Following Lodging of Lawsuit Against Israel:

PUIC President Commends South Africa’s Efforts to support Palestinian Cause

PUIC President Commends South Africa’s Efforts to support Palestinian Cause

Presidency of Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States (PUIC) has followed up with strong interest pursuing the Zionist entity for the first time before international judicial institutions after the Republic of South African has lodged a lawsuit at the International Court of Justice to hold the entity accountable for its crimes against the Palestinian people, especially the genocide crime which victimized more than 27,000 martyrs, mostly women, children and the elderly.

While the PUIC expresses a greeting of appreciation and respect to the free State of South Africa for shouldering its humanitarian responsibility which will be immortalized by history, it affirms welcoming the historical decisions made by the court, despite it lacks a decision on immediately stopping the aggression.

The PUIC appeals to parliamentary Organizations in order to force the occupation entity, with all means, to implement the urgent measures approved by the International Court of Justice to enable the Palestinian People, to receive relief assistance and live in safety and peace.

31 January 2024

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