Following the Floods in Turkey: PUIC Secretary General Expresses Solidarity with Turkey

Following the Floods in Turkey: PUIC Secretary General Expresses Solidarity with Turkey

Turkey has experienced these days a wave of floods in the wake of heavy rains in north-western parts of the country which resulted in scores of deaths and enormous losses in installations and houses.

Those floods have followed fires which engulfed forests in south-western Turkey for three weeks causing tens of victims.

The PUIC Secretary General H.E. Mr. Mouhamed Khouraichi NIASS expresses his solidarity with the Republic of Turkey and offers his sincere consolations and true condolences to the parliament, government and people of Turkey.

He prays to Almighty Allah to shower the dead with His mercy, expedite recovery of the injured and protect Turkey and its people from all evils.

16 August 2021

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