Islamic Group Holds Consultative Meeting in Geneva

25 October 2009  PUIC Desk

PUIC parliamentary delegations, participating in 121 Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary union (IPU) in Geneva, held a consultative meeting at 10:00 a.m. on 19th October 2009 under the chairmanship of H.E. Professor Ahmed Fathi Sorour, Speaker of the People’s Assembly of Egypt and President of the PUIC Conference.
The meeting was attended by the Parliament Speakers of the Sultanate of Oman, Republic of the Sudan and the Islamic Republic of Iran. The meeting was also attended by the delegations of : State of Qatar, Kingdom of Bahrain, State of Kuwait, Republic of Iraq, Kingdom of Jordan, Syrian Arab Republic, Republic of Algeria, Kingdom of Morocco, Republic of Pakistan, Republic of Turkey, Malaysia, Republic of Indonesia, Republic of Kazakhstan, Republic of Turkmenistan, Libyan Jamahiriya, Republic of Tunisia, Republic of Afghanistan, Republic of Bangladesh, United Arab Emirates, Republic of Yemen and State of Palestine.
The meeting discussed the Agenda and adopted a number of coordination resolutions on the actions of delegations in the IPU meetings. The attendants agreed on supporting the Arab proposal on the issue of Gaza Strip submitted by the Sultanate of Oman. Iran submitted a similar proposal.
The PUIC delegation, headed by H.E.  Professor Mahmud Erol KILC, the Secretary General, and membership of H.E. Ambassador Ali Asghar Mohammadi, Assistant Secretary General held several side meetings with delegations to the IPU session. Discussion focused on a number of subjects concerning promoting the activities of the PUIC.
On the other hand, His Excellency the Secretary General delivered a speech at the meeting of PAM on  Saturday evening 24th October 2009, in Istanbul , in which he analyzed the depth of the Islamic civilization. He also stressed the necessity of the meeting of cultures, engaging in dialogue and exploring the horizons of joint action.

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