1 – 2 RABI THANI 1436H
21 - 22 JANUARY, 2015



on increasing trade and lowering trade barriers among OIC members


on confronting unilateral and multilateral sanctions affecting the people of targeted Member States


On international parliamentary cooperation in overcoming natural disasters, particularly in the framework of extending relief


on energising and supporting economic institutions active in the field of development in the Islamic world 


on environmental issues and sustainable development


on combating desertification particularly in African Sahel states


on cooperation in the field of preservation of water resources in member states


On combatting sand and dust storms


on enhancing cooperation in the field of environmental protection and combatting climatic change


on cooperation among PUIC member parliaments in science and technology



The Conference of the Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States, in its 10th Session, held in Istanbul, Republic of Turkey 28 - 29  Rabi ul Awwal, 1436 corresponding to 21 - 22 January, 2015,
Recalling the PUIC Resolution On Strengthening Islamic Unity adopted by the 5th Conference held on 30-31 January 2008 in Cairo and the PUIC Resolution on Encouraging and Increasing Multilateral Trade Among Islamic States adopted by the 8th Conference held on 21-22 January 2013 in Khartoum,
Reiterating the objectives of Ten-Year Programme of Action to Meet the Challenges Facing the Muslim Ummah in the 21st Century adopted by the Third Extraordinary Session of the Islamic Summit Conference held in Makkah al-Mukarramah on 7-8 December 2005, concerning encouragement of trade exchange among the Member States,
Recalling the General Agreement on Economic, Technical and Commercial Cooperation among OIC Member States, adopted by Resolution No. 1/8-E and issued by the 8th Session of the ICFM,
Recognizing the importance of Intra-OIC trade for enhancing and developing relations among Islamic countries and achieving prosperity,
Appreciating various activities  and achievements made by institutions affiliated with OIC including COMCEC, SESRIC, ICDT, IDB Group, ICCIA and SMIIC, in strengthening economic and trade cooperation among OIC Member States,
Underlining the importance of the Trade Preferential System among the OIC Member States (TPS-OIC) as the basis for reaching the 20 percent intra-OIC trade target by 2015 which was introduced by the OIC Ten-Year Programme of Action,
Taking Note of the efforts made for enhancing intra-OIC trade under the COMCEC Trade Working Group envisaged by the COMCEC Strategy adopted by the 4th Extraordinary Islamic Summit held in August 2012 in Makkah al-Mukarramah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,
Realizing that increasing trade among Islamic States has a positive impact on the incomes of producers and workers in developing countries and on sustainable development,
Affirming the far-reaching recommendations of the first meeting of the Global Network of the Trade Promotion Organs of the Member States of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, held in Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, on 17-18 March, 2014,
1.    Calls on the PUIC Member Parliaments and the OIC Member States to continue to promote and support fair trade and other independently monitored trade initiatives,
2.    Calls Upon the OIC Member States to further their efforts for the operationalization of the Trade Preferential System among the OIC Member States (TPS-OIC),
3.    Calls Upon the OIC Member States to consider establishing an Islamic Common Market in order to further facilitate and increase trade among all Muslim countries,
4.    Requests the OIC Member States to encourage their public and private sectors to get engaged in the intra-trade and investment plans among OIC Member States,
5.    Invites affluent countries of the OIC member states to provide financial resources to developing countries through their development cooperation mechanisms for developing new fair trade products and ensuring that consumers have access to all the information they need to make the right choices,
6.    Urges PUIC Member Parliaments to play an active role through both legislative and regulatory action to reduce taxes, tariffs, and fees on trade products,
7.    Calls on OIC Member States, particularly in developing countries, to work towards the achievement of sustainable development by improving the level of education of their citizens,
8.    Also calls on PUIC to play a pivotal role in advocating for multilateral trade as a means of ensuring sustainable development.
9.    Requests the Islamic Development Bank to provide further support for the development of a Model for Islamic Banking among OIC Member States
10.    Urges PUIC Member Parliaments and OIC Member States, as well as all associated economic institutions to conduct studies and provide all necessary assistance in dealing with the problem of foreign debts in Islamic countries
11.    Decides to keep the critical problem of foreign debts of Islamic countries on the PUIC agenda in order to develop effective ways and means for solving this economic and financial predicament.
12.    Urges the States of Member Parliaments to expedite the ratification of the Framework Agreement of the Trade Preferential System among the OIC Member States (TPS-OIC) as well as the Protocol on Preferential Tariff Scheme for TPSOIC (PRETAS) and Rules of Origin.
13.    Welcomes the conclusions of the 6th Meeting of the Consultative Group on Enhancing intra-OIC Trade submitted to the 41-CFM; and stresses the need for conducting an overall evaluation of the progress made in implementing the Executive Programme for enhancing intra-OIC trade .
14.     Expresses its satisfaction with the steady increase in the volume of trade between OIC Member States, which has reached 18.45% in 2012.
15.    Commends private sector institutions, especially the Islamic Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture, and urges the States of Member Parliaments as well as private sector institutions to participate in trade fairs and specialized exhibitions which are organized by the Member States in various fields.
16.    Calls on the member states and the Islamic Private entities to encourage Islamic Tourism. Also welcomes the resolutions of the 31st CFM on adoption of the mechanism and criteria for selection of the Islamic Tourism Capital.
17.     Calls for enhancing cooperation among oil and gas-producing Islamic States with a view to maintaining the real value of this wealth and preventing the fall of its price in the global market, which will constitute a great loss of wealth, thus necessitating joint action to come up with required means for the maintenance of the real value of oil being a basic resource for the Muslim peoples.   


The Conference of the Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States, in its 10th Session, held in Istanbul, Republic of Turkey 28 - 29  Rabi ul Awwal, 1436 corresponding to 21 - 22 January, 2015,
Guided by the objectives and principles enshrined in the PUIC Statute and the Charter of the Organization of the Islamic Cooperation, particularly those that call for promotion of Islamic Solidarity among Member States, taking necessary measures to support international peace and security founded on justice, and respecting the sovereignty and independence of each Member State, as well as the principles and practices regarding respect for self-determination of peoples, and achieving coordination and cooperation in addressing Islamic Ummah problems of an economic, social, cultural, and humanitarian nature, and in promoting respect for human rights;
Recalling the relevant OIC resolutions. Expressing deep concern on the negative impacts of economic and financial sanctions on economic cooperation, the freedom of trade, the free flow of capital at the regional and international levels and the full enjoyment of human rights;
Emphasizing that the human cost of sanctions is a cause for genuine concern, and the deprivation suffered by civilian populations under sanction regimes is a violation of human rights including economic, social, and cultural rights and the right to development;
Deploring the application of economic and financial sanctions against some OIC member states, with all their negative implications for the socio-humanitarian activities and economic and social development of those States, thereby creating additional obstacles to the full enjoyment of all human rights by peoples and individuals under their jurisdiction;
Declaring once again that imposing economic and financial sanctions is one of the major obstacles to the implementation of the Declaration on the Right to Development;
1.    Refuses the concept of imposing any form of sanction, considering it an imposition of unilateral coercive measures, of which the impacts surpass local legal and legislative jurisdiction. Expresses its solidarity with sanctioned States and calls on Member States not to commit to such sanctions when dealing with the States on which the harm falls.    
2.    Condemns the continued imposition of economic sanctions by certain powers as a means of political or economic pressure against some Islamic countries, and stresses the importance of respecting the sovereignty of states and refraining from interfering in their internal affairs.
3.    Invites the research institutions and data banks in OIC Member States to study the negative impacts and consequences of economic and financial sanctions and their effect on the exercise of peoples of their human rights.
4.    Affirms that economic and financial sanctions are considered main impediments to the implementation of the Declaration on the Right to Development and that peoples are the ones who suffer under the yoke of these sanctions imposed on their countries.
5.    Reaffirms that economic and financial measures should not be used as tools for political coercion and that under no circumstance should people be deprived of their own means of survival and development.
6.    Emphasizes the importance of solidarity with the Member Parliaments whose people are exposed to such sanctions
7.    Calls Upon all PUIC Member Parliaments and OIC Member States to take collective and individual actions and use their Good Offices in order to remove economic sanctions imposed on the people of some Islamic Countries.


The Conference of the Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States, in its 10th Session, held in Istanbul, Republic of Turkey 28 - 29  Rabi ul Awwal, 1436 corresponding to 21 - 22 January, 2015,
Pursuant to the PUIC Statue and the Charter of the OIC;
Referring to the Ten-Year Programme of Action adopted by the Third Extraordinary Islamic Summit Conference held in Makkah Almukrmah in December 2005 and its clear reference concerning facing disasters affecting Muslim countries,
Recognizing the active role of various OIC Funds which address poverty alleviation and resource development in the OIC Member States,
Referring to the humanitarian consequences resulting from the crisis of Central African Republic and its impact on neighbouring countries, particularly the Republic of Chad,
Stressing the importance of extending relief to disaster victims as an expression of solidarity and compassion of Muslims,
Expressing strong concerns on the deterioration of humanitarian conditions of different regions of the Islamic World due to past and current natural disasters as well as internal and external wars specially the situation in the African Sahel including Mali, Niger, Burkina Faso, Mauritania, Chad, and Central African Republic, following the influx of large numbers of refugees and displaced people,
1.    Appeals to the international community, particularly the Islamic countries to intensify their international cooperation in facing the deterioration of human conditions in the Sahel countries and participate in carrying out projects on sustainable development, to enable these countries to get rid of the cycle of drought and poverty which are encircling the entire region,
2.    Commends the OIC initiative to support the activities of Niger aimed at achieving self-sufficiency in food and invites the governments of PUIC Member Parliaments to help in this regard.
3.    Calls upon civil society institutions and non-governmental organizations throughout the Islamic World to mobilize and combine their capabilities in confronting natural disasters through various mechanisms of extending relief to those affected in Islamic Countries.
4.    Calls on PUIC Members to mobilize support of the Governments of OIC Member States in international and regional fora in order to contribute to improve the conditions of disaster-affected areas in Islamic countries.
5.    Urges the PUIC Member Parliaments and their respective Governments to organize parliamentary and expert groups to visit the countries seriously affected by disasters, as well as disaster areas, with a view to drawing up emergency plans for dealing with natural disasters and their consequences on displaced people in the most effective manner.
6.    Calls for the establishment of a fund within the framework of the OIC for the reconstruction of disaster-affected areas in the Member States, to which the governments of the Member States as well as organizations and institutions should contribute, in addition to the establishment of an Islamic mechanism to coordinate the efforts of staving off disasters.


The Conference of the Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States, in its 10th Session, held in Istanbul, Republic of Turkey 28 - 29  Rabi ul Awwal, 1436 corresponding to 21 - 22 January, 2015,
Realizing the imperative need for further regional economic integration actions in order to protect the interests of the Muslim Ummah and to overcome the challenges of scientific and economic underdevelopment amid the unwanted consequences of economic globalization,
Expressing hope for the development and establishment of an all-encompassing Islamic Union in the near future,
1.    Call upon the OIC Member States to support and enable their economic and commercial institutions in carrying out programs of development and economic reforms,
2.    Calls for concerted policies and coordinated measures by OIC Member States in facing the adverse effects of the global financial crisis, which was caused by the failures of capitalist liberal economies.
3.    Stresses its previous resolution adopted by PUIC Conference in Khartoum approving the establishment of an Islamic International Economic Bloc and requests the Parliaments of the Member States to urge their respective governments to exert the necessary efforts in order to pursue the objectives of the Plan.
4.    Calls on the Islamic Development Bank and Member States to continue extending advisory support and other forms of assistance in order to develop Islamic Banking in Member States in Africa and Central Asia.


The Conference of the Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States, in its 10th Session, held in Istanbul, Republic of Turkey 28 - 29  Rabi ul Awwal, 1436 corresponding to 21 - 22 January, 2015,
Realizing that the environment is the world’s life support system and must be conserved in order to maintain all forms of life;
Recognizing that the adverse effects of climate change are already evident and widespread, particularly in developing countries;
Recognizing also that the abundant resources in the world are an invaluable inheritance for future generations and therefore should be used wisely;
Considering that the PUIC Member States will need to enhance their cooperation in the sustainable development issues in light of the achievements made at the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20 Summit);
Inspired by the Islamic teachings that guide humankind on how to manage the earth and use all the resources of the earth for the good of present and future generations;  
Reaffirming the commitment to enable the full, effective and sustained implementation of the United Nations Convention on Climate Change, through long-term cooperative, based on the Bali Roadmap, Bali Action Plan and Cancun Agreements;
Recalling the Tunis Declaration on Enhancing the Efforts of the Islamic World towards Environment Protection and Sustainable Development as issued by the Fourth Islamic Conference of Environment Ministers held in Tunis, Republic of Tunisia, in 2010;
Supporting the outcomes of the 17th United Nations Climate Change Conference held in Durban in December 2011, particularly in relation to maintaining the continuation of the Kyoto Protocol;
Welcoming the adoption by COP-17/CMP-7 UNFCCC in Durban, South Africa of the decisions regarding the second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol; the extension of the Ad-hoc Working Group on Long-Term Cooperative Action under the Convention to continue its work and reach the agreed outcome pursuant to the Bali Action Plan; as well as the establishment of the Ad-hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action to undertake a process to establish a future regime of climate change, to be concluded by 2015:
1.    Calls Upon the PUIC Member Parliaments to request their respective Governments to formulate a comprehensive sustainable development policy aiming at achieving sustainable economic growth, social condition improvement and environmental protection;
2.    Urges the PUIC Member Parliaments as well as the OIC Member States to strengthen their policy coordination and take concerted actions toward stronger, sustainable and balanced growth based on the Islamic solidarity;
3.    Encourages the PUIC Member Parliaments as well as the OIC Member States to actively engage in various foras and initiatives at regional and international levels promoting international cooperation on environmental protection and sustainable use of natural resources;
4.    Encourages the PUIC Member Parliaments to promote effective participation of relevant stakeholders at the regional, national and local level in implementing legislations related to adaptation programs and mitigation activities in the Islamic countries;
5.    Calls Upon the PUIC Member Parliaments to encourage their respective Governments, through their respective legislative mechanisms, to cope with the challenges of climate change for the benefit of present and future generations.  
6.    Encourages developed countries to share their technological know-how in the field of renewable technology with developing countries particularly in the Islamic world.
7.    Encourages also PUIC Member Parliaments as well as OIC Member States to cooperate in meeting the challenges, including socio-economic and environmental challenges, of the increasing number of migrants and refugees in OIC Member States.
8.    Calls on Member States to engage in scientific research and coordinate efforts for the production and exchange of research and information in the fields of environmental protection and development, as well as on how to use natural resources rationally without harming the environment and the right of future generations thereto.
9.    Urges Member States to work on increasing and deepening awareness of environmental issues by including them in school curricula.
10.    Calls on Member States to issue legislations ensuring that no harm be inflicted on the environment, particularly when planning and implementing investment projects, and to commit affluent States causing harm to the environment to shoulder responsibility for the repercussions of their actions.


The Conference of the Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States, in its 10th Session, held in Istanbul, Republic of Turkey 28 - 29  Rabi ul Awwal, 1436 corresponding to 21 - 22 January, 2015,
Considering that Burkina Faso and Cameroon are victims of natural disasters and of the adverse effects they have left on their populations, environments and economies.
Taking into account that most of these disasters (floods, invasion by swarms of desert locusts, animal pests and drought) are consequences of climate change which happen without warning and vehemently lead to population displacement, destruction of property and loss of lives.
Understanding the scarcity of natural resources of both countries resulting in difficulty in dealing with all natural disasters and facing large-scale calamities, which bring about disastrous consequences for the future of both countries.
Expressing solidarity with and support for disaster-affected population of Burkina Faso, Cameroon and other African Sahel countries.
1.    Appeals to the international community particularly OIC Member States and all relevant international organizations to provide support and humanitarian assistance to the people of Burkina Faso, Cameroon and other Sahel countries.
2.    Encourages the PUIC Member Parliaments to urge their respective Governments to finance studies pertaining to disaster protection and management policies in Burkina Faso, Cameroon and other Sahel countries.
3.    Calls upon PUIC Member Parliaments to urge their respective Governments to support the Republic of Chad in its efforts and projects combatting desertification and preserving water resources, particularly the risks to Lake Chad.


The Conference of the Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States, in its 10th Session, held in Istanbul, Republic of Turkey 28 - 29  Rabi ul Awwal, 1436 corresponding to 21 - 22 January, 2015,
Recalling Resolution No.12/5-CONF on Climate Change adopted at the 5th Conference of PUIC held in Cairo in 2008, and Resolution No. 1-LHE/7-CONF on   Cooperation among PUIC Members on the Implementation of the Ten-Year Programme of Action and Resolution No. 5-LHE/7-CONF on Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development adopted by the Seventh Session of the PUIC Conference,
Deeply Concerned of the findings of the Millennium Development Goals Report 2012 revealing that 783 million people, or 11 per cent of the global population, remain without access to an improved  source of drinking water and also 1.1 billion people lack access to safe water, roughly one-sixth of the world's population,
Realizing that over pumping groundwater for drinking water and irrigation has caused water levels to decline by tens of meters in many regions, forcing people to use low-quality water for drinking,
Noting with deep concern that losses of water through leakage, illegal hook-ups and waste amount  to about 50 per cent of water for drinking and 60 per cent of water for irrigation in developing countries, while some 6,000 children die every day from diseases associated with unsafe water and poor sanitation and hygiene,
Bearing in mind the important role of renewable energy resources in the fight against climate change by the effective usage of scarce resources and prevention of extravagancy in energy,
1.    Supports putting efficient policies and regulatory frameworks in place for natural resource management that take into account both public health and eco system needs.
2.    Calls on Members Parliaments of PUIC to work together for raising awareness on the challenges caused by the improper utilization of natural resources and to act in order to avert dangerous human interferences to the eco system.
3.    Urges the Member States of OIC to provide necessary conditions for increasing energy production levels and to use renewable energy sources.
4.    Encourages PUIC Member Parliaments to give priority to changing extravagant behaviors in the usage of natural resources.
5.    Calls upon the PUIC Member Parliaments to set national targets and plans to generate investment to eco-friendly technologies to ensure most efficient usage of natural resources.
6.    Invites the Member Parliaments of PUIC to organize public campaigns for raising the awareness of the value of natural resources.
7.    Calls upon the PUIC Member Parliaments to gather and exchange data and experiences available in Islamic States on the ways and means of preserving, rationalizing the use of and managing water, as well as benefiting from expertise available within some Member States in this field.
8.    Urges riparian State to inter-coordinate and cooperate on managing and benefiting from joint water resources and ensuring the proper use of water.


The Conference of the Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States, in its 10th Session, held in Istanbul, Republic of Turkey 28 - 29  Rabi ul Awwal, 1436 corresponding to 21 - 22 January, 2015.
Guided by the noble teachings of Islam which enjoin the Muslim peoples to safeguard the bounties that Allah has granted them on Earth,
Stressing the right of all human beings to a healthy and decent environment,
Referring to the objectives and principles of the PUIC Statute, especially those calling for strengthening, coordination and cooperation among the States of the Islamic Ummah in protection and preservation of the environment,
Recalling all relevant PUIC resolutions on protecting and preserving the environment,
Taking Note of the Resolution of the 40th session of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, Appreciating the initiative by the Islamic Republic of Iran in hosting a Ministerial meeting on environment with the participation of representatives from Iraq, Turkey, Syrian Arab Republic and Qatar on 29 September 2010, in Tehran, in which they agreed to cooperate in a way to bring dust and sand storms under control over the next five years,
Welcoming the UNEP initiative of Regional Program to Combat Sand and Dust Storms including the Ministerial Meeting in Nairobi, 21 February 2013 and the Technical Meeting in Abu Dhabi, 6-7 May 2013, attended by more than 50 participants from countries and all UN agencies and regional organizations,
Recognizing that, according to the Islamic teachings, all mankind have the fundamental right to an environment of a quality that permits a life with dignity and well- being, and that individuals are responsible to protect and improve the environment for present and future generations,
Cognizant of the fact that the dust and sand storms in the last few years have caused substantial damages to the socio-economic affairs of the inhabitants of the world's dry land regions, especially in Africa and Asia,
Taking into account the adverse effects of severe and long-standing drought and implications of climate change, in the form of dust and sand storm in certain regions of Member States,
Considering the final report of the First Meeting of the OIC Islamic Executive Bureau for Environment which, among other things, calls on Member States' competent authorities to double their efforts and better coordinate actions to meet the new challenges posed by climate change and deterioration of environmental situation including desertification,
Expressing concern over the unprecedented wave of sand and dust storms and for the considerable losses they have been causing in desert areas in the Member States in both Asia and Africa.
1.    Calls on all Member States affected in arid and semi-arid areas in Asia and Africa to engage in a conscientious and constructive interaction to resolve this problem in an appropriate manner.
2.    Supports the initiative of developing a collective and regional mechanism for raising awareness and establishing early warning system, and risk management network enabling the affected countries to solve the problem in an effective manner,
3.    Calls Upon all international and regional environmental institutions, including the Regional Organization for the Protection of Marine Environment (ROPME) to seriously and rapidly address the issue of sand and dust storms and to mobilize their resources, both technically and financially, to assist the affected countries,
4.    Requests the PUIC Member Parliaments to support cooperation and facilitate coordination of OIC Member States at the regional and international levels to control the negative effects of sand and dust storms and their repercussions on human habitats in vulnerable regions.
5.    Encourages the PUIC Member Parliaments to request their respective governments to further contribute to the reforestation of desert zones in the Member State, and to take firm measures against the abusive cutting of trees and bushfires,
6.    Invites the PUIC Member Parliaments, through their respective legislative mechanism, to monitor the implementation of this resolution by their governments,
7.    Urges PUIC Member Parliaments to create parliamentary networks to facilitate further communication and coordination on issues and problems related to environment and climate change.
8.    Calls for convening an international conference to study the effects and risks of sand and dust storms on the environment and health in the countries of the region, as well as to study the ways of countering them and limiting their repercussions.  


The Conference of the Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States, in its 10th Session, held in Istanbul, Republic of Turkey 28 - 29  Rabi ul Awwal, 1436 corresponding to 21 - 22 January, 2015.
Recognizing that environmental degradation has become a global issue over the past decades and that current environmental problems have impacted the health, welfare and security of countries throughout the world;
Being aware that environmental problems are not restricted to the countries of their origin;
Emphasizing that global warming, loss of biodiversity, deforestation, desertification and pollution are among the major environmental challenges of today and that no country, whether developed or developing, can be immune from the impacts of environmental degradation;
Recalling that anthropogenic greenhouse gases emissions have negative effects on the Earth’s climate system;  
Welcoming States of Member Parliaments increased efforts to protect environment through their policies, strategies and programmes, and emphasizing the need for increased bilateral, multilateral and regional cooperation within the OIC;   
1.    Notes that reducing environmental footprint of energy policies will further enhance regional security, stability and prosperity, and calls for awareness raising activities throughout the OIC region in promoting environmentally sustainable energy;
2.    Stresses the necessity of diligent conduct of Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) for all relevant activities;  
3.    Calls upon States of Member Parliaments, regional organizations and other parties to increase cooperation in identifying policies minimizing the environmental risks;  
4.    Calls upon the States of Member Parliaments to better integrate their national economies and their climate and environment policies, and recommends to enact and implement necessary legislation in order to eliminate the trade-off between energy security and environmental sustainability to the best possible extent;
5.    Encourages States of Member Parliaments to seek ways to combat climate change and enhance energy security through increased use of renewable energy resources, and enhancing energy efficiency as well as promoting good governance within their respective national capabilities;
6.    Encourages States of Member Parliaments to make their best efforts towards adopting a protocol, another legal instrument or an agreed outcome with legal force under the UNFCCC that is applicable to all Parties at the 21st Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC in Paris in 2015;
7.    Encourages States of Member Parliaments to actively participate in the 12th Conference of the Parties of the UNCCD in Ankara in 2015;
8.    Encourages the OIC to collaborate with the relevant international and regional organizations and institutions in this field to enhance cooperation and avoid duplication.


The Conference of the Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States, in its 10th Session, held in Istanbul, Republic of Turkey 28 - 29  Rabi ul Awwal, 1436 corresponding to 21 - 22 January, 2015,
Referring to the OIC Vision 1441 for Science and Technology adopted by the Tenth Islamic Summit Conference held in Putrajaya, Malaysia in October 2003 and the OIC Ten-Year Programme of Action adopted by the Third Extraordinary Islamic Summit Conference held in Makkah Al-Mukarramah in December 2005.
Recalling the relevant resolution on science and technology, adopted by the 39th session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers (Session of Solidarity for Sustainable Development) held in Djibouti, November 2012,
Taking note with appreciation of the national plans and steps taken by Member Parliaments for the promotion and strengthening of science, technology, innovation and research both at national and the international levels,
Commending the role of the COMSTECH and the contributions of STIO, SESRIC, IDB, ISESCO and ICCIA in the field of development and promotion of science and technology in the Islamic World,
Stressing the need for further coordination among the Member Parliaments for synergy and convergence in the area of modern science and technology, and creation of an atmosphere for productive collaboration and interaction among all the Islamic countries,
Recognizing the value of collaboration among all stakeholders with different political and socio-economic backgrounds for realization of a better engagement in the field of Science and Technology which in turn contributes to peaceful and sustained development within and among the Islamic countries,
Considering that the Scientific and Technological cooperation require political will and practical steps on the part of all states in the filed of political planning, capacity building and partnership based on major values of sharing knowledge dialogue and welfare societies and resolution of problems.
Emphasizing the common values and ideas among PUIC Member Parliaments to revive the Islamic Ummah's pioneering role as a fine example of a developed and progressive society and to project the true image and noble values of Islam and its civilizational characteristics which counter Islamophobia.
1.    Calls upon the PUIC Member Parliaments to continue and further strengthen their cooperation and activities for the promotion of science, technology and innovation within and among all Islamic countries including in areas such as transfer of technology, university-industry linkages, collaboration of joint Research and Development (R&D) projects, public-private partnerships, and take appropriate measures for enhancing their collaboration in the area of advanced technologies;
2.    Requests all Member Parliaments to give priority to science and technology innovation and facilitating academic interaction and exchange of knowledge among the academic institutions of Member States, and to develop a comprehensive strategy to encourage outstanding Scientists in order to utilize their expertise and prevent the brain drain phenomenon;
3.    Calls Upon all Islamic Parliamentarians to encourage public and private national research institutions to invest in technology capacity building, especially in areas of advanced technologies such as Nanotechnology, Medical Sciences, Biotechnology, Aerospace, Renewable Energy, Stem Cell, Cloning, and Information Technology.
4.    Calls for holding a conference for scientific research institutions in the Member States to deepen cooperation in the field of science and technology and benefit from the knowledge and experience available in some States and for providing scholarship opportunities in the field of science and technology to citizens of the countries in need.

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