Secretary General Condemns Israel's Barbaric Aggression against the Occupied City of Nablus

Secretary General Condemns Israel

Israeli forces launched a barbaric aggression on the occupied city of Nablus which resulted in the martyrdom of a number of Palestinians and the injury of scores of others. This has come in the course of their continuous aggressions on Palestinian towns and camps in the occupied territories.

H.E. the PUIC Secretary General, Mr. Mouhamed Khouraichi Niass denounces this abhorrent crime in Nablus and holds Israel fully responsible for its evil aggression on the Palestinian people, their land and sanctities.

His Excellency demands the international community to intervene in order to halt these sinful attacks and provide international protection for the Palestinian people.

His Excellency calls on the Islamic peoples to support the Palestinians for the sake of liberating their land, and stand on their side in order to defend the sanctities of the Ummah.

26 October 2022

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