Rules of Procedure of the Standing Specialized Committee of PUIC




In accordance with Article 13 of the Statute of the Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States (PUIC) and Rule Eleven of the Rules of Procedure of the PUIC Conference, four Standing Specialized Committees shall be formed as follows:

1.1    Committee on Political and Foreign Relations;
1.2    Committee on Economic Affairs and Environment;
1.3    Committee on Human Rights, Women and Family Affairs;
1.4    Committee on Cultural and Legal Affairs and Dialogue of Civilizations and Religions.


    Each Specialized Committee shall be composed of 12 members of parliament to be designated by the Conference for a period of one year to the tune of four members to be nominated by each geographic group, taking into account the rule of geographical rotation.



Upon the invitation of the PUIC Secretary General the Committees shall meet at least once a year.  One of the meetings shall immediately precede the meetings of the General Committee and the Conference in the host country.  The second shall be half-annually (Article 13-5 of the Statute)


Each Committee shall elect its Rapporteur for a period of one year. In the absence of the Rapporteur, the Committee shall elect an interim Rapporteur. The Committee must observe a quorum of half of its members for its deliberations to be valid. The recommendations shall be made by a majority vote of two thirds of those present.  


The Member Parliament shall bear the travel and accommodation expenses of its representative to any of the four Standing Committees. The parliament hosting the Session of the Conference or General Committee shall make available meeting halls for the Committees as well as translation and interpretation staff and other necessary technical requirements.



 The PUIC General Secretariat shall inform the members of the Committees about the subjects referred by the Conference or the General Committee to the Committee of which they are members, so that they, while in their respective countries, shall study them and prepare working papers thereon in the three working languages in preparation for discussion with the remaining members of the Committee when it holds its meeting as mentioned in Rule Three. The Rapporteur of each Committee shall submit a report and a draft resolution on each subject to the General Committee or the Conference.

The PUIC Conference or General Committee shall consider the reports of the three four Standing Specialized Committees and the draft resolutions submitted by the Rapporteurs of Committees in preparation for their adoption, amendment or referral to the Drafting Committee so that the Rapporteur of the Conference or the Rapporteur of the General Committee shall re-submit them to the Conference in appropriate version for their adoption. In the last case, the Drafting Committee, chaired by the Rapporteur of the Conference or the Rapporteur of the General Committee, shall be open-ended to all PUIC Member Parliaments, and in whose meetings the Rapporteurs of the three four Standing Committees shall participate. Discussions thereon shall be exhausted within the Drafting Committee and no discussion shall be opened once again at the Conference or General Committee except in the case of expressing reservations on the entire document or on some of its items.



These Rules shall go into force upon their ratification by the PUIC General Committee. Amendments of any of their clauses shall be carried out by the absolute majority of the General Committee.

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