Statement issued by the Palestine National Council:

Condemnation and Call for Immediate Action against Israeli Atrocities in Rafah

Condemnation and Call for Immediate Action against Israeli Atrocities in Rafah

The Palestine National Council (PNC) vehemently condemns the brutal massacres perpetrated by the Israeli occupation and ruthless bombing of refugee camps adjacent to United Nations facilities in Rafah. Savagely targeting innocent civilians and burning women and children while they lay asleep in areas purportedly deemed safe, are utterly abhorrent and unforgivable.

The Israeli occupation continues to indulge in the genocide of Gaza for a staggering 233 days despite the unequivocal orders of the International Court of Justice demanding a complete cessation of the Zionist Israeli occupation operations in Rafah, and despite the international consensus and humanitarian appeals for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and to allow the entry of humanitarian aid.

The PNC denounces the complicity of the United States and its reprehensible indifference to the loss of Palestinian lives and the shedding of Palestinian blood, which has emboldened the occupying forces to commit war crimes and cross all red lines shielded by unwavering political, military, and financial support from the US administration. The callous and negligent policies of the American government towards this flagrant violation of human rights and the systematic ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people in Gaza and the West Bank are not only immoral but also pose a grave threat to regional stability and international security.

The PNC warns against forced displacement and ethnic cleansing schemes targeting the Palestinian people, and all attempts to liquidate the Palestinian cause and deny our legitimate right to self-determination. These crimes against humanity will not break the Palestinian people will for freedom and will only strengthen the resilience of the Palestinian people to persist. Moreover, it will only ignite righteous indignation among the peoples of the world and advocates of justice, standing in solidarity against this brutal occupation and the complicit governments that enable such atrocities.

The PNC urge world’s parliaments and parliamentarians to take immediate and swift actions to protect human lives in Palestine and safeguard the principles and humanitarian values upon which our world order was founded in the heels of World War II and the vanquish of fascism, it is incumbent upon us to defend human rights, uphold international law, and preserve peace, stability and world security, and the inalienable right of all peoples to self-determination.

Rawhi Fattouh

Speaker of the Palestine National Council

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