Secretary General:

Burning Copy of Holy Quran, Heinous Crime, Act of Provocation For Muslims

Burning Copy of Holy Quran, Heinous Crime, Act of Provocation For Muslims

H.E. the PUIC Secretary General, Mr. Mouhamed Khouraichi Niass, considered the burning of a copy of holy Quran, in Stockholm, Sweden, an outrageous crime as well as a provocative act for all Muslims.

He stated that this crime, permitted by the Swedish authorities, and protected its perpetrators, is repeated for the second time, in Stockholm.

This time, this crime, committed during the days of the blessed Eidul Adha, and near the big mosque in the city, under the protection of the Swedish authorities, underlines the premeditated will to provoke the sentiments of Muslims.

This is an atrocious act because it is targeting the great Quran which is a noble Book sent by the Almighty God to our Lord and Prophet, Mohammed (Pbuh), as an “explanation of everything”, a guide, mercy and a good omen for Muslims”. The Crime took place in the vicinity of the Mosque within the boundaries of its inviolability, and at a time of sacredness for Muslims i.e. the days of pilgrimage and the blessed Eidul Adha (Eidul Qurban).

The Swedish authorities are, therefore, called upon to apologize to the Muslims, punish the perpetrators of this crime, and take measures necessary for its non-reputation, if these authorities are keen on is future relations with the Islamic States.

30 June 2023

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