PUIC President Condemns Israeli Aggressions on Jenin

PUIC President Condemns Israeli Aggressions on Jenin

The President of the Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States (PUIC) Mr. Ibrahim Boughali, Speaker of the National Assembly of Algeria, condemns the campaign of aggressions launched by Israeli occupation forces on the Jenin camps in the occupied West Bank, which resulted in the martyrdom of several innocent victims.

His Excellency calls upon all parliaments of the free world to denounce this arrogance and aggression and act as genuine interpreters of the human conscience considered as representatives of peoples who look forward to a world of justice and human cooperation.

His Excellency requests the international community to act immediately in order to stop such vicious violations and the continuous Israeli escalation in the Palestinian territories without regards to international laws and conventions.

The PUIC President reiterates support of the just cause of the Palestinian people in ending the occupation of their lands, and the establishment of their independent state with Al- Quds Al Sharif as its capital. He holds the international community, especially the UN Security Council, its political and legal responsibilities in ensuring international protection for the unarmed Palestinian people.

7 July 2023

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