Zaanoon Thanks AL-Ghanim

Zaanoon Thanks AL-Ghanim
22 October 2017 - PNC
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Mr. Salim Al Zaanoon, Speaker of the Palestine National Council (PNC) expressed thanks and gratitude to H.E. Mr. Marzouq Al-Ghanim, Speaker of the National Assembly of Kuwait for his honourable and daring stance in confronting the Israeli terrorism and supporting the Palestinian People and their legitimate rights, and also for expressing, in all sincerity, the conscience of the Arab and Muslim Ummah as well as the free people of the world in their view of occupation and terrorism. Also for Al-Ghanim’s continuous action in support of Palestinians, the most recent of which has been at the IPU meeting in response to the incessant and continuous Israeli violations of the right of the people and their land, especially as regards the suffering of Palestinians in Israeli prisons which constitutes, according to international conventions and law’s “terrorism and war crimes.” This action prompted the Israeli delegation to leave the meeting hall as a result of the triumph of right as expressed by Mr. Al Marzouq and the majority of the IPU members.
Mr. Al Zaanoon also expressed thanks to all world parliaments which defended the right of the Palestinians to establish their independent state, with Al-Quds as its capital, and also for standing against the crimes perpetrated by the savage Israeli authorities.

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