
Stressing the importance of focusing on the problems and difficulties of Muslim minorities and communities living in non-OIC countries and with a view to enabling them to fully enjoy the standards as provided by the international norms and documents in the fields of minority and human rights,
Alarmed by the situation in the Middle East particularly the situation of Palestine, the violations against the sanctity of the Al-Quds Ash-Sharif including Al-Aqsa Mosque by Israeli Government and extremist groups,
Affirming that the continuation of Israeli occupation and its illegal practices and serious violations of international law is the main impediment on reaching a just, comprehensive and lasting settlement of the Question of Palestine which endangers international peace and security,
Condemning the Israeli violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including its latest military aggression on the Gaza Strip, Judaization of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, attempts to change the historical status-quo at Al-Haram Al-Sharif, blockade of the Gaza Strip and illegal settlements,
Stressing that the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery is a matter of serious concern and a world free of nuclear weapons as well as other weapons of mass destruction remains to be our common aspiration,
Reiterating the established right of all countries to access, possess, use and develop nuclear energy as long as it is for peaceful purposes and that nuclear programs have to be developed in accordance with the relevant international agreements,
Recognizing that addressing these challenges requires timely and coordinated response in cooperation with international community as well as sound domestic reforms which can contribute to well-being of our peoples and to resilience of our societies,
Acknowledging that the unprecedented scale of the Ebola outbreak continues to represent a serious challenge not only to West Africa but also to the international community,
1.     Reaffirm to strive for achieving good governance and the democratization of international relations based on the principles of equality and mutual respect among states;
2.     Express strong support for the undeniable rights of the people under foreign occupation and the necessity of exercising the right of self-determination in accordance with the Charter of the UN and rules of international law.
3.     Reiterate our unwavering support to and solidarity with the Palestinian cause and express our strong commitment to supporting the people of Palestine in their just struggle against the occupying power Israel,
4.     Reemphasize, particularly, the necessity and urgency of observing and implementing the UN resolutions on the question of Palestine so that an independent, sovereign, contiguous, viable State of Palestine is established on the pre-1967 borders, with Al Quds Al Sharif its capital,
5.     Deplore Israel’s grave violations in the occupied Palestinian territory, including its brutal attack against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip as well as the intensification of the Israeli aggression against the Al-Haram Al-Sharif, particularly the incursion of the Israeli forces into the Al-Aqsa Mosque on 5 November 2014 which is a flagrant insult to the Islamic Ummah and provocation against the sentiments of Muslims around the world,
6.     Request the international community, particularly the UN Security Council in its capacity as the body responsible for the preservation of international peace and security, to shoulder its responsibilities by taking measures to stop the Israeli aggression in the occupied Palestinian territory including in Al-Quds and to maintain the historical status-quo at Al-Haram Al-Sharif,
7.     Reject any attempt to affiliate terrorism with any religion or ethnic group and refuse provision of any direct or indirect support to the groups that call for violence, extremism and terrorism,
8.     Reaffirm our complete solidarity and support for the efforts of the government and people of the Republic of Azerbaijan in defending their country; and urge for the provision of humanitarian assistance to Azerbaijani refugees and displaced persons who face dire living conditions, in preparation for their return to their homes from which they have been displaced.
9.     Deplore and condemn in the strongest terms the terrorist acts of extremist groups such as DEASH and its violent extremist ideology, and its continued gross, systematic and widespread abuses of human rights and violations of international humanitarian law; demand that all extremist groups cease all violence and terrorist acts, and disarm and disband with immediate effect,
10.     Call for the implementation of holistic and comprehensive measures in the region in confronting policies based on sectarianism and ethnic divisions; further call for a genuine political transformation in Syria based on the Geneva Communique of 30 June 2012,
11.     Declare our collective will to confront all forms and manifestations of terrorism, including through strengthened bilateral and multilateral cooperation,
12.     Reiterate the necessity for continued cooperation and coordination between Muslim countries, minorities  and communities in order to project the sublime values of Islam through education, media and cultural activities to put an end to the phenomenon of recently spreading violence and extremism and to address its root causes,
13.     Stress the teaching of Islam which includes moderation and tolerance based on peace, justice, dialogue, renunciation of violence and resolve to disseminate the true doctrine of Islam in their societies and throughout the world,
14.     Emphasize the need to promote a true culture of mutual tolerance and understanding, take a united and effective stance against all forms of hate crimes and Islamophobia and enhance international cooperation in this field,
15.     Urge all states, political parties and institutions to take a firm position against intolerance, Islamophobia and xenophobia, prevent negative stereotypes about Islam, implement comprehensive programs to promote mutual understanding and respect,
16.     Express its concern those incidents of religious intolerance and negative stereotyping of individuals on the basis of religion or belief continue to rise around the world, and condemn any form of religious hatred against individuals,
17.    Consider it as its main responsibility to find a way, especially for the people of our age, to ensure that differences coexist in peace. Therefore, condemn the defamation of the Last Prophet Mohammed (PBUH), the Prophet of 1.5 billion Muslims, in its strongest terms as well as the expressions of blasphemy used under the disguise of freedom of expression and press especially in the Western world and declare that this constitutes a red line for Muslims. Based on the universal principle that requires the limitation of freedom of one with the right of the other and call on all political groups and leaders to act in a responsible manner recommending that all types of disrespectful acts and discourse against the values considered as sacred by all individuals and communities be considered as hate crime. Moreover, while condemning the terrorist attacks in Paris, underlines the necessity of showing a reaction to all terrorist attacks indiscriminately as an indicator of the common fight against terrorism demonstrated after these attacks.
18.     Reaffirm parliamentarians’ responsibility to publicly denounce xenophobia, intolerance and discrimination and to raise awareness on the value of diversity in promoting mutual respect and understanding,
19.     Reiterate its full support for the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations initiative co-sponsored by Turkey and Spain and share the core principles which are mentioned in the Declaration of the Sixth Global Forum of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations, held in Bali, Indonesia, on 29 and 30 August 2014, and call upon the PUIC members to increase their joint efforts in encountering and defeating misperceptions about religions, and call on the international community play a constructive and sustained role to dissociate the actions of extremists groups of all backgrounds and from all geographies from any religion, nationality or civilization so as to bridge misperceived or potential rifts,
20.     Underline the historical importance of the first-ever World Humanitarian Summit to be held in Istanbul in May 2016 and call upon the OIC member states to actively participate in the preparatory phase and conduct of the Summit,
21. Support and encourage women’s full participation in all aspects of society including participation in the political life and decision-making processes,
22.     Reiterate our commitment to the legal, political and social status as well as fundamental rights and freedoms in all fields of the Muslim communities and minorities living in non-OIC Member States, call on the parliaments of the non-OIC member states, to ensure the protection of the status, rights and freedoms of Muslim in their countries,
23.     Confirm that the religious minorities in the Islamic world are an integral part of the societies and states, and emphasize that they must enjoy all their rights and guarantees,
24.     Call upon Greece to engage with the Turkish Muslim Minority in Western Thrace to ensure fulfilment of their rights and freedoms emanating from bilateral and international agreements to which Greece is party to, and to find solutions to the challenges facing Muslims of Turkish descent living in the Dodecanese, in line with the universal norms regarding minorities.
25.     Express concern for the existing situation in the Rakhine State in Myanmar, where for almost three years, more than 140,000 Muslim Rohingya and Kaman people are being forced to live in camps under inhumane conditions, and more than a million Rohingya and Kaman Muslims in the Rakhine State are subjected to grave discrimination, abuses and human rights violations and are led to mass migration to neighboring countries through perilous routes resulting in changes in the ethnic structure of the Rakhine State as well as loss of life,
26.     Urge the Myanmar authorities to take all necessary measures to restore stability, to launch a comprehensive reconciliation process concerning all segments of the Rohingya community including those who lost their citizenship, all internally displaced persons and those who took refuge outside Myanmar, and call upon the Myanmar Government to allow equal access to full citizenship for the Rohingya Muslims, based on the right of self-identification in the citizenship verification process underway of the Rohingya in Myanmar,
27.     Encourage the continuation of the ongoing process of democratization and reform in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar and call upon the Myanmar authorities to adopt an inclusive transparent policy towards ethnic and religious components of Myanmar people, including Muslims and especially the Rohingya Muslims, as an integral part of this process,
28.     Call for a peaceful settlement to the Jammu and Kashmir issue in accordance with the resolutions of the United Nations,
29. Reiterate the importance of ensuring the status, fundamental human rights and freedoms as well as safety and security of the Crimean Muslim Tatars,
30.     Commend the Federal Government of Somalia that under its leadership, significant progress has been made towards the creation of a sovereign, secure, democratic, united and federal Somalia at peace with itself and the world, and for the benefit of its people, welcome the important steps taken so far to implement the Federal Government’s “Vision 2016” plan, recognize its leadership role in the process, and emphasize that a comprehensive, multidimensional and synchronized approach in Somalia, enriching efforts in the security area to include humanitarian aid, local development, construction of basic infrastructure, education, health and support to peace processes, will be critical to further progress,
31.     Reiterate its continued support for the efforts of the UN Secretary-General under his mission of Good Offices towards a comprehensive settlement in Cyprus based on the Joint Declaration of the Leaders of 11 February 2014; call upon the Member States to enhance effective solidarity and close relations with the Turkish Cypriot State with a view to helping it end the inhumane isolation imposed on it and strengthen mutual ties in all areas,
32.     Call upon countries to abide by the resolutions of the UN Security Council and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), to accept to submit all its nuclear facilities and programs to the IAEA’s inspection regime and to accede immediately and unconditionally to the NPT,
33.     Commend the efforts of the Standing Committee for Economic and Commercial Cooperation of the Organization of the Islamic Cooperation (COMCEC) Working Groups towards enhancing economic cooperation and approximating policies among the Member States in six cooperation areas, namely, trade, transport and communications, tourism, agriculture, poverty alleviation and financial cooperation,
34.     Underline the importance of the TPS-OIC as the most important project within the OIC for enhancing trade among the OIC Member States and expresses its satisfaction with the finalization of the requirements for the operationalization of the TPS-OIC,
35.     Stress the importance of reflecting the perspective of the OIC on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Post-2015 Development Agenda and recall the relevant resolution of the 30th Session of the COMCEC in this regard.
36.     Recognize that climate change is one of the greatest threats our society faces and it threatens human settlements and natural habitats, economic stability, the availability of resources for development and, ultimately, human lives,
37.     Welcome PUIC Member States’ increased efforts to protect environment, including tackling climate change, through their practices, policies and strategies, and emphasize the need for increased cooperation among them as well as at international and regional fora,
38.     Commend the dedicated work of the Ebola-stricken countries, the relevant UN agencies through the UN Mission for Ebola Emergency Response (UNMEER) and the African Union together with the various non-governmental organizations aiming to stop the spread of the Ebola virus,
39.     Express our solidarity with the affected countries and our determination to provide short term assistance to the affected African countries and urge the community of nations and all other relevant partners to act with the aim of securing recovery and development in the longer term as well,
40.    Declare firm determination to further reinforce solidarity, consultation and cooperation among Muslim nations and their parliaments so as to contribute to the establishment of global peace, justice, stability and security. 

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