Following the Devastating Earthquake:

Secretary General Offers Condolences to Moroccan Parliament

Secretary General Offers Condolences to Moroccan Parliament

H.E. the PUIC Secretary General, Mr. Mouhamed Khouraichi Niass, expressed the most sincere condolences and consolation to the bi-cameral Moroccan Parliament, and through it to His Majesty King Mohammed VI, on the occasion of the devastating earthquake which struck some regions of the country, causing thousands of deaths and injuries, as well as wide-spread destruction of houses and infra-structure in those areas.

This came in two separate messages which the Secretary General addressed to H.E. Mr. Rashid Al- Talbi Al- Almi, Speaker of the House of Representatives, and H.E. Mr. Al – Niaam Miyarat, Speaker of the Moroccan House of Counselors.

In the two messages, the Secretary General confirmed standing by their side during this painful predicament. He prayed to Almighty Allah to shower His mercy on the deceased, expedite recovery of the wounded, grant Morocco further bounties and protect it from all evil and misfortune.

12 September 2023

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