Speaker of the Algerian Council of the Nation: Action to Enhance Palestinian National Fabric

Speaker of the Algerian Council of the Nation: Action to Enhance Palestinian National Fabric

H.E. Mr. Salah Goudjil, the Speaker of the Algerian Council of the Nation spoke to the “PUIC” news bulletin stating his vision and ideas concerning several of the issues and causes with important reflections and ramifications on the development of events in the space of the Islamic Ummah, as well as the regional and world domains. Following is the text of the interview :

PUIC: The motto of the 17th Session of the PUIC Conference is development and renaissance, as well as the role of parliaments in realizing this aspiration and hope. How can parliaments render this development and renaissance into a concrete reality through the legislative process? 
H.E. Mr. Goudjil: Parliaments have big and direct rote in achieving development, and upgrading the level of resurgence and modernity. Their wide power, and legislative and control mechanisms enable them to exercise their pivotal role in implementing the global development agenda, by contributing to drawing up appropriate plans and mechanisms by way of proposing relevant laws and ratifying the legislation of the best practices in distributing the budget in development sectors, in addition to studying priorities, and following up the progress made in implementing projects by way of questioning and field visits. 

We have selected the subject of development and modernity for the Algiers Conference in view of the dire need of Islamic States for a genuine developmental renaissance, wherein we invest our capabilities in such a way as to serve our peoples, and considering that the future is for modernity, digitalization and keeping abreast of technology in all fields. We have to learn lessons from the past and reject encapsulation in antiquated practices. Modernity is the way to a renewed world. Our duty is to go hand in hand with this orientation in order to preserve our distinctions and specificities as an Islamic world with a deep rooted history together with development renewal and openness. 

In this framework, I reiterate from this august Parliamentary forum, the impossibility of achieving any progress or development without full sovereignty, which, in turn, does not come without supporting the national political decision through the independence of the economic decision, in reality and not verbally, and with actual, well – studied real practices, which are certain of the legitimacy and efficacy of this sovereign right without going back or doubting. 

This is the orientation adopted by new Algeria whose pillars have been laid by the President of the Republic Mr. Abdul Majid Teboun, through a promising development program, in which is materializing the independence of the political and economic decisions in such a way as to serve the interests of the people and the state away from all forms of dependency or hegemony. This has resulted in several resolutions and measures directed towards the realization of a genuine economic renaissance, emanating from the 2020 constitution which has been approved by the Algerian people in the First of November, 2020, which has solidified democratic practice, and opened for Algeria economic horizons worthy of the new historical stage. The most recent of these resolutions have been the revision of the currency and loan law in order to keep abreast of the deep economic reforms which we began to reap its first fruits, also the ratification of the text of the law on investment, which goes hand in hand with the positive mobility of this sector in the new Algeria. 

PUIC: Although the Palestinian  Cause began during the past century, yet the struggling Palestinian People still face the most cruel kinds of injustice, where Muslim Worshippers are denied access to Al- Aqsa Mosque, First Qibla and Third of the Holly Sanctuaries, to perform the rituals of their Islamic Religion because of the persecution of the Israeli Occupation authorities.  How does your Excellency view the PUIC Role in realizing further mutual solidarity among the Member Parliaments, in order to support the legitimate struggle of the unarmed Palestinian people? 
H.E.Mr. Ghoudjil:
Breaching the inviolability of Al- Aqsa Mosque and closing it in the face of worshippers is a barbaric behavior to be added to the repulsive practices from which the Palestinians suffer in silence, such as displacement, detention, killing, persecution, usurpation of land and properties, deportation of citizens and the building of settlements before the ears and eyes of the international community. This is a colonialist methodology, the aim of which is to sow despair and despondency in Palestinian ranks, and push them towards capitulation. 

The Palestinian Cause has been, and shall remain, the pivot of our action, struggle and core issue. The laxity of the international community continues to extend all types of unconditional backing and support to the Palestinian People until the restoration of their legitimate rights and establishment of their state on the borders of 4th June, 1967, with Al- Quds as its Capital. This is in accordance with international reference and resolutions of the International legitimacy and the Arab Peace Initiative of the Beirut Summit of 2002. In this context, I recall the Algiers Declaration, adopted by the Thirty-First Arab Summit, which was hosted by Algeria on 1 and 2 November, 2022, where the Palestinian Cause came at the top of its agenda.

Leaders of Arab States praised the deployed Arab efforts for the sake of unifying the Palestinian ranks, and they welcomed the signing by the Palestinian brothers of the “Algiers Declaration” emanating from the Conference on gathering the factions in order to realize Palestinian national unity, which was convened on 12 and 13 October 2022, under the patronage of the President of the Republic Mr. Abdul Majid Teboun. They also affirmed the centrality of the Palestinian cause and the absolute support to the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people, including their rights to freedom, self-determination and the materialization of a fully sovereign independent Palestinian state. 

The Palestinian cause necessitates complete transparency in all stances. We, parliamentarians, in our capacity as representatives of peoples who are passionately attached to the cause of Palestine and Al Aqsa Mosque, shoulder the responsibility for demanding this transparency, and also to spread the voice of the cause to the world through the mechanisms of parliamentary diplomacy, and act to solidify relationship among the brothers in Palestine away from schisms and internal seditions on which the occupation is feeding. 

Praise be to Allah this materialized through the Algiers accord. This historic meeting which gathered all parties and put an end to the discord among the brothers for the sake of realizing unity, and focusing efforts on confronting the Israeli occupation with one heart and one voice, following endeavors and efforts preceded by sincere intentions vis- a- vis our primary central cause. 

Algeria was keen on putting an end to the long-years state of schism between the brothers in Palestine. This is based on our historic experience in confronting the biggest colonialist force in the world at the time, and from the success of our revolution, Revolution of the First of November, 1954, which was firstly based on realizing unity among the Algerians as a first and most important step, which is indispensable to achieve victory. 

As a Mujahid, who participated in this revolution, I saw closely the keenness and persistence on avoiding all forms of discord, through calling on Algerians to be involved in the great war of Liberation without any political, ideological or ethic membership, and without calculations for party or category or personal interests. This is what has achieved the great people’s national power which defeated a fierce colonialist power that lasted 132 years. 

The PUIC has deployed praise – worthy efforts in the fields of defending the Palestinian Cause, whether in the framework of the PUIC Palestine Committee or in regular or extraordinary conferences. Or through its participation in regional and international parliamentary organizations. Also PUIC presence brings together Muslim People is in itself a guarantee of the Islamic Unity which we need in such circumstances. It is incumbent on us, as an effective parliamentary organization to continue to propagate the Palestinian Cause and its development at parliamentary fora, and urge world parliaments and the liberals to actually confront the Israeli occupation, and stop the Zionist colonialist tide in the Arab and Islamic regions. 

PUIC: The World has witnessed receding of the Coronavirus Pandemic. How do you envision reactivation of joint Islamic action in the framework of the Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States? 
H.E.Mr. Ghoudjil:
The Islamic States, like other world states, have suffered from the ramifications of the proliferation of the Coronavirus. Praise be to God, this pandemic has receded, thanks to Allah, then to the efforts of the states and governments, which accommodated its conditions in accordance with the required protective measures and arrangements, and also thanks to the understanding, cooperation and solidarity of peoples. It is worthwhile to ponder today how to recover from this critical phase, and raise the post – Corona expectations in order to upgrade the economies of our states, especially amid the ambiguity and accelerating changes known now to the world financial order. 

We may consider this phase as an opportunity for contribution to reconstruct the world economic order, and head towards a new order which is more beneficial, safe and fair for our peoples. Also to enhance effective world values such as the principles of non-alignment which Algeria calls for strengthening according to a new orientation away from the logic and concepts of the cold war era, especially with the increasing the sharp international polarization which does not serve the interests of our states, and obstructs the realization of the aspirations of peoples towards peace, progress, development, justice and sovereignty: The Changes which the world witnessed in the post- epidemic phase is an occasion for rallying ranks of the people of the PUIC, and unifying visions in order to get involved once again in the contexts which serve their interests. 

Parliamentarians have a big role in this endeavor through the available legislative and supervision mechanisms. In the framework of our Islamic world, solidarity and joining forces in difficulties are sublime values engendered from our civilizational heritage and the tenets of true religion, which we can practically materialize through the PUIC. There are many matters which we can do by way of coordination and cooperation among parliaments to introduce appropriate alternatives to our specificities, and urge our governments to enhance cooperation and intensify partnership agreements in various fields. 
PUIC: Millions of migrants are in harsh conditions after being compelled to leave their countries because of disputes, wars, poverty and hunger. How can the phenomenon of migration and displacement be dealt with, especially in PUIC Countries? 
H.E.Mr. Ghoudjil:
The question of migration and displacement is intertwined with all the renewed challenges facing the world today. Its solution depends on the seriousness of implementing effective policies, not only for protection, reintegration and resettlement, but to eliminate totally the real root cause of these phenomena which impinge on the dignity of individuals, and threaten national security, and settlement of societies, and exhaust state budgets. Among those causes is colonialization, terrorism and violent extremism, as well as disputes, crises, grave violations of human rights, in addition to the regression of the levels of economic development, and the increase of the tempo of climate change which take away the essentials of living, and regrettably, enlivens the movement of migration and displacement from affected regions. 

In this context, it is our obligation, as parliamentarians to contribute towards drawing up final solutions through supporting the right of peoples to self-determination, non-interference in the internal affairs of other states, and the adoption of peaceful option in settlement of disputes, and cementing the policy of peace and national reconciliation, enhancing democracy, and achieving the big objectives of sustainable development, together with adoption of the approach of reconciliation, dialogue, and opting for an effective developmental strategy as successful solutions to eliminate violence, extremism and terrorism. We have experienced the effectiveness of this approach in our successful experience in Algeria. 

We, in Algeria, focus, in addressing these issue, and all just issues in the world, on the parameters of our foreign policy which is based on our November reference, the most important pillar of which is supporting justice and equity, and the right to freedom and sovereignty, from which springs our total support of the right of peoples in their self- determination. PUIC involvement in this endeavor gives parliaments an appropriate space to contribute to this subject. We have touched this through the attention of the PUIC Conferences and specialized Committees to the issue of migration and refugees which is regularly on the agenda of the PUIC work. We look forward to bigger materialization of Islamic Parliamentary cooperation through coordination of positions in international and regional fora, and advocating a comprehensive and balanced and solidarity approach in which the interests of countries of origin, countries of transit and countries of destination in a balanced form, while pushing towards intensifying cooperation and advancing economic partnership among PUIC States, and utilizing parliamentary diplomacy to counter colonialism and solve disputes. 

PUIC: The “Algiers Declaration” adopted by the 47th Meeting of the PUIC Executive Committee which was hosted by your august Parliament, affirmed the necessity of cooperation among the Member Parliaments in order to address the issue of Climate Change. How do you view the possibility of achieving this objective in reality? 
H.E.Mr. Goudjil: Of course, we have to raise the standard of cooperation among the PUIC Member Parliaments to address the issue of climate change which is striking the states of the world in varying degrees. Regrettably most of the peoples who were hurt by its consequences fall within the circle of developing states in a way that exacerbates their economic burdens in the face of this imminent global danger. Facing climate changes depends on the extent of states respecting their commitments adopted by the sessions of the Conferences of the parties to the UN framework agreement on climate change, also elimination of the causes, including the mad utilization of natural resources and the unequal economic race, together with shouldering the full responsibility by the perpetrators through serious rectification of all the distortions which have led to this grave environmental situation. Parliaments, as a party participating in the parties’ conferences, where parliamentarians stated their approaches and initiatives, and all possible solutions that materialize in laws and legislations which they ratify. Our roles are important and clear.

The PUIC can establish a collective framework which guides these efforts and speaks about what is right in this matter which exhausts our states and peoples. We can also exchange experiences within the PUIC activities, and crystallize unified positions that serve our interests and decreases the ramifications of climate change on the economies of our states.  Lastly, allow me to welcome the PUIC members in Algeria on the occasion of the convening of the 17th PUIC Conference and Related Meetings during the period 26 to 30 January 2023. We are proud of hosting these important parliamentary proceedings.  We, in Algeria, are proud of our civilizational belonging to the Islamic World, and we feel gratified to uphold to our tolerant Islamic religion, not only in independent Algeria which has been keen to register this firm belonging in all its constitutions since the ramification of the first constitution by the Algerian People on 8 September, 1963, even a long time before that. Algeria fought colonialism which is well – versed in crushing civilizational identities and utilization of religions in order to besiege the source of light which guides peoples towards their freedom and dignity, and, and strangulation of their natural aspiration to liberty. 

Our jihad was launched for that purpose and because of this, it was crowned with resounding success. The land and also religion were liberated. The successful Revolution of First of November 1954 set free the Algerians, men and women, and enabled them to freely exercise their religious rituals, after the French destructive colonialism stole their right for more than a century. And as you know the destructive colonialist ideology is based on changing extremism, bigotry and terrorism into religious entities aimed at fighting the moderation in the Islamic religion.  Therefore, we will continue the battle today through our support and steadfastness of religious moderation, which is based on the values of compassion, cooperation, dignity, freedom, and the respect of Man and the right of peoples to self-determination. 

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