Letter of the President of the Algerian Republic at the PUIC Conference

Letter of the President of the Algerian Republic at the PUIC Conference

His Excellency Mr. Abdelmadjid Tebboune, President of People's Democratic Republic of Algeria, conveyed a message to the 17th conference of the Parliamentary Union of OIC Member States, held in Algiers, Algeria, on the 29th and 30th of January.

The President's message was delivered at the opening session of the conference by His Excellency Mr. Ibrahim Boughali, President of the People's National Assembly of Algeria.

The following is the full text of the message of His Excellency the President:

In the name of God, the most gracious, the most merciful.

And may peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.

It is my pleasure to welcome you to your country, Algeria, amid the hospitality of the Algerian people, who, together with the peoples of our Islamic world, are eager to breathe a new spirit into your collaborative work for the honour of our religion and our homelands.

Today, you come together as the bearers of the aspirations of our Islamic peoples in an international and regional context marked by complex disputes and conflicts, as well as multiple crises, particularly those related to energy and food, which are ravaging the entire globe. Moreover, there are other imminent dangers, such as terrorism and intellectual infiltration, which are intended to undermine our values and threaten social fragmentation.

You have well chosen the theme of this session, "The challenges of modernity and development, in the face of growing threats and the effects of the virtual world". These factors have imposed a reality that requires reinforcing the bonds of cooperation between our peoples and activating the mechanisms of solidary action in the search for methods that can provide appropriate solutions, as well as favouring the use of dialogue, and distancing ourselves from fanaticism and extremism.

The major challenges arising from the tense global environment should not make us forget the political and security crises, as well as the sources of tension and developmental challenges that our Islamic world is suffering from, all of which are among the most important issues on the agenda of the Parliamentary Union of OIC Member States.

In this regard, the Palestinian issue will remain the first and central concern of the Islamic nation, the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation and the Parliamentary Union of its member states. On this occasion, we call for intensifying efforts to mobilise more political and material support to the Palestinian people to enable them to withstand the extensive and systematic crimes to which they are subjected, especially in the face of the intransigence of the Israeli occupation and its continued grave violations, represented in the expansion of its settlements, and the violation of the sanctity of Al-Aqsa Mosque.

In this context, Algeria reaffirms its adherence and commitment to the Arab Peace Initiative, which aims at meeting the legitimate demands of the Palestinian people for the establishment of their independent state. Algeria will work with its brethren in the Islamic world... and with all the countries in the world that support justice and freedom, to give full membership to the State of Palestine in the United Nations.

Furthermore, I would like to seize this opportunity to offer my sincere congratulations to our Palestinian brothers and sisters for their agreement on the " Historic Declaration of Algiers" aimed at achieving Palestinian national unity, and I would like to call upon your esteemed Union to accompany the Palestinian brothers towards the completion of this national project and the implementation of the national aspirations stipulated in the approved roadmap.

Algeria, while closely following the current developments in some of the sister countries of the Islamic world (Yemen, Libya, Syria and Sudan), remains always prepared to assist in the search for approaches leading to consensus and stability, and remains firmly committed to promoting inclusive dialogue and national reconciliation.

I seize this opportunity as well, to express pride in the abundance of scholastic individuals, both men and women, in our Islamic nation who are imbued with the virtues of dialogue and of preventive diplomacy. I would also like to draw your kind attention to the idea of forming a Committee of the Wise to contribute to the resolution of conflicts and promote dialogue in resolving crises in our Islamic world.

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

The current climate characterised by hostility and hatred against Muslims, which has led to increased discrimination, marginalisation and exclusion, calls for increased efforts to find civilised formulas to counter systematic discrimination and anti-Islamic sentiments, hatred and intolerance. Islam, the religion of tolerance, is the religion of moderation and of the highest human ideals. In closing, I would like to submit for your consideration this initiative setting out practical mechanisms to strengthen Islamic cooperation and solidarity:

Establishing a research centre to enhance intellectual resilience in light of the rapid digital shifts confronting Islamic societies. This centre will be incorporated within the PUIC structure and Algeria is willing to host it.

Developing a strategy for intellectual, electronic and cyber cooperation between PUIC member states.

Creating an incubator to draw in and promote start-ups and innovative projects in support of youth.

Wishing you a pleasant stay among your fellow brothers in Algeria. May God Almighty grant you success in your work.

﴿ وَقُلِ اعْمَلُوا فَسَيَرَى اللهُ عَمَلَكُمْ وَرَسُولُهُ وَالْمُؤْمِنُونَ ﴾

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