I thank the PUIC Secretariat for selecting me personally to write on the “Necessity of Confronting Islamophobia”. I feel obliged to mention that Islam is always crowned with the values of peace, love, tolerance and solidarity, which are, for every Muslim, basic principles, without which coexistence is not possible.
At the same time, it is regrettable to notice that we live now in a world where tolerance has been upset due to the feelings of Islamophobia. Gradually the topic of Islamophobia has moved to center stage when discussing terrorism. Several accusations have been made against our religion, which appeared in the form of enmity and hatred against Islam and Muslims. In some circles and for some persons dealing with Islam has become a source of unjust discrimination against Muslims. This clearly shows enormous ignorance of the teachings of Islam.
I would like to point out, in this context, that Islam shall remain a religion of outstanding principles which are our reference in our community life. By distancing themselves from these principles, misguided persons have deviated the Islamic teachings and easily fell into the trap of extremism.
In this way, and instead of following the teachings of the religion, those extremists have opted to set up themselves as a religious authority to sacrifice innocent citizens.
It is, therefore, necessary not to mix between Islam and terrorism, in order not to enhance the negative stereotypical image of Muslims. Preconceived provisions impede a large number of our brothers and sisters from access to work, housing, transport as well as other activities related to their social and vocational integration. It is, therefore, urgent to stop practices and utterances of Islamophobia in order to preserve the position of Islam and its Nation.
Confronting Islam, by upholding to the principles of genuine Islam, ought to be, for every Muslim, a permanent Jihad, for all time and instant.