Statement of the PUIC President in Commemoration of the Burning of Al Aqsa Mosque

Statement of the PUIC President in Commemoration of the Burning of Al Aqsa Mosque

On the occasion of the passage of the 54th commemoration of the burning of the blessed Al Aqsa, H.E. the Speaker of the National People’s Assembly of Algeria, President of the Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States (PUIC) issued the following statement:

“ With intense pain we recall today the most horrible images of Zionist criminality and barbarity… the day when terrorist extremist carried out the burning of Al Aqsa Mosque, First Qibla and Third of the Holy sanctuaries… symbol of the dignity of Muslims and convergence of the tolerance of religions and humanity.

As we recall this painful memory, we affirm that blind terrorism has no religion, and no homeland, and that occupation shall remain a horrendous image with no linkage to humanity or its dignity, and that our steadfast Palestinian people shall gain their total right and recover their lands with Al Quds Al Sharif as its capital and shall turn the page of the beastly occupation forever without return.

22 August 2023

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