Declaration of Constantine

Declaration of Constantine

Declaration of Constantine 15-16 February 2024 بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم We, the participants of the 50th meeting of the Executive Committee of the PUIC, held in Constantine, Algeria, on 15 and 16 February 2024, following the kind invitation of Mr Ibrahim Boughali, President of the PUIC, in order to follow up the implementation of the resolutions of the 17th session of the PUIC Conference,

  • Guided by international conventions, the Statutes of the Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States, and the Charter of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation,
  • Recognising the dangerous developments and violations which our brotherly Palestine is witnessing and the unprecedented humanitarian catastrophe its proud people are suffering, across the Occupied Palestinian Territories especially in the Gaza Strip, as a result of the unjust aggression taking place in full view of the silent international community,
  • In view of the deplorable and tragic situation that the Palestinian people are experiencing, which is considered a genocide and a cleansing against them, planned and premeditated with malicious intents, known and established since ancient times,
  • Strongly condemning the full-scale genocidal war against the defenceless Palestinian people, which has so far caused widespread and unprecedented destruction and seen the most horrific practices of starvation, killing and displacement. Condemning and rejecting as well all aggressions against countries of the region.
  • Reaffirming our unconditional support for the Palestinian people and their legitimate, inalienable right to establish their independent, national, sovereign state with Al Quds Al Sharif as its capital, as well as their legitimate right to resist the occupation, and our support to recovering the occupied land in sisterly Syria and Lebanon.
  • Reaffirming what was stated in the Final Declaration of the 5th Extraordinary Meeting of the PUIC Standing Committee on Palestine held in the city of Tehran, capital of the Islamic Republic of Iran, on the 10th of January 2024, regarding the events in Gaza.
  • Praising the South African initiative to prosecute the Zionist entity for the crime of mass genocide before the International Court of Justice, and welcoming the extraordinary measures approved by the Court, and calling for the mobilisation of international support to implement these measures, to stop the process of genocide and to compel the criminal Zionist entity to comply with international legitimacy and international law,
  • Underlining the necessity of prosecuting Zionist war criminals in the International Criminal Court and stress the need to end Zionist criminals' impunity from accountability and punishment,
  • Calling on the parliaments of the member states to make all possible efforts to provide legal support to all efforts aimed at prosecuting the Zionist occupation and its criminals and documenting their crimes before international justice. And calling on the states of PUIC member parliaments to implement all political means possible as well as all economic pressures on Israel to put an end to the unjust war against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip.
  • Expressing our support for Algeria's efforts in the framework of its non-permanent membership of the UN Security Council, notably its recent request to the Security Council to hasten work on the implementation of the resolutions of the International Court of Justice through an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and the prosecution of Zionist criminals,
  • Expressing our support for the efforts towards enabling the Palestinian State to become a full member of the United Nations,
  • Reiterating our categorical rejection of the displacement of Palestinians and stress that the future of Palestine can only be decided by the Palestinian people,
  • Calling on all national, regional and international parliamentary bodies to urge their countries to send urgent humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip,

Expressing our sincere gratitude to the President of the PUIC for his initiative in convening this meeting to follow up on the implementation of the resolutions of the 17th session of the PUIC,

We hereby:

  • HIGHLY VALUE the dynamic nature which has characterised this term of Presidency of the PUIC, as well as the commitment of His Excellency Mr. Ibrahim Boughali, the sessional President of the PUIC, to follow-up on all events, especially those related to the fundamental issues of our Islamic nation, the first of which is the Palestinian cause.
  • PRAISE the commitment to work towards the implementation of the resolutions adopted at the 17th Conference and the initiatives presented in this regard, particularly the start-up incubator and the draft joint strategy on cybersecurity.
  • URGE economic institutions in the Member States to provide the necessary support and success factors for emerging businesses.
  • CALL for reinforcing our Union's engagement in economic affairs and activating its bodies to work towards the development of start-ups through emphasis on research and studies, and all that would support youth across the Islamic world in establishing successful economic projects and strengthening bilateral and multilateral ties between the member states to ensure the strengthening of Islamic countries' sovereignty in this domain and their autonomy in decision making.
  • CALL for continuing to work on the implementation of the decisions taken and to make every effort to strengthen the role and status of our PUIC in the regional and international organisations and to promote it as a representative body of the Islamic peoples capable of carrying their aspirations and defending their critical issues. Also CALL for increased cooperation between PUIC Parliaments through the exchange of experiences and best practices in parliamentary work, all of which would promote rapprochement between representatives of Islamic peoples.
  • We praise and appreciation for the continued efforts of the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria to defend and support the Palestinian cause. We also express our deepest thanks and gratitude to the People's National Assembly of Algeria and to His Excellency Mr Ibrahim Boughali, Speaker of the People's National Assembly of the brotherly People's Democratic Republic of Algeria and rotating President of the PUIC, for all the efforts and excellent work carried out by His Excellency during his presidency of the PUIC and for graciously hosting this meeting of ours, wishing the Algerian government, parliament and people success and prosperity.

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