Algiers Declaration - The 17th PUIC Conference

Algiers Declaration - The 17th PUIC Conference

29-30 January 2023

We, Speakers of Parliaments and Heads and Members of Delegations of the

Parliaments of the OIC Member States, assembled at the 17th Session of the Conference of the Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States (PUIC), held in Algiers, Algeria, on 29-30 January 2023, under the theme: The Islamic World and challenges of modernity and development;

Expressing our deep thanks and gratitude to His Excellency Mr. ABDELMADJID TEBBOUNE, President of the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria, for having kindly placed this Conference under his High Patronage; and for the great attention he attaches to the Islamic World revival;

Reiterating our adherence to the founding principles of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), particularly the principles of non-interference in the internal affairs of other States, respect for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of States, and the peaceful settlement of conflicts by means of dialogue;

Reaffirming our solid and permanent commitment to defending and promoting the United Nations principles aiming particularly to preserve peace and security around the globe, promote sustainable development and respect for human rights and sovereign equality of States;

Recalling, consequently, the responsibility of the international community for settling the Middle-East Conflict, mainly by enabling the Palestinian people to enjoy all their legitimate rights and establish their independent State with Al- Quds as its capital, thereby providing the conditions for the return of the Palestinian refugees to their homeland in accordance with the United Nations relevant resolutions and international legitimacy;

Welcoming the signing, by the Palestinian factions, of the Algiers Declaration emanating from the Palestinian Unification Conference held under the high patronage of His Excellency the President of the Republic, Mr. ABDELMADJID TEBBOUNE, on 13 October 2022, that ended a long-lasting division, thereby creating a solid foundation for the achievement of Palestinian national unity;

Underlining the urgent need for an inclusive and balanced multilateralism to facing effectively the global challenges related to peace, security, development, climate change, terrorism, organized crime, violent extremism and all forms of discrimination;

Aware of the complexity of the current geopolitical situation, aggravated by the health crisis and persistence of conflicts in the world, exacerbating the global economy crisis, increasing inequalities between the countries of the North and the countries of the South and worsening global food crisis, especially in the Horn of Africa and the Sahel,

Recalling the role and responsibility of the Union Member Parliaments, which represent the voice of the Muslim peoples, in addressing the Islamic world issues and proposing sustainable solutions that meet the aspirations of the Islamic Ummah, on the basis of the principles and objectives enshrined in the OIC Charter, as well as in the Rules of procedures of the Parliamentary Union of the OIC member states;

1. REAFFIRM our unwavering support to the cause of Palestine and preservation of Al-Quds Al-Sharif as well as our support to the people of Palestine in their quest for their legitimate and inalienable rights to self-determination and right to return;

2. CALL the international community, in particular the United Nations Security Council, to fully take his responsibilities and undertake an urgent action to provide necessary protection for the Palestinian civilians, for their rights and fundamental freedoms as well as their holy sites in accordance with the international law and Charter of the United Nations;

3. URGE the Palestinian factions to respect the Algiers Declaration and scale

up their efforts to face together the Zionist illegal policies and practices in particular its violations against the sanctity of Al-Aqsa Mosque and violence against unarmed worshippers;

4. CALL for an immediate cessation of all forms of Israeli violations of the international law including an end of the blockade on Gaza Strip, settlement activities and oppressive practices against Palestinian civilians,

5. SUPPORT the Palestinian demand to obtain full membership in the United Nations Organization to achieve a two-states solution according to rules and principles of the international law. In this regard, we underline, the adoption by the United Nations General Assembly of the resolution requesting an advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice on the Israeli occupation;

6. STRESS the importance of strengthening joint action to facing terrorism and violent extremism which remain a major threat to international peace and security;

7. REITERATE our call to enhancing international and regional cooperation, between States of PUIC Member Parliaments, in fighting terrorism by embracing a comprehensive strategy to combat this scourge effectively;

8. REAFFIRM the need to respect the specificities, cultural and civilizational values of each society and reject all attempts to impose, under any cover or pretext, strange /external behaviours or practices;

9. HIGHLIGHT Algeria’s initiative leading to the adoption by the UN General-Assembly of resolution 72/130, proclaiming May 16 as «the International Day of Living Together in Peace»;

10. WELCOME the adoption by the General Assembly of the resolution introduced by Pakistan, on behalf of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, designating 15 March as an “International Day to Combat Islamophobia” aiming to foster global dialogue for the promotion of a culture of tolerance and peace at all levels, based on respect for human rights, religions and beliefs;

Condemn in the strongest terms the programmed burning of the Holy Koran in Sweden, Denmark and the Netherlands, which is a heinous crime and a blatant attack on the holiest Muslim sacred values and feelings in the name of freedom of expression. Condemning these barbaric practices, which are contrary to all human and moral values and principles, we call on the OIC to take the necessary measures to respond to these provocations and make recommendations in this regard;

EMPHASIZE the need to resolve without delay the refugees and migrants’ crisis which constitutes a threat to international peace and security by ensuring access to basic services in countries of origin as water and electricity;

13. CALL on the international community to act collectively to enhance international cooperation and accelerate the implementation of sustainable development goals in all its social, economic and environmental dimensions, in order to adequately meet the needs of developing countries in particular those affected by food crisis, climate change, loss of biodiversity, desertification, as well as other forms of environmental degradation;

RECOGNIZE the necessity of taking concrete and ambitious action to combat climate change taking into account common but differentiated responsibilities of States, their national circumstances and respective potentials. Therefore, we call to address concerns of the developing countries, disproportionately hit by the negative effects of climate change, including adequate, sufficient and predictable financial and technical support from developed countries;

15. REITERATE our support to any international initiative aiming to combat all forms of environmental degradation such as climate change, desertification, loss of biodiversity and major threats;

16. UNDERLINE the need to strengthen international cooperation and solidarity to containing, mitigating and defeating any pandemic and its effects through coordinated and inclusive actions, including universal access to all essential health technologies, treatments, medicines and vaccines to fight the COVID-19 pandemic and respond to other health emergencies, in order to ensure equitable global vaccination especially for developing countries;

17. Commends the repercussions of organizing the World Cup Competitions in Qatar, last December, on the propagation of the tolerant Islamic values, and the projection of the sublime civilization of the Islamic nation, existing since 15 centuries. Congratulates the state of Qatar for its outstanding success in organizing an extraordinary World Championship in an Arab Muslim Country.

18. DECIDE to establish a « Committee of Friends of the Union President» composed of the Troika and three Members, one Member from each geographical Group (African, Asian and Arab Groups), and the Secretary General, aiming essentially at achieving harmony and preserving the Islamic Ummah interests;

19. Adopt a strategy of cooperation between Member States in the fieldof digital and cyber security to ensure the intellectual security of our States,

20. Create, in Algiers, a study Centre for the immunity of Islamic thought to protect the Islamic intellectual heritage from any penetration targeting its foundations;

21. PROCEED to create a start-up incubator to promote innovative projects for the benefit of young people.

22. EXPRESS our deep thanks and gratitude to the Parliament of Algeria for the excellent working conditions, warm hospitality, and great attention extended to us on the soil of Algeria.

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