Weekly Report of the OIC on Israeli’s Crimes Against Palestinians

Israel Defies the UN

Israel Defies the UN

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) published on its website its weekly report that documents the crimes of the Zionist occupation against Palestinians during the period between 16 and 22 July 2024. The report highlighted that Israel defies the United Nations and bombs schools as part of daily massacres against the displaced people. It also confiscated, destroyed and burned (372) vehicles and (199) shops in the West Bank.

The report indicated that the number of Palestinians murdered between 16 and 22 July 2024 reached (345) people, while (733) others were injured. The murdered toll from 7 October 2023 to 21 July 2024 reached (39,561) murdered people while the Israeli occupation forces continue to commit massacres in the Gaza Strip in order to turn it into a daily hell, especially with their targeting of schools where the displaced in the Gaza Strip are sheltering. The number of Israeli massacres in Gaza, according to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation Media Observatory of Israel’s Crimes against the Palestinians in the aforementioned period, reached (23) and dozens were murdered in 4 massacres committed last week which targeted schools, most of which belong to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA). UNRWA Commissioner, Felipe Lazzarini, revealed that Israel bombed at least 8 schools in Gaza in 10 days, 6 of which belong to UNRWA, and also targeted 70% of the total UNRWA schools in Gaza, at a time when the Israeli Knesset approved considering UNRWA a “terrorist organization” and withdrew the immunity granted to it. This action is not only a restriction on UN agencies, but also a deprivation of Palestinian refugees of their educational, health, and living rights.

The Israeli occupation forces demolished 8 homes in addition to a 3-story building in al-Quds, Nablus, and Hebron. Settlers also seized a house in al-Quds and expelled its residents. Israel confiscated 441 dunums in the villages of Ramallah in favor of building settlements, while settlers set up mobile homes and tents to seize lands near the village of Kafr al-Dik to expand the Beduel settlement, and others placed a fence around land they had previously seized in the town of Bani Naim in Hebron.

During the aforementioned period Israeli forces detained (118) Palestinians in the West Bank, while Jewish extremists carried out almost daily raids on the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, and the total number of extremists who stormed the mosque during this period reached (1,347) people. Settlers also attacked Palestinian towns and villages in Salfit, al-Quds, Nablus, Hebron, Ramallah and Tubas more than 35 times, during which they burned and bulldozed Palestinian agricultural lands and carried out other attacks. The Israeli policy of thirsting the villages of the West Bank continues, as the occupation forces destroyed a water well in the village of Birin in Hebron, a water collection well west of Hebron too, and an artesian well in Jericho, while the settlers tried to seize a water canal in the Auja Spring in Jericho to prevent the Palestinians from supplying water, and occupation forces confiscated water tanker in Ramallah.

In terms of commercial harm to the Palestinian individual, both the Israeli forces and settlers attacked (984) times Palestinian properties, either by burning, confiscating, or destroying it, including confiscating, burning, or destroying (372) light and heavy vehicles in various cities in the West Bank and al-Quds, starting on 7 October 2023 until 22 July 2034. They also demolished and confiscated (199) commercial facilities. The number of private vehicles that were destroyed or confiscated reached (237) cars during the mentioned period, in addition to (42) bulldozers, (27) agricultural tractors, (23) trucks, and a number of various heavy vehicles. The total number of Israeli violations and crimes last week reached (1,583) crimes and violations in various Palestinian areas.

23 July 2024

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