Niamey - Republic of NIGER
6-7 SHAWAL, 1429H
6-7 SHAWAL, 1429H
7 - 8 OCTOBER, 2008
The Executive Committee of the Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States (PUIC), Having held its 19th meeting in Niamey-Republic of Niger, 6-7 Shawal 1429 H. corresponding to 7-8 October 2008, under the Chairmanship of His Excellency Mr. Mahamane OUSMANE, Speaker of the National Assembly of Niger and President of the 11th Session of the Council and ex-officio Chairman of the 19th Executive Committee;
Expressing thanks to the president, people and government of the sisterly Niger for the warm reception and generous hospitality as well as for providing the appropriate atmosphere for examining the current reality of the Islamic UImmah and gthe challenges of a changing era and a developing world;
Has concluded as follows:
1. Deplores the cultural aggressions of which the Islamic societies are victims, and exhorts the international community to conclude, as quickly as possible, an international instrument to prohibit any affront to the beliefs, values or religions principles; calls on all governments and parliaments of Member States to pursue efforts for the adoption, by the United Nations, of a resolution prohibiting all attacks to religions and their symbols.
2. Stresses its profound preoccupation with the persistent division of the Palestinian people, and calls on all factions to engage in a brotherly dialogue in order to close their ranks and unify their positions so as to confront the real enemy (Israel) and to ensure the choice of the Palestinian people and their inalienable right to establish their independent State with Al-Qods Al Sharif as its capital, confirm the right of the Palestinian refugees, expatriates and displaced to return to their country.
3. Condemns the attempts to Judaize the-Aqsa Mosque and the other Islamic and Christian shrines in the city of Al-Qods, especially the excavations beneath the Mosque.
4. Condemns also the erection of the Separation Wall between Israeli and Palestinian territories in addition to its unbearable character, including the inconvenience and the complications it places before those who search for solutions to the issues of borders between the two States on the basis of the relevant UN resolutions.
5. Urges the international community, the Human Rights Council, the Human Rights Commission of the Inter-Parliamentary Union to take every action in order to expedite the release of Palestinian prisoners and abducted MPs from the prisons of Israeli occupation authority, in particular Dr. AZIZ Al-Dowaik, Speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council, while rejecting the policy of selectivity and double standards in dealing with human right issues. It warns Islamic states against the dangers of the blockade imposed against the Palestinian people in Gaza which is deemed as collective punishment and a crime against humanity. Calls on OIC Member States to exert further effort in order to lift this unjust siege.
6. Supports the brotherly people of Iraq in their struggle to regain their sovereignty, and calls for the rapid departure of foreign forces from their country according to a time-table while taking into consideration the international legitimacy as well as the principles and terms of International law.
7. Abhors and condemns once again the continuous Israeli occupation of the Syrian Golan, the Lebanese territories of Sheb’a and other occupied Lebanese lands.
8. Hails the election of the Lebanese President, Michel SULEIMAN and the formation of a functional national unity government, and felicitates the resumption of political dialogue between Lebanon and Syria and encourages both countries to persevere in this way.
9. Stresses its strong preoccupation with the vague attempt by the International Criminal Court to pursue false charges against the Sudanese President, Omar Al Bashir, and throws doubts on such an attempt and calls on the international community to exert further effort in order to find a durable peace in the sub-region.
10. Supports and backsthe African Union for its role and contribution to find peace in Darfur, and urges the United Nations to honour its commitments to provide technical, technological and logistic support to the forces of the hybrid operation which are deployed on the ground, and which are needed for accomplishing their missions.
11. Expresses concern about the persistence of instability and insecurity in Somalia and calls on the different protagonists to search for a durable peace in this afflicted country, and draws attention to the famine that threatens the Somali people , and pursuant to solidarity cause on OIC States to extend humanitarian assistance to women and children in that country
12. Condemns terrorism in all its forms: under any name and weather committed by individuals of groups or state terrorism as practiced by Israel against the Palestinian people who are struggling for liberation.
13. Reaffirms the inalienable rights of States to have access to peaceful nuclear technology in accordance with the measures of the Convention on Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and to the Protocol of Inspection in this regards.
14. Expresses its concern over pressures put on the Islamic Republic of Iran aimed at preventing it from making peaceful use of atomic energy. Condemns the policy of disregarding Israel’s nuclear arsenal that threatens the security and stability in the entire region in the absence of any international control.
15. Rejects all sanctions, weather unilateral or multilateral, imposed on any Muslim Country by any pretext or excuse which contradicts the principles of human rights and state rights.
16. Salutes and encourages the resumption of negotiation between Turkish and Greek Cypriots and reiterates the previous resolutions by the OIC and the PUIC on the question of Cyprus, and calls for the elimination of the economic blockade and isolation imposed on Turks in Northern Cyprus.
17. Reaffirms the conviction of the Islamic Ummah States that only inter-civilizational, inter-cultural and inter-religions dialogue guarantees peace, stability and understanding among peoples.
18. Urges the Member States to maintain unity and brotherhood in order to face the challenges of Globalization through the creation of a mechanism in order to realize the cherish objectives.
19. Extends its unfailing support to Muslim minorities in the non-Islamic States to enable them to use the fundamental rights and liberties found in their societies, and urges non-Islamic States to guarantee the religious, political, civic, economic, social and cultural rights of these minorities.
20. Warns against the danger of the international financial crisis and its impacts on the economies of Islamic States, and calls for adopting a banking system based on Islamic principles.
21. Calls on the Member States of the Ummah to promote multiform cooperation, specially through the establishment of :
- A System of reduction or abolition of debts of rich Islamic States in favour of economically less endowed Islamic States ;
- A solidarity system which aims to reduce the bills of imported oil by Muslim countries.
22. Supports the Nigerien government in its fight against insecurity that ravages the northern part of the country, and requests Member States to support it in this effort.
23. Requests Member States to support Niger in its effort to promote durable development and eradicate poverty.
24. Totally condemns taking power by force in Mauritania, and requests the unconditional release of President Sidi Mohamed Ould Cheikh Abdallahi; and calls for the restoration of the integral constitutional order together with the democratically elected president.
25. Calls on Islamic States to strengthen solidarity, cooperation and coordination in International fora, and in this frame work urges them to support the candidacy of Turkey to the membership of the UN Security Council.