PUIC Secretary General Expresses Solidarity with Somalia in the Face of Floods

PUIC Secretary General Expresses Solidarity with Somalia in the Face of Floods

His Excellency Mr. Mouhamed Khouraichi Niass, Secretary General of the Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States, expressed his full solidarity with the Republic of Somalia, which is currently facing a flood disaster that has so far displaced more than one million people and resulted in the death of 101 Somalis.

His Excellency calls on Member States to help Somalia in facing this critical environmental situation caused by the El Niño phenomenon, which is sweeping the Horn of Africa region, which already vulnerable to the effects of climate change, having just emerged from its worst drought in forty years.

H. E. expresses his condolences to the brotherly Somali people and prays to Almighty God to bestow His mercy on the dead and to protect Somalia and its people from all harm.

2 December 2023

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