Interviews with the Presidents of the PUIC Conferences (Egypt)

Interviews with the Presidents of the PUIC Conferences (Egypt)

* Need For Serious Action to Develop Work of the Union
* Islamophobia Poses the Most Significant Challenge
* Necessity for Strategies to Support Palestinian Cause
* Mechanisms to Boost PUIC Coordination in IPU
* Islamic Socio-Economic Council to Develop Economies

Here are the answers of H.E. Prof. Ahmed Fathi Sorour, President of the People's Assembly of Egypt and President of the 5th Session of the PUIC Conference:

Q:  “PUIC”: How do you evaluate the work of the PUIC during the past ten years?

A:   At the outset and before responding to the above question, reference ought to be made to the fact that the establishment of the PUIC on 17th June 1999, in the Iranian capital Tehran, aimed at achieving the following objectives which are stated in article (1) of the PUIC Statute:
1.    Introducing and disseminating the noble principles of Islam, with emphasis on the different aspects of its civilization;
2.    Enhancing and supporting the implementation of the Islamic principle of consultation (Shura) in all OIC Member States, in accordance with the constitution and circumstances of each member;
3.    Providing a framework for comprehensive and fruitful cooperation and coordination among parliaments of OIC members in international fora and organizations;
4.    Promoting meeting and dialogue among parliaments of OIC members and their deputies, exchanging parliamentary experience, discussing economic, cultural, social and political issues of interest to the OIC members, and addressing grave challenges and attempts to impose cultural, political and economic domination, and adopting appropriate recommendations and decisions on such issues;
5.    Strengthening contacts, cooperation and coordination with other parliamentary, governmental and non- governmental organizations, with the aim of advancing common objectives;
6.    Fostering coordination among peoples of the world in order to respect and defend human rights and humanitarian principles and establishment of peace, based on justice.
In general it may be stated that the PUIC, the youthful organization, which has commemorated its tenth anniversary this year, has made several achievements and successes through the issues discussed and the exchange of views among Member Parliaments during regular or extraordinary sessions held over this period at its various levels (11 Council Sessions; 5 Conference Sessions; and 21 meetings of the Executive Committee). Also  through adoption of several resolutions, statements and declarations which aim at strengthening and bolstering relations among parliaments of Muslim states. The most outstanding of these resolutions had been the one adopted by the 10th session of the Council, held in Cairo, on 27-28 January 2008, on strengthening Islamic unity, as well as the resolution on the necessity of consultation and the adoption of a unified stance by Member Parliaments in international Parliamentary fora and organizations.
The PUIC Council has also adopted other resolutions on pressing issues of concern to Muslim Peoples in various political, economic, cultural and organizational fields relating to supporting the work and progress of the Union.
In the political field, Member Parliaments  have reacted to the issues of the Muslim Ummah and Peoples, primarily the Palestinian cause, the foremost Muslim cause. The PUIC Council has adopted several resolutions on Palestine, Al Quds Al Sharif and Al Aqsa Mosque, and the preservation of national Palestinian unity, notably the two resolutions on the situation in Palestine adopted by the 10th and 11th sessions, held successively in Cairo and Niamey in 2008 and 2009. Also the resolution adopted by the 2nd Extra- ordinary Session of the PUIC Council, held in Istanbul, Turkey on 24 March 2008, concerning the situation in occupied Palestine and the Israeli blockade of Gaza Strip; in addition to the resolutions adopted by the 5th Session of the PUIC Conference, held in Cairo , on 30-31 January 2009, on Palestinian national unity, and the issues of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, Palestine and the occupied territories.
    The PUIC Council adopted other resolutions on Iraq, Lebanon, Somalia, Darfur region and making the Middle East a zone free of weapons of mass destruction.
    The PUIC Council reacted in a remarkably way with tissues concerning the protection of the Turkish Muslim minorities in Western Thrace and Greece as well as supporting Kosovo’s independence.
    In addition to the resolutions adopted by the 5th PUIC Conference, held in Cairo on 30-31 January 2008 , on Iraq , the security and stability of the Sudanese Darfur region, supporting the independence of Kosovo, situation in Cyprus, Armenia’s aggression on Azerbaijan and boosting Islamic unity.
    In the economic field, the PUIC Council adopted several resolutions aimed at promoting economic relations among its members, the outstanding and important of which ever, was the resolution adopted by the 10th session of the PUIC Council, held in Cairo, on 27-28 January 2008, concerning the establishment of an Islamic Monetary Fund, and the allocation of voluntary contributions to the Solidarity Fund of Islamic States in times of disasters, as well as the resolutions adopted by the 11th Session of the PUIC Council, held in Niamey, Niger, on 18-19 January 2009, on cancelling or alleviating debts of economically- suffering Muslim States; following  up the study of establishing an Islamic Monetary Fund; and allocation of voluntary contributions to the Islamic Solidarity Fund to finance Takaful and solidarity operations among Muslim States during the times of disasters.
    In the social field, the PUIC Council took interest in several issues of concern to Muslim peoples and adopted important resolutions thereon, for example and not exclusively, to confront the slave trade and trafficking in Muslim children, and condemning aggression  on Muslim historical and cultural antiquities in some Muslim countries.
    In the organizational and administrative field, the PUIC adopted several important resolutions and recommendations, aimed at advancing the Union and improving its performance, the most outstanding of which was the one adopted by the 5th Session of the PUIC Conference, held in Cairo, on 30-31 January 2008, on the necessity of consultation and adopting a unified stand by Member Parliaments in international parliamentary fora and organizations; and the resolution on establishing an adhoc committee, chaired by Professor Ahmed Fathi  Sorour, Speaker of the People’s Assembly of Egypt and President of the 5th Session of the PUIC Conference, and membership of their Excellencies: President of the 4th Session of PUIC Conference, President of the next 6th Session of the Conference, Speaker of the host country, PUIC Secretary General, OIC Secretary General and three Speakers of Member Parliaments in the Arab, African and Asian regional groups. The aim is to draw up a plan to reform the Union and develop its Statute. The resolution also stipulated formation of a small technical committee to study the subject and submit a report to the committee constituted by the Union in order to present the results of its work to the 6th PUIC Session in 2010.
    The PUIC also succeeded in winning new members. The membership of the Union now stands at 51 members. This is a proof of the vitality and effectiveness of the work carried out by the PUIC as a standing platform for discussing the political, economic, cultural and social issues of the Islamic Ummah and adopting the necessary resolutions and recommendations thereon.
    In this respect reference may be made to the regular participation of the Union in international and regional meetings, like the meetings of the IPU, as well as playing a substantial role  in cementing relations between Muslim peoples in Asia, Africa and Europe.
    Last, but not least, the PUIC has made several successes in the field of information, the most outstanding of which , has been the development of the PUIC website which now occupies its appropriate place in the group of world and regional Parliamentary Unions. There is the publication of the Union’s quarterly  “ PUIC “ in the three languages: Arabic, English and French. The aim is to redress the shortage in the Union’s information side. The third edition of the “ PUIC” saw light in July 2009. The General Secretariat plans to upgrade this bullet in order to serve of the PUIC objectives stipulated in its Statute.
    This does not mean that the PUIC has achieved the expected objectives and results as enshrined in Article(1) of its Statute. What has been achieved is still below what is expected of the Union. The gap is big between what is required and what has been actually achieved. This is due to several challenges and stumbling-blocks which affect the development and progress of the Union, the most outstanding of which is the shortage of financing. The gap is big between what has been stipulated in the PUIC Statute such as allocating an annual budget amounting to 50% of the OIC budget, on the one hand, and the resolution of the 2nd Session of the PUIC Council in Cairo, in July 2000, to make the PUIC budget only 10% of the contribution of each member state in the OIC budget. Certainly the strong restriction of financial revenues appeared reasonable in 2000 to launch the work of the Union. However the continuation of these restrictions over subsequent years has a great impact on the effectiveness of the PUIC at the Islamic and international arenas.
    Furthermore, half Member Parliaments have arrears ranging between one and eight years. Without doubt this fact has curtailed the ability of the Union to develop and energize its performance and make the adopted resolutions a reality.
    The Union has failed in solving some problems, organizing relations among Parliaments of Member States, or eliminating some challenges which are common to Muslim States, primarily stopping the vicious Western campaign against Islam and Muslims, the deterioration of the conditions of some Muslim minorities, as well as  the downturn of economic conditions which have been further aggravated by the global financial and economic crisis.
    This necessitates serious action to develop the work of the Union and energize the role of the General Secretariat and develop the PUIC Statute and Regulations. Development is not an objective in itself but a means to realize higher interests and more inclusive benefits, especially in the light of new developments at the international and Islamic levels.
Q:    How do you evaluate the response of the Union to Islamic issues in general?
A:    More than ten years have passed since the inception of the PUIC. During this period five Conference sessions, eleven Council sessions, twenty –one meetings of the Executive Committee were held, in addition to other extra-ordinary meetings. The last of which was the Extraordinary Meeting of the EC in Istanbul on 14th January 2009 aimed at addressing the aggravating situation in Gaza and its negative ramifications.
    The various levels of the PUIC have adopted a body of resolutions and recommendations which interacted with the issues and crises of the Muslim Ummah. They also addressed ways of cooperation between our Islamic World and the international community through dialogue ,etc.
    The most outstanding of these issues, in the political domain, are the grave and deteriorating conditions in the occupied Palestinian territories; the continued policy of deep penetration into Palestinian Lands; pursuit of building the wall of separation; the stalled Palestinian-Palestinian dialogue; and the recent tyrannical Israeli aggression on Gaza Strip which led to the martyrdom and injury of about five thousand Palestinians and large-scale devastation of public utilities and the infra-structure.
    The deteriorating security conditions in Iraq pose a no less dangerous challenge in addition to the tragic situations in several other Muslim countries, foremost  of which is Somalia.
    In the cultural domain the foremost issue tackled by the Union is the savage attack on Islam and Muslims and persistence in obliterating the image of Islam, considering it synonymous with terrorism, The PUIC stressed that distorting the image of Islam and Muslims had become the main target of several extreme right-wing powers and Zionist circles in Western States, especially after 9/11/2001. A wide front was constituted to oppose and reject the presence of anything Muslim in Western States. Islamophobia has developed which added to the suffering of Muslim minorities in Europe and the USA.
    As this issue constitutes the most significant challenge facing the Muslim Ummah and effecting its destiny, the Union interacted with it in a serious manner. The various PUIC levels have adopted several resolutions, notably the resolution adopted by the Second Extraordinary Session of the PUIC Council, held in Istanbul on 14th March 2008 concerning the demand to incriminate insulting religious sanctities and symbols as well as the resolution adopted by the 11th Session of the Council, held in Niger, on 18-19 February 2009 on obtaining a UN resolution on issuing an international legislation banning insulting divine religions and their symbols.
    In the economic domain, the primary issues with which the PUIC has been concerned is the suffering of most Muslim States because of poverty; the low rates of economic development; imposition of unilateral sanctions on Muslim States; the establishment of an Islamic Monetary Fund; and the global financial and economic crisis.
    Parliaments of Muslim States have embarked on efforts to strengthen ties of economic cooperation and solidarity among Muslim Countries. Several resolutions were adopted aimed at addressing the above pressing issues. Primarily the resolution of the 5th Session of the PUIC Conference, held in Cairo on 30-31 January 2008, concerning the allocation of voluntary contributions to the Islamic Solidarity Fund to Finance the process of interdependence ( Takaful) and solidarity among Muslim States during times of disasters.
    Although we hail those achievements, we would like to emphasize that they still fall short of our aspirations and hopes.
    We would like to stress the need for effective and continuous action to follow up the issues and developments of interest to the Ummah and the imperative of conducting anticipatory studies. Inevitably this will only be done through developing the work and tasks of the PUIC Specialized Committees, provide them with a wider scope to tackle their subjects and convene their meetings each in its own terms of reference regarding the causes of the Ummah at the political, economic, cultural and social levels.
Q:  What is your vision of how to support the Palestinian Cause in the framework of Muslim Parliaments?

A:   The cause of Palestine and the conditions in the occupied territories have occupied a primary position in all PUIC regular and extraordinary meetings. Considered as the central and focal issue of the Islamic and Arab Worlds. This is true at the levels of PUIC Conference, Council and Executive Committee.
    Concern with the Palestinian cause is manifestly shown in choosing Al-Quds as the PUIC logo by the second session of the Union’s Conference, held in Rabat, on 27-28 September 2001, considering that the Palestinian cause is the central cause of all Muslims and Arabs.
    Furthermore, protection of Al-Aqsa Mosque against threat of destruction; the Israeli racist separation wall; committing Israel to abide by the Fourth Geneva Convention and treating Palestinian prisoners and detainees in Israeli jails according to the provisions of the International Humanitarian Law; resumption of the peace process through energizing the Quartet in the light of international legitimacy and the Arab Peace Plan ;condemnation of the financial and economic blockade of the Palestinians in the  wake of their democratic elections; and making the  whole Middle East a zone free of weapons of mass destruction, especially nuclear weapons- all  are made constant items of the meetings of the PUIC Conference and Council, as well as the Committee on Political and Economic Affairs. These issues underpin several resolutions and recommendations in support of the Palestinian Cause.
    The most poignant of resolutions adopted in this respect are the two resolutions of the PUIC Council, in its tenth and eleventh sessions, held in Cairo and Niger, in 2008 and 2009 successively, concerning the situation in occupied Palestine. There is the resolution adopted by the fifth Session of the PUIC Conference, held in Cairo , on 30-31 January 2008, concerning Palestinian national unity and the issues of Al-Quds  Al-Sharif, Palestine and the occupied territories. Also the resolution adopted by the second extraordinary session of the PUIC Council, held in Istanbul, Turkey, on 24 March 2008 on the situation in occupied Palestine and the Israeli siege of Gaza Strip.
    The dramatic events prevailing in the Middle East arena, especially the savage Israeli aggression on the besieged Gaza Strip, which resulted in the death and injury of five thousand Palestinians, and suspicious international silence, prompted the PUIC to convene an Open-Ended Meeting of the Executive Committee in Istanbul on 14/1/2009, in order to tackle the deteriorating situation and its ramifications in Gaza Strip. The meeting was deemed the first Parliamentary action of importance to be carried out by Islamic countries to address such an awesome human tragedy.
    The meeting adopted the “ Istanbul Declaration” , objective resolutions and a clear roadmap in order to deal with this serious crisis and its ramifications. The meeting also renewed support to the just struggle of the Palestinian people to regain their established inalienable rights, including their right to return, self-determination and establish their independent state with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital. It requested the international community and its relevant institutions to constitute a fact-finding commission into Israel’s violations of human rights and the international humanitarian law and to bring the culprits to international justice. The meeting called for immediately lifting the blockade on Gaza, opening  all crossings and recognizing the resistance of the Palestinian people to aggression. The meeting requested the Palestinian factions to renounce their differences to ensure Palestinian national unity and serve the higher interests of the Palestinian people.
    Follow-up action to implement the resolutions of the “ Istanbul Declaration” was continuing through speeches and meetings with Speakers of a number of Parliaments on the sidelines of regional and world conferences, notably the Conference on “ Supporting Palestine Symbol of Resistance- Gaza is victim of Crime”, held in Tehran on 4 March 2009 and the 120 Assembly of the IPU, held  in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on 5-10 April 2009.
    Member Parliaments have extended assistance and support to the Palestinian people by donating portions of salaries of their staff, holding symposia, exhibitions and support festivals. They also announced pledges to rebuild what has been destroyed by the Israeli war-machine, as well as to rebuild the legislative Council in Gaza Strip, and dispatch medical teams and convoys of humanitarian relief assistance.Action also included statements condemning and denouncing the brutal Israeli aggression on Gaza Strip, and the unprecedented atrocities perpetrated by Israel in the Strip against the civilian population, closing the crossings, stopping material assistance and starving the Palestinian people.
    The PUIC General Secretariat issued several condemnatory statements supportive of the Palestinian people in their human tragedy, namely denunciation of horrifying massacre which Israel committed on Gaza beach which led to the martyrdom of eight people, seven of them from one family, on 12 July 2006. Statement categorically denouncing the arrest of Dr. Aziz Al-Duwaik, Speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council and the demand for his immediate release together with the other detained deputies(6/8/2006); statement decrying the abhorrent Israeli aggression on Beit Hanoun village in northern Gaza Strip and the killing and injuring several peaceful civilians under the rubble of their houses, on 6/11/2006; statement welcoming and supporting the formation of a Palestinian national unity government on 18/3/2007; statement deploring the cruel blockade imposed by Israel on Gaza Strip in contravention of all the principles of the rights of human beings to live in dignity(20/12/2008); statement castigating the 3-year prison sentence passed by an Israeli court against Dr. Aziz Al-Duwaik(20/12/2008); statement denouncing the continuous Israeli violations against Gaza Strip which culminated in the despicable massacre perpetrated by the invading Israeli forces which resulted in the martyrdom and injury of thousands of the heroic Palestinian people(27/12/2008).
    Notwithstanding the PUIC continuous interaction with the Palestinian issue in general, and the Israeli aggression on Gaza Strip in particular, the Union must adopt several strategies to support and assist the Palestinian cause, namely:
1)    Strong action to remind the international community that the situation in the Middle East, and in Gaza Strip in particular, is grave. This is mainly due to the fact that the Palestinian issue is not taken seriously and that the international legitimacy that ensures the right of the Palestinian to establish their independent state has not been applied.

2)    Continuation of efforts exerted in the framework of the UN and the IPU in order to  exercise pressure on Israel, the occupying power, to end the siege on Gaza Strip, and immediately and unconditionally release all the Palestinian prisoners, especially Dr. Aziz Al-Duwaik, Speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council as the other detained Palestinian Parliamentarians.

       3)    Establishment of a Special Islamic Fund, in the context of supporting the Palestinian cause, and participation in the rebuilding of Gaza Strip and bringing back its former prosperity.

Q:  How do you evaluate the level of PUIC coordination action in international fora, especially in the framework of the IPU?
A: Every action, irrespective of its nature, is liable for development and advancement to the better. Suffice it to stress here that PUIC coordination action is continuous and fruitful through representatives of Member Parliaments in international fora, particularly in the context of the IPU. The Islamic Group continues to hold its consultative meetings on the sidelines of IPU Assemblies, the most recent of which has been the 120th IPU Assembly, convened in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on 6th April 2009, aimed at taking a unified stance concerning issues of importance to the Ummah in international fora, supporting efforts to establish permanent dialogue between Islamic and Western Parliaments. Continuing an international fact- finding commission about the unprecedented Israeli violations of human rights and the International Humanitarian Law, and prosecuting the culprits as war criminals by international justice in accordance with the Istanbul Declaration; adopting a UN resolution to enact an international legislation proscribing insult to divine religions and their respective symbols. Forming an international parliamentary fact-finding commission on the Israeli military operations in Gaza; and discussing the international role of parliamentarians in achieving and supporting peace, stability and security in the Middle East.
To advance PUIC coordination action in the IPU framework and bestow on it an official status and legal legitimacy, the PUIC Conference ( 5th Session), held in Cairo 30-31 January 2008, adopted a resolution on the necessity of consultation and taking a unified stand by PUIC Member Parliaments in international parliamentary for and organizations, primarily at the IPU.             
The Extraordinary Session of the PUIC Council, held in Istanbul, Turkey, on 24 March 2008, adopted a resolution on supporting the candidacy of the Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives to the Presidency of the IPU.
Despite these prompt efforts to advance and promote PUIC coordination action, yet the achievements made so far are below the hopes. Furthermore the Islamic Parliamentary Group at the IPU, in spite of its size in the Union, is considered one of the least effective regional groupings and organizations on the IPU course and resolutions. This necessitates giving a boost to the coordination action through several mechanisms, namely:

1)Exerting more efforts in order to realize further coordination with the Arab and Asian groups to follow up the requests and recommendations of the Islamic Group in the plenary meetings of the IPU.

2)Establishing a permanent body to carry out coordination and consultation among the PUIC Parliamentary delegations so as to adopt a unified position during the IPU plenary meetings to support the causes of the Islamic Ummah and confront the many challenges which it is facing.

3)Agreeing on raising the general and important issues of big concern to all Muslim States but do not have general agreement.

4)Realizing positive interaction in the framework of the IPU system through collective will and organized joint action to reflect the concerns and issues of the Islamic Ummah on the international Scene.

Q:How do you envisage the means to activate and effectuate PUIC action in order to strengthen cooperation between Member States in the economic and commercial fields based on PUIC resolutions?

A: Before answering this question reference ought to be made to the suffering of most Muslim States due to poverty, and to the low rates of socio-economic development. According to OIC reports the rate of poverty in 36states of the 57 OIC Member States ranges between 20% and %60 . This is connected with the low standard of basic services offered to citizens such as education and healthcare.
There are also the challenges relating to the will of taking political decision for integration between Muslim States and the will for implementation of the decision; challenges relating to human development at the country and collective levels; and the era of globalization, informatics and economic blocs. Suffice it to say that intra-trade of Islamic States has not attained the required level- the rate is still between 13% and 14% of the world trade. This is really very low. Furthermore there is the global financial and economic crisis which is prevailing in the world with its serious impacts for the Islamic World.
In response to these economic and commercial challenges, he PUIC has drawn up an integrated plan to strengthen economic and trade relations among the Member States, aiming at the following:

1)To increase the rates of commercial and investment exchanges between Member States.
2) To combat poverty, unemployment and to improve the quality of life.
3) To encourage labour transfer.
4) To finance operations of interdependence and solidarity during disasters.
5) To cooperate in the field of technology transfer.
In order to realize such objectives, the PUIC has adopted resolutions on combating effects the impacts of globalization on the economies of developing countries, especially Muslim States, through the establishment of an Islamic Common Market which will help in establishing joint economic ventures, and establish a link between the financial markets of Muslim States.
These resolutions emphasized the pivotal role of parliaments in formulating socio-economic policies ad joint economic action in order to possess technology and coordinate in the field of information technology.
For this purpose the resolutions of the Council encouraged OIC member governments to establish an Islamic Socio-Economic Council in order to develop Islamic economies and propose laws and legislations for this aim.
The PUIC Council adopted important resolutions in this regard namely those taken by its 10th Session, held in Cairo, on 27-28 January 2008 to follow up the establishment of an Islamic Monetary Fund; allocation of voluntary contributions to the Islamic Solidarity Fund to finance interdependence ( Takaful ) operations at the time of disasters; cancellation or alienation of economically constrained Muslim countries. These were re-emphasized at the 11th Session of the PUIC Council, held in Niamey. Niger, on 18-19 February 2009, in view of their importance.
These resolutions stressed the creation of mechanisms to finance development contributions and projects in needy states, by way of Islamic mode of banking- I.e. non-usury such as musharaka, Murabaha, Musanaa, and Muzaraa. These are apt to achieve the desired objective without direct indebtedness.
The PUIC is pursuing to implement one of its resolutions which pertains to the establishment of an Islamic Monetary Fund.
Pursuant to the resolutions adopted by the PUIC Council in its recent sessions, especially the one held in Niamey in February 2009, which calls for encouraging Member States to conclude bilateral agreements on developing and furthering common commercial exchange, urging governments of Member States to establish an Islamic socio-economic council, and constitute a technical committee to examine economic problems , it may be possible to draw up several conceptions for activating PUIC action aimed at promoting cooperation among Member States in economic and commercial fields, namely:
1) To draw up a work mechanism by experts in the economic and commercial domain and to constitute a committee to follow up the functioning of this mechanism in order to achieve a positive and sound result.
2) To activate Zakat and allocate 0.7% of the GDP of rich states in favour of poor countries. In addition to the latter's local resources and good will, these additional resources will enable them to build schools, hospitals, roads and facilities for water supplies. These activities will help to eradicate poverty.
3) To exercise pressure on Muslim governments in order to facilitate the transfer of capital between Muslim states and overcome political differences in a way that would boost the chances of special and public investment. At the same time it will make available resources for development in countries who suffer from the scarcity or smallness of capital sue to the low rate of saving.

Q:What is the expected role to be played by parliamentary diplomacy in strengthening official relations between the various PUIC States?
A:  Parliamentary diplomacy is required to play an important role in cementing ties of understanding and exchange on the levels of legislative bodies as well as government bodies. Furthermore parliamentary diplomacy is the appropriate framework for consultation and discussion among representatives of peoples in various issues. Therefore it is imperative to employ this diplomacy in an optimal manner in order to strengthen solidarity and cooperation among PUIC States, unify efforts and coordinate joint Islamic action to arrive at the most sublime objective. i.e. comprehensive Islamic unity.
In our view the PUIC has played a very big role in solidifying relations among Muslim peoples and governments in Asia, Africa and Europe. However, this role is not up to the cherished level.
In this context, parliaments of Muslim states has a big role to play in investing and employing this diplomacy for the sake of strengthening  official relations between the various PUIC countries and confronting the challenges which impede the process of prosperity and development of Muslim states, as well as building bridges of contact with parliaments of other states through:
1) Coordinating efforts and initiatives in relevant regional and world fora in order to ensure finding just and equitable solutions to the issues of the Muslim world.
2) Maintaining strong and effective contact with the executive authorities in the PUIC States in order to turn PUIC resolutions into concrete reality whose effects may be clearly seen in the political, economic, social and cultural domains.
3) Activating the role of Muslim parliaments in practicing parliamentary diplomacy through continuous bilateral contacts between them and with other parliaments. It is also important to build bridges for contacts and understanding with these parliaments in order to serve the causes of the Ummah.
4) Offering solutions and proposals on the future challenges facing the Muslim World; unifying efforts and coordinating stances and initiatives of PUIC Member States in order to create a unified system in which joint parliaments of national policies and plans will merge.
5) Acting to improve bilateral and multilateral relations in areas where official diplomacy fail to act, especially in times of crises, wars and severance of diplomatic ties, etc, between some Muslim States.
6) Activating brotherhood and friendship societies in Muslim Parliaments and according the priority in the programmes of Parliaments through mutual visits as well as holding bilateral meetings.Also creating programmes to extend help, assistance and support to Parliaments- whose circumstances do not help them to fulfil fully their legislative function, as well as hold joint training courses for parliament staff and parliamentarians. This will realize exchanging expertise and advance joint collective action.

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