The PUIC Holds an Emergency Meeting on the issue of Palestine

The PUIC Holds an Emergency Meeting on the issue of Palestine

At the initiative of His Excellency Mr. Ibrahim Boughali, President of the National People’s Assembly of the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria, President of the Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States (PUIC) a virtual emergency meeting was held with the Members of the Troika and the members of the Palestine Committee of the PUIC, in order to study the Palestinian issue, especially the critical situation prevailing recently in the Palestinian arena, as well as the violent Zionist aggression on the Palestinian worshipers in Al Aqsa Mosque and all the Palestinian people.

The meeting was chaired by His Excellency Mr. Ibrahim Boughali, President of the Algerian National People's Assembly, and the attendance of H.E. Mr. Mouhamed Khouraichi Niass, PUIC Secretary General, and the participation of following Speakers Parliaments:

• Rowhi Fattouh (the State of Palestine)

• Mustafa Sentop (Republic of Turkiye)

• Ahmed bin Salman Al-Musallam (Kingdom of Bahrain)

• Mohammad Bagher Qalibaf (Islamic Republic of Iran)

• Saqr Ghobash (United Arab Emirates)

Also their Excellencies representatives of the following PUIC Member Parliaments participated in the meeting:

• Republic of Indonesia

• Republic of Iraq

• the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

• State of Kuwait

• Republic of Lebanon

• The Kingdom of Morocco

• Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

The meeting was opened by His Excellency Mr. Ibrahim Boughali, President of the Algerian National People's Assembly, who thanked those attending and participating in the meeting in order to consult on how to deal with the blatant attacks against the people of Palestine, and he confirmed the sanctity of Al-Aqsa Mosque and condemned violation of its sanctity and called on the international community and the Security Council to assume their responsibilities towards the defenseless Palestinian people.

He called the Human Rights Council to convene an urgent emergency meeting, and requested the International Criminal Court to seek a just settlement and punishment those responsible for these crimes.

Then, His Excellency the Secretary-General of the PUIC, and Their Excellences Speakers and the heads of the participating delegations made interventions. They all stressed the need to address the cessation of these practices and violations against the defenseless Palestinian people during the month of Ramadan, and to extend all greetings and appreciation to the Palestinian stationed in Al-Aqsa Mosque, and they stressed the need to protect the worshipers and ensure religious freedom, and they also stressed the importance of the role that parliamentarians can play in various fields to act to stop such violations in light of the international community's disregard and double standards.

The meeting will issue a statement containing its outputs and recommendations

10 April 2023

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