Secretary General Calls For Solidarity With Bangladesh

Secretary General Calls For Solidarity With Bangladesh

The State of Bangladesh is currently experiencing heavy downpours and floods which resulted, up to now, in the death of scores of people, particularly in the northern part of the country.

According to reports of specialized international organizations, one third of the population of Bangladesh will be affected by these catastrophes in view of the expectation of further rains and floods in the coming days.

UNESCO has announced that more than two million people, out of the population of Bangladesh who number 161 million have sustained damage from this situation, including 1,3 million children, in addition to the dispersion of half a million families.

H.E. the PUIC Secretary General Mr. Mouhamed Khouraichi Niass, declares solidarity with Bangladesh and offers condolences to the Bangladeshi Parliament, government and people. He prays to Almighty God to shower His mercy and forgiveness on the dead, and grant compassion to Bangladesh and its people.

His Excellency calls for solidarity in such circumstances in response to the teaching of our glorious Sharia in terms of offering relief to distressed and grieved people.

It is stated in the Traditions that one who relieves a believer from distress, Allah will relieve him of seventy distresses in the Day of Judgment.

26 June 2022

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