Parliamentary Elections in Guinea Bissau

Parliamentary Elections in Guinea Bissau

Parliamentary Elections were conducted in the Republic of Guinea Bissau on Sunday June 4, 2023 in which several political blocs competed for 102 seats in the National People’s Assembly (The Parliament).

The opposition bloc won the majority of the seats (54), while the party supportive of the incumbent President of the country got (29) seats, other political parties shared the remaining seats, according to the announcement made by the electoral commission.

The Group of 200 observers who monitored the elections praised the transparency of the elections and that no significant violation was observed.

H.E. the PUIC Secretary General, Mr. Mouhamed Khouraichi Niass, offered his congratulations to the State of Guinea Bissau and its people on this occasion, wishing them all the best to the country whose parliament is a PUIC Member.

14 June 2023

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