Final Statement issued by the 35th Emergency Conference of the Arab Inter-Parliamentary Union

Final Statement issued by the 35th Emergency Conference of the Arab Inter-Parliamentary Union

The Speakers and Heads of Arab Councils and Parliaments gathered at the Thirty-Fifth Emergency Conference of the Arab Inter-Parliamentary Union, held in Baghdad, on the 18th of October 2023, chaired by the President of the Arab Inter-Parliamentary Union, H. E. Mr. Mohammed Rikan Hadid Alhalboosi, Speaker of the Council of Representatives of the Republic of Iraq, to support Gaza and Palestine, and stop the Israeli barbaric attacks on the targeting of civilians and violation of all prohibitions under international humanitarian law:

  • In response to the kind invitation of H.E Mr. Mohammed Rikan Hadid Alhalboosi, President of the Arab Inter-Parliamentary Union, Speaker of the Council of Representatives of the Republic of Iraq to convene an emergency meeting for the Arab Inter-Parliamentary Union,
  • Given the exacerbation of the imminent danger in Gaza Strip, and the deliberate targeting of civilians, especially women, children and elderly, not to mention the forced displacement of its population due to the utterly inhuman practices of the Israeli occupation authorities, and its intention to conduct a full-scale ground military operation which would turn all of Gaza into a massive grave,
  • Following the extensive consultations and calls between brothers at the Arab, regional and international levels, on the unprecedented field developments in Gaza and the entire Occupied Palestinian Territories, and the possibility of dragging the entire Arab Region into a destructive war whose consequences will affect all States without exception,
  • Recognizing that the current worsening situation in Gaza is due to the bloody practices of the occupying Israeli entity against the brotherly Palestinian people, and its disregard for all resolutions of international legitimacy and consensus, not to mention the duplication of international positions vis-à-vis the Israeli occupation authorities and its deliberate disregard for the feelings and values of humanity around the world,

The participants have endorsed the following final statement:

We, the Speakers and Heads of Arab Councils and Parliaments gathered at the Thirty-Fifth Emergency Conference of the Arab Inter-Parliamentary Union,

Being conscious and aware of the fact that Palestinians are being killed and facing destruction, and although they have not missed any opportunity for dialogue and concrete endeavors to reach an understanding to establish their sovereign independent State, with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital, the Israeli occupation authorities, the occupying Power, has ignored their legal and rightful demands with racism and cynicism unprecedented in human history,

Believing in the effectiveness of Arab solidarity and joint Arab action in lifting injustice against our brothers in Occupied Palestine, which faces a destructive demonic force that has never hesitated to use all kinds of internationally prohibited weapons to perpetrate further massacres against Palestinians, even those who moved to cross safe passages out of Gaza, we, therefore:

  1. Adopt the submission of an emergency item during the 147th IPU Assembly, which will be held on 23/10/2023, including the (Cessation of the war on Gaza and halting the human rights violations).
  2. Condemn, with the strongest rhetoric, the State terrorism by the Israeli entity's authorities against the Palestinian people in all their categories, especially civilian children, women and elderly, in a failed attempt to break the will of people, enforce ethnic cleansing on a wider scale, and the forced displacement, as well as the liquidation of the Palestinian cause;
  3. Emphasize that the crimes committed by the Zionist entity, most recently the bombing of the Baptist Hospital, will lead to an unprecedented explosion throughout Arab territory, as well as widening the circle of mass killings and the law of the jungle, which Israel has been trying to promote since 1948,
  4. Renew our call to the international community and its active international organizations to intervene promptly and immediately, to speak of the right to face violations of the Israeli entity, and stop it, halt crimes against humanity, and face the attempts to isolate Gaza and to kill its people rooted in the land of their parents and grandparents, as well as to stop attacks by Jewish settlers and extremists on the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Church of the Resurrection, and to attack Palestinian citizens in occupied Palestinian villages and cities.
  5. Urge the worldwide media to be impartial and careful in dealing with the coverage of events in Gaza and occupied Palestine.
  6. Say it publicly and explicitly that the double standards approach, used by some States, which equates the oppressor with the oppressed, loses its credibility and status as an international player that embraces democracy and advocates for human rights and moral and humanitarian principles, and will not alter the realities on Palestinian land, the base of messages and the capital of religions, but will strip the bloody face of the Israeli occupation.
  7. Reaffirm our commitment to the resolutions of the United Nations, and the Arab Initiative for Peace, which represented an Arab consensus to preserve the Palestinian rights in full and undiminished, and this would happen with the establishment of an independent and fully sovereign Palestinian State on its national territory, with Al-Quds as its capital.
  8. Call upon the international parliaments and bodies to take a position to stop violations against unarmed civilians from Palestinian people, condemn the collective punishment, the forced displacement, and the killing of innocents to which Palestinians are subjected in Gaza, as well as the recurrent assaults on Lebanon, and Syria.
  9. Commend and highly appreciate the resilience and steadiness of the Palestinian people, who have endured the crimes of occupation for decades, and we renew the promise and covenant that the Palestinian cause, which is Arab and historical, will remain a beacon of the right to the face of falsehood, and the compass for Arabs and Muslims all around the world, with its soil and its Christian and Islamic sanctities, and above all the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, the first of the two qiblas and the third of the Holy Mosques. The time is Palestine and the place is Palestine until the Day of Judgement. We also recall the Hashemite custodianship of Holy Sites in Palestine.
  10. Call upon the international community, the international and regional organizations to take responsibility for the immediate cessation of war, and open corridors to deliver humanitarian and relief assistance to Palestine, in relief of the Palestinian people in Gaza Strip, and in response to their suffering as a result of the attacks to which they are subjected, as well as the lacking of the survival conditions, and the attempt to not allow Israeli entity to prevent the entry of humanitarian assistance from food, water, therapeutic materials and energy resources despite Egypt's efforts and willingness to enter them through the Rafah crossing. We also reiterate our unequivocal rejection of any calls for the forced displacement of Palestinians in Gaza Strip by military tools, which constitute a liquidation of the Palestinian cause, a loss of the Palestinian right, and the spread of instability throughout the region.
  11. We extend our thanks and appreciation to the Republic of Iraq, which has never failed to support its nation's issues, for hosting this emergency conference and providing all the reasons for its success, for the compassion and immortality of the righteous martyrs in all parts of Palestine, and for the sacred prayers of the Palestinian bound by resilience and steadiness until the restoration of their legitimate rights.

Baghdad – Republic of Iraq, Wednesday, 18th of October 2023.

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