PUIC President Calls for Emergency Meeting regarding Crime of Burning Holy Quran and Repercussions of Climate Change

PUIC President Calls for Emergency Meeting regarding Crime of Burning Holy Quran and Repercussions of Climate Change

H.E. the PUIC President, Speaker of the Algerian National People’s Assembly, Mr. Ibrahim Boughali, called the Speakers of PUIC Member Parliaments for an emergency meeting to consider means of preventing despicable practices evidenced by the repeated burning of the Holy Quran, as well as to look into the repercussions of Climate Change, and the Islamic solidarity to confront it.

The Meeting, held by Webinar Technology, will take place on Monday 25 September 2023 from 09:00 to 11:00 hrs. (GMT).

The PUIC General Secretariat, called, in the Note Verbal which it sent concerning the subject, for the participation of all concerned in the Meeting which addresses issues of the utmost importance to our Islamic Word.

21 September 2023

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