The Secretary-General Strongly Condemns:

The Storming of Al-Shifa Hospital and the HQ of the Legislative Council by Zionist Forces, and the Bombing of the HQ of the Qatari Committee for the Reconstruction of Gaza

The Storming of Al-Shifa Hospital and the HQ of the Legislative Council by Zionist Forces, and the Bombing of the HQ of the Qatari Committee for the Reconstruction of Gaza

The Zionist occupation forces continue their barbaric aggression against the Gaza Strip for the fortieth day, committing horrific massacres and acts of killing and destruction unprecedented in human history.

Today, on the 15th of November 2023, the occupation forces forcibly entered Gaza's largest hospital, Al-Shifa, where numerous patients – the majority of whom being vulnerable children and elderly individuals – were seeking medical care. Yesterday, the Israeli Defence Minister boastfully shared a photograph on social media, which depicted his soldiers in the main hall of the Palestinian Legislative Council in Gaza, before declaring that they had blown up the building.

His Excellency, Mr. Mouhamed Khouraichi Niass, Secretary-General of the Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States, strongly condemns this brutal Israeli aggression against the Gaza Strip and condemns the daily massacres, killings and horrific destruction suffered by its residents.

His Excellency regards the invasion of Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza as a flagrant violation of international humanitarian law, as well as the bombing of the headquarters of the Qatari Committee for the Reconstruction of Gaza by the Israeli occupation. The latter is considered a war crime to be added to the record of the enemy's crimes in this brutal war it is waging against the Gaza Strip and its people.

The Secretary-General also strongly condemns the Zionist forces' storming of the headquarters of the Palestinian Legislative Council in Gaza, which was elected by the Palestinian people and is a symbol of democracy, which the supporters of the Zionist entity boast of being its protectors.

15 November 2023

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