The Resolutions adopted by the  11th SESSION of the PUIC COUNCIL

Resolution No.19/11-CNCL on the impact of globalization on the economies of the developing countries especially Islamic ones.

Resolution No.20/11-CNCL on the voluntary contributions to the Islamic Solidarity Fund to finance assistance and solidarity actions between the Islamic States in case of catastrophes.

Resolution No.21/11-CNCL on Cancelling or reduction of debts contracted by Islamic States which are economically poor. 

Resolution No.22/11-CNCL on the feasibility of the creation of an “Islamic Monetary Fund”.

Resolution No. 23/11-CNCL on Adopting a UN Decision on issuing an international legislation to ban insult of divine religions and their symbols.

Resolution No.24/11-CNCL on Democracy, Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law.

Resolution No. 25/11-CNCL on promoting dialogue among civilization with special emphasis on facing western campaigns against Islamic values.

Resolution No. 26/11-CNCL on Promoting the Role of Women.

The Council of the Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States, in its 11th Session, held in Niamey, Republic of Niger, on 22 – 23 Safar, 1430H corresponding to 18 - 19 February, 2009,
Proceeding from the principle and objectives enshrined in the OIC Charter,
Recalling the resolutions adopted by the UN General Assembly and Security Council concerning the Palestinian issue,
Referring to the resolutions adopted by the Human Rights Council relating to the violation of human rights in occupied Arab Palestinian territories
Proceeding from the resolutions adopted by the Extraordinary Open-ended Meeting of the Executive Committee, held in Istanbul, Republic of Turkey on 14th January, 2009.
1.            Strongly condemns the savage aggression launched by Israel against the Palestinian people in Gaza Strip which resulted in the death of hundreds of civilians and thousands of wounded people; and caused extensive destruction of houses, civilian facilities, the infrastructure and places of worship, considered as a blatant violation of the International Law, and the International Humanitarian Law and constitutes war crimes and crimes against humanity; and calls for bringing the perpetrators of these crimes to international justice.
2.            Hails the steadfastness of the Palestinian people in confronting the Israeli aggression and the unjust blockade imposed on the Palestinians, especially in the Gaza Strip. Reiterates its support to the legitimate struggle of the Palestinian people for restoring the national legitimate and authentic national rights of the Palestinian people, including the right to self determination, the establishment of an independent state with Al Quds Al Sharif as its capital and solving the issue of the Palestinian refugees in accordance with the UN General Assembly Resolution 194, and demands to unconditionally lift the blockade from the Gaza Strip and open all the sea, air and land corridors.  
3.            Reaffirms that Eastern Al Quds is an integral part of the Palestinian territories occupied in 1967, as stated in the Security Council resolutions 242 of 1967 and 338 of 1973 and that the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949 applies to them as stated in several Security Council resolutions. Strongly denounces the occupation authorities for their repeated violations of sacred places in Quds Al Sharif through erecting the racist separation wall settlements and continuing excavation works underneath the blessed Al Aqsa Mosque which will result in the collapse of its supporting pillars. Also denounces Israel’s illegal measures and practices which run counter to international resolutions and laws carried out by the occupation authorities in the city of Al Quds, aimed at judaizing the Holy City and obliterating its Arab and Islamic landmarks.
4.            Requests the UN Security Council in its capacity as the body responsible for the preservation of international peace and security, to shoulder its responsibilities by taking measures to stop the excavations carried out by the Israeli occupation authorities, immediately remove the racist separation wall and put an end to Israel’s disrespect for international law, and the international humanitarian law as well as Security Council resolutions relating to Al Quds.
5.            Requests the Security Council and Human Rights Council to commit Israel to apply the Fourth Geneva Convention to the occupied territories and to treat the Palestinian prisoner and detainees in its prisons according to International Law.
6.            Rejects the three-year prison sentence given to the Speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council, Mr. Aziz Al Duwaik, by an Israeli court and demands his immediate release as well as all the members of the Legislative Council detained in Israeli prisons.
7.            Calls for holding the Quartet and the international community fully responsible for developments which have taken place, and exerting all efforts in order to revitalize the peace process and resume bilateral negotiations between the two sides aimed at putting an end to the Israeli occupation of all the Palestinian and Arab land occupied in 1957, including Al Quds Al Sharif without delay or procrastination and the establishment of the Independent Palestinian State and consequently arriving at a solution based on two states according to the resolutions of the international legitimacy   and the Arab Peace Plan.
8.            Seeks to create an international monitoring mechanism that prevents the dumping of nuclear wastes, specially Israel’s, in the high seas, specially the Mediterranean Sea, in order to avoid polluting coasts and waters and causing serious diseases.
9.            Calls on the Palestinian factions to renounce their differences, and end the state of the division and immediately resume national dialogue to ensure achievement of Palestinian national unity and serve the higher interests of the Palestinian people as well as promote its ability to continue its just struggle to recover its basic national rights.
10.         Stresses its support to all political and media initiatives, convening conferences and symposia as well as contacts between Member States on the one hand and with the other states in order to support the Palestinian issue. This will provide political and media coverage as well as rally world and Islamic public opinion to support the unarmed Palestinian people in the face of the Israeli inhuman and illegal practices.

11.         Appeals to the member states and the international community to contribute to the reconstruction of the Gaza Strip and building the infrastructure which has been destroyed by the Israeli war machine as well as extend urgent humanitarian assistance to the Palestinian people and insure the return of the refugees to their homes, as well as to hold Israel morally and materially responsible for this overall devastation resulting from its savage aggressions.
12.         Hails all the peoples, forces and parties in the different parts of the world which have poured into the streets to express solidarity with the people of Palestine and their just cause and condemn Israeli crime, against the Palestinian citizens, including the use of internationally banned weapons and targeting humanitarian and international institutions.
13.         Hails all the citizens who follow the divine religions who have always proved their understanding of the Palestinian right and supported the struggle of the Palestinian people. The Council also hails all the brotherly and friendly peoples specially the Heads of State and Government as well as Speaker of Parliaments who demonstrated to denounce the Israeli aggression and support Palestinian right.

The Council of the Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States, in its 11th Session, held in Niamey, Republic of Niger, on 22 – 23 Safar, 1430H corresponding to 18 - 19 February, 2009,
Adopts the resolution of the 31st ICFM issued in Istanbul on 16th June 2004, which requests the international community and the Security Council to commit Israel to abide by the resolutions of the United Nations, specially Security Council resolution No.487 for the year 1981, and to join the NPT, and implement the resolutions of the General Assembly and the International Atomic Energy Agency which called for subjecting all Israeli Nuclear facilities to the comprehensive IAEA Safeguards System, and stresses the necessity of Israel’s declaration to renounce Nuclear armament as well as submit statement on its capabilities and stock pile of nuclear weapons and material to both the Security Council and the IAEA, considering that such steps are necessary for making the area a zone free of weapons of mass destruction, foremost of which are the nuclear weapons. This is an essential matter for the establishment of the comprehensive peace in the area. The treatment of Israel as an exception on which the international resolutions do not apply must be stopped, also applying pressure on others is unacceptable.

The Council of the Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States, in its 11th Session, held in Niamey, Republic of Niger, on 22 – 23 Safar, 1430H corresponding to 18 - 19 February, 2009,
Expressing its deep concern about the dangers which target the political process in Iraq and which constitute an obstacle to its stability, contribute effectively to prolonging the occupation of its territories, and delay achieving complete independence; and inconformity with the objectives of the Union, including discussion of economic, cultural social and political issues of interest to the OIC Member States and to confront the grave challenges which faced them, and adopt appropriate recommendations and decisions on these issues, and promote coordination among the nations of the world aimed at observing and defending human rights and humanitarian principles as well as establishing peace based on justice;
Denouncing terrorist acts which target innocent people and endanger their lives and properties as well as disperse them from their homes,
Calls on the PUIC Member States to support the efforts of the Iraqi government to restore security and stability to different parts of Iraq, achieve national reconciliation among the Iraqi people, support its national economy, restore its total sovereignty, assist in the reconstruction efforts, return the refugees to their regions and exert efforts to help them recover their desired place and role in Arab Islamic and international milieu through the commitment of the member parliaments to urge their governments to carry out the following measures:  
1.            Taking all necessary measures to open or reopen their embassies and diplomatic missions in Iraq
2.            Supporting the Iraqi economy by extending financial assistance, canceling debts and encouraging owners of capital invest their funds in Iraq,
3.            Calling on the international community and human rights organizations to prevent violations of human rights and seek reformation of prisons as well as punishing those responsible for crimes of torture. 
Commitments on the part of member states to ban extreme religious and media discourse which incite violence and terrorism in Iraq under any slogan or in any way, especially TV channels owned by these states or operating on their territories.

The Council of the Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States, in its 11th Session, held in Niamey, Republic of Niger, on 22 – 23 Safar, 1430H corresponding to 18 - 19 February, 2009,
1.            Reaffirms all the resolutions adopted by Islamic Conferences relating to situation in Lebanon.
2.            Commends the exit of Lebanese political blocs and parties from the political impasse of the presidency by electing General Michal Suleiman as President of the Republic of Lebanon.
3.            Also commends the official signing by the Republic of Lebanon and the Syrian Republic to start diplomatic relations between the two sisterly countries.
4.            Emphasizes the right of the Lebanese people and their heroic resistance to recover Lebanon’s sovereignty over all their occupied territories, including Shibaa Farms, employing all available means.
5.            Commends the efforts aimed at realizing national reconciliation between the parties in Lebanon in such a way as to ensure the achievement of national unity.
6.            Urges the member states to request their respective governments to exercise pressure on the United Nations in order to force Israel to withdraw from all the occupied Syrian and Lebanese territories,
7.            Affirms the necessity of demanding Israel to release all Arab detainees from its prison.

The Council of the Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States, in its 11th Session, held in Niamey, Republic of Niger, on 22 – 23 Safar, 1430H corresponding to 18 - 19 February, 2009,
Affirming that paragraph four of Article 2 of the UN Charter stipulates that all members of the organization shall refrain in their international relations from threatening or using force against the safety of the lands or political independence of any state or in any way which does not conform with the aims of the United Nations, and that commitment to the provision of this paragraph is an essential necessity and binding on all members of the United Nations,
Recognizing that Article 51 of the UN Charter permitted for the member states to use force in self defense by stating that there is nothing in the charter that weakens or diminishes natural rights of states, individually or collectively, to defend themselves in case of armed aggression against any UN member,
Registering Israel’s practice in occupied Palestine such as state terrorism against the unarmed Palestinian people, and murdering innocent children, women, the elderly and youth, establishing settlement rings, destroying cities and villages, and bulldozing plantations under the slogan (security above all consideration), in addition to the continued illegal occupation of the Syrian Golan, Shebaa Farms and the Lebanese Kafar Chouba Hills,   
Confirming that actions carried out by the USA and Israel do not conform with alleged threats to them. Both work to confuse concepts that control the limits of relations between resistance and terrorism for the sake of self interest that serve their drive for settlement and hegemony over the potential of Islamic States which clearly contradicts and openly defies international laws and conventions, specially the UN Charter.
1.            Confirms that resisting occupation in Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan, Kashmir and in all parts of the world is not considered terrorism but rather a legitimate right of occupied nations to restore their rights and sovereignty.
2.            Hails the positions of non Muslim followers of divine religions who refuse to stigmatize Islam with terrorism which knows no homeland or religion. Such position contributes to joint serious action to counteract all dangers that threaten humanity, including terrorism.  
3.            Stresses that Islam is a religion that calls for peace and security and combats violence, and injustice and despotism. The rise of a deviant group alleging its belonging to Islam does not change the noble concept of Islam.
4.            Expresses its denunciation of the pressures put on Islamic States aimed at charging them with supporting terrorism in order to prevent them from supporting Palestinian and Lebanese resistance.
5.            Invites the international community to confront State terrorism which is practiced by Israel and demands to stop treating it as an exception on which international laws are not applicable, as well as compelling it to abide by the International Law and the UN Charter. 
6.            Requests the implementation of a world strategy in the field of combating terrorism under UN Umbrella and adopting necessary measures and arrangements to preserve international peace and security. Affirms the role of the UN as an effective force in combating terrorism and calls for concluding a comprehensive international agreement to combat terrorism under UN Umbrella, which must in the first place prepare thorough definition of terrorism.
7.            Stresses the right of peoples under occupation to obtain their independence and confirms its right to self-determination so that their struggle for liberty and sovereignty shall be used to accuse them of endangering international security and peace.
8.            Calls for energizing the International Law and reconsidering the work mechanism of the UN so that it shall not remain as a tool in the hands of some big powers, which they employ for their special aims and purposes. It is necessary for the UN to overcome in its work (the place complex), meaning the place of its headquarters, so that it is able to realize the hopes of helpless States.

The Council of the Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States, in its 11th Session, held in Niamey, Republic of Niger, on 22 – 23 Safar, 1430H corresponding to 18 - 19 February, 2009,
1.            Calls for establishing dialogue between Muslim parliaments and western parliaments in order to coordinate parliamentary efforts on issues of concern to both parties in such a way as to realize cooperation in various fields, and exchange legislative expertise in the framework of the IPU.
2.            Stresses the necessity of correcting the image of Islam in outside world and projecting its real image which is based on the propagation of justice, peace, rejection of violence and interacting with others to serve humanity and achieve advancement of nations and peoples, as well as focusing on facing western campaigns against Islamic values.
3.            Calls on all national parliaments to play an active role in the implementation of the Global Agenda on Dialogue among civilization as stated in UN resolution No.56/6 for the year 2001 in cooperation with other parliament organs,
4.            Requests establishment of a PUIC focal group on dialogue and also one inside every parliament aimed at taking appropriate initiatives in coordination with their respective governments and other bodies in order to develop the culture and spirit of dialogue, cooperation and mutual respect for peaceful co-existence.

          The Council of the Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States, in its 11th Session, held in Niamey, Republic of Niger, on 22 – 23 Safar, 1430H corresponding to 18 - 19 February, 2009,
Guided by the Holy Quran which says “And verily this Ummah of yours is a single Ummah and I am your Lord therefore worship me” and also “ And verily this Ummah of yours is a single Ummah and I am your Lord and Cherisher: therefore fear Me ( and no others)”,
Also guided by the Holy Quran, which enjoins Muslim, to achieve unity as stated in the text of the verse: “And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah (stretches out for you) and be not divided among yourselves…”,
Reiterates the provisions of the PUIC Statute, which stress the necessity for Muslims to close their ranks and consolidate their unity,
Taking into consideration all the relevant statements and resolutions adopted by the Union,
Feeling anxiety that the enemies of Islam and Muslim are sowing the seeds of discord among Muslims through various strategies, policies and plans,
Aware of the great damage resulting from any disputes among adherents of Islamic schools of thought, including sectarian violence, and their impact on the solidarity and unity of the entire Muslim Ummah; 
1.            Affirms the need for eliminating all causes for hatred, provocation and incitement as well as sectarian violence among the followers of various Islamic schools of thought,
2.            Recognizes the great importance of strengthening Islamic brotherhood and unity considered as a sacred religious obligation aimed at realizing common interests of the Islamic Ummah,
3.            Stresses the important role of parliaments in strengthening mutual understanding, tolerance and respect among followers of Islamic schools of thought in such a way as to contribute to the consolidation of bonds of brotherhood among Muslims,
4.            Stresses the necessity for all Muslims to maintain vigilance and attention and awareness to understand that any conflict among the followers of Islamic schools of thought will harm all the Islamic Ummah and endanger its solidarity, brotherhood and unity.
5.            Invites all Muslims to desist from inciting sectarian sentiments or ethnic strife or insult or bias or abuse. Also calls for being on guard towards all attempts to sow the seeds of discord between them.
6.            Denounces Sectarian violence among followers of Islamic schools of thought in any part of the Islamic world and strongly condemns all crimes which are committed on the basis of sectarian identity or belonging.
7.            Urges all Muslim scholars, religious institutions and the media in the Islamic world, also invites all followers of Islamic schools of thought, renounce differences among Muslim and unify their discourses and positions as well as promote the bonds of brotherhood and not to allow dissention and foreign interference among them.
8.            Invites all member parliaments to take into consideration the great importance of this issue and take appropriate measures to strengthen and promote Islamic unity.

The Council of the Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States, in its 11th Session, held in Niamey, Republic of Niger, on 22 – 23 Safar, 1430H corresponding to 18 - 19 February, 2009,           
Proceeding from the conviction of the Council that double standard practice followed by some western parties in dealing with the issues of the Islamic world, specially affairs of the Middle East, is one of the most important existing obstacles to dialogue between Islamic and western civilizations as well as to the good relations between them,
Recalling the position of some western countries on several occasions, after the Madrid Peace Conference, on the violations of the Israeli side to implement its commitments, and taking into consideration the stances of some western countries towards the democratically elected Palestinian government,
Highlighting the double standards of western tackling of the issue of terrorism i.e. calling the legitimate resistance of the Palestinian people against occupation as terrorism and justifying, at the same time, forms of violence against the Palestinians,
Recalling the unjust policy of the West on human rights in the Middle East, which kept a blind eye on the Israeli violations of human rights as reflected in depriving the Palestinian people of their basic rights,
Also recalling the republishing of despicable cartoons by western newspapers and their justification by some western bodies as (freedom of expression),
For settling existing problems and their bad consequences, and in order to prepare a better ground for constructive relations between the Islamic and western civilizations,
1.            Denounces the method of double standards in dealing with the issues of the Islamic world, especially affairs of the Middle East, and warns against its repercussion on the relations between the Islamic and the western civilizations which will impact international security and peace.
2.            Stresses the propensity of Islam and its followers to accept and accommodate the followers of divine religions in the West, and rejects allegations of the inevitability of clash between Islamic and western civilizations, and removes existing doubts in this field aimed at renouncing differences and discord between the two civilizations.
3.            Invites western parliaments to respond to the appeal of Islamic parliaments for maintaining impartiality and exchanging dialogue and opinions in order to adopt appropriate measures for settling existing problems
4.            Appeals to all Muslim parliaments to employ all their available capabilities and opportunities for the sake of following up the issue of dialogue of civilizations and enlighten world public opinion thereof.
5.            Requests the Islamic Development Bank to prepare a project through consultation with the OIC cultural organs, scholars and elites in the various parts of the world to contribute to achieving effective and constructive dialogue between Islamic and western civilizations as well as project a realistic and positive image of the Islamic civilization. 

The Council of the Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States, in its 11th Session, held in Niamey, Republic of Niger, on 22 – 23 Safar, 1430H corresponding to 18 - 19 February, 2009,            
Aware of the undeniable role and the contribution of knowledge and modern technologies to enabling all nations to achieve prosperity and development,
Taking into consideration the provisions of the UN Charter, including respect for equal rights among nations in raising the standards of their living as well as the conditions of their economic development without discrimination,
Recalling the ten year programme of action of the OIC which encourages public and private research institutions to invest in the technology of capacity building in the fields of advance technologies such as possessing nuclear technology for peaceful purposes,
Recognizing the limited sources of energy and the need to use modern technology for searching for new ways and means, including the use of nuclear energy in order to address possible future shortage in energy,
Taking into consideration that the International Law recognizes the right of all nations, especially developing countries, to have free access to and use of technologies in all fields for peaceful purposes,  
Reconfirming the inalienable rights of all states, without discrimination, to develop new technologies, especially nuclear energy for peaceful purposes in accordance with their legal commitments,
Expressing concern about attempts to limit the use of modern technologies, including the peaceful use of nuclear energy,
Reconfirming that there is nothing in the NPT as well as the statute of the IAEA which may be construed as affecting the inalienable right of all parties to develop and use atomic energy for peaceful purposes,
1.            Confirms once again the equal and the inalienable right of all nations to have free access to modern technologies and use them for peaceful purposes.
2.            Recognizes the important role of modern technologies, especially in the field of nuclear energy, in the economic development of nations.
3.            Stresses the need for ensuring total respect for the equal and inalienable rights for all nations to explore and benefit from modern technologies, including nuclear energy for peaceful purposes.
4.            Urges all parliaments to maintain further cooperation in order to establish a world free of discrimination, injustice and double standards, including ensuring free access to modern technologies and their use for peaceful purposes.
5.            Recognizes that any attempt aimed at limiting the application of peaceful nuclear energy, which is in conflict with the international law, will affect sustainable development of developing states.
6.            Expresses concern about the creation of obstacles by certain circles before free access to modern technology by developing countries.
7.            Rejects discrimination and double standards in the peaceful uses of modern technology, including nuclear energy.


The Council of the Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States, in its 11th Session, held in Niamey, Republic of Niger, on 22 – 23 Safar, 1430H corresponding to 18 - 19 February, 2009,            
Recalling all resolutions adopted by Islamic Summit Conferences and ICFM Conferences concerning the situation in Somalia and the set of challenges relating to prevailing political, humanitarian, social and economic conditions,
Also recalling the efforts of the OIC and its cooperation with international organizations such as the UN, League of Arab States and IGAD. Also recalling the initiative of 1992 of the OIC concerning extension of international relief to Somali and commends all humanitarian assistance and relief efforts extended by the international community,
Stressing the recommendations made by the OIC Contact Group on Somalia,
1.            Expresses satisfaction for the withdrawal of Ethiopian forces from Somalia and confirms the necessity of foreign non-intervention in Somalia by any party, and preserving its independence, territorial integrity and solving its pending issues.
2.            Welcomes the election of Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed as president of the Republic of Somalia and calls for achieving national reconciliation between all parties in order to serve the higher interests of the Somali people.
3.            Stresses its commitment to restore and preserve the unity, sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of Somalia.
4.            Invites the OIC member states to extend humanitarian assistance to the Somali people and exert efforts with the international humanitarian organizations to realize comprehensive development and upgrade the infrastructure of the Republic of Somalia.

The Council of the Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States, in its 11th Session, held in Niamey, Republic of Niger, on 22 – 23 Safar, 1430H corresponding to 18 - 19 February, 2009,            
Referring to the Abuja Agreement signed between the government of brotherly Sudan and the insurgent groups in Darfur region, in 2007, which came as a result of the mediation by the Nigerian government and the African Union as well as participation of the UN, the EU, the USA and Britain. It was agreed to solve the political, economic and security problems of the region, and also lead to a ceasefire in the area,
Noting with a lot of optimism and confidence the success of implementing the agreement and the abidance of the signatory parties by its provisions,
Following up and supporting the negotiations for peaceful resolution which are sponsored by the sisterly state of Qatar and the framework agreement reached by the Sudanese parties, 
Also noting the PUIC resolution on the issue of Darfur in all its previous meetings as well as the content of the statement adopted by the Seventeenth Meting of the Executive Committee in Khartoum, on 4 – 5 September, 2007,
Following with utmost concern attempts to resume fighting, and undermine the Abuja Agreement as well as sabotage the role of the African Union in strengthening the ceasefire,
1.            Reconfirms its support to the territorial integrity of the brotherly Sudan as well as its security and stability.
2.            Supports the efforts of the Sudanese government to establish peace and stability in Darfur region.
3.            Praises the close coordination between the Sudanese Government and the African Union and sisterly states in this respect and its right to reject any international intervention in its internal security affairs of which it does not agree.
4.            Calls on all parties to respect the sovereignty of independent states and desist from negative intervention in the internal affairs of Sudan and prejudicing its security and stability.
5.            Rejects all forms of unjust blockade and sanctions which aim at blackmailing independent states and hold in ransom their free will. The Council demands the lifting of these sanctions.
Strongly condemns any measures which may undermine the efforts for negotiated solution or send wrong signals which impede the progress of the peace process in Doha or lead to the sabotage of previous peace agreement and destabilize the peace and security of the region. .

The Council of the Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States, in its 11th Session, held in Niamey, Republic of Niger, on 22 – 23 Safar, 1430H corresponding to 18 - 19 February, 2009,            
Referring to its previous resolutions as well as the resolutions of the OIC, the African Union, and the Caribbean Pacific Group. the League of Arab States and the States of the Non-Aligned Movement, as well as the resolutions of the African Parliamentary Union and the Group of 77 in this regard,
Recalling the principles of International Law and Vienna Agreement which provides that no state shall be bound by the provisions of an agreement of which it is not a party,
Referring to the Rome Convention establishing the International Criminal Court which provides for the jurisdiction of the Court only on the states that ratify it,
Also referring to the principle of International Law concerning the principle of sovereignty and the immunity of independent head of State,
1.            Reiterates its support to the Sudanese government in defending the sovereignty of the Sudan and the independence of its national will, and stands together with the Sudanese people in confronting any aggression or conspiracy against its territorial integrity and freedom.
2.            Calls on member parliaments to condemn the abuse of the International Law and the international justice institutions and employing them to serve certain political objectives and prejudicing the principle of justice and credibility of law.
3.            Condemns the policy of double standards which is adopted by some States by using the name of law and its institutions against states of the Third World, in general and the States of the Islamic and African world, in particular, while turning a blind eye on states that violate the International Humanitarian Law and the International Law and commit heinous crimes, and even offering them protections.
4.            Views with the utmost concern the allegations of the Prosecutor General of the International Criminal Court against Sudanese leaders, which constitute a fragrant violation of the very charter of the Court and the International Law, and violate the national sovereignty of the Sudan
5.            It is of the view that the allegations of the Prosecutor General and the procedures of the International Criminal Court and their consequences impede the peace efforts deployed to solve the problem of Darfur, sabotage the comprehensive peace agreements which have already been achieved, endanger security and stability in Sudan and open the door for security repercussions which may undermine the stability and security of the entire region.
6.            Invites member parliaments and all parliaments of OIC member states to request their respective governments to maintain solidarity with the Sudan in defense of its sovereignty, security and stability in the face of the hostile stance of the International Criminal Court, and its Prosecutor General as well as the forces instigating him.        

               RESOLUTION No.13/11-CNCL
The Council of the Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States, in its 11th Session, held in Niamey, Republic of Niger, on 22 – 23 Safar, 1430H corresponding to 18 - 19 February, 2009,            
Recalling the resolutions No.2/31-P and 6/34-P on the situation in Cyprus adopted at the 31st and 34th Sessions of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers, held in Istanbul and Islamabad, on 14-16 June 2004 and 15-17 May 2007 respectively, which enabled the Turkish Muslim people of Cyprus to participate in the OIC under the name of Turkish Cypriot State as envisaged by the UN Secretary-General’s comprehensive settlement plan;
Recalling Resolution No. 4 on the situation in Cyprus adopted at the Fourth Session of the PUIC held in Istanbul, on 8-13 April 2006, which enabled the Turkish Muslim people of Cyprus to participate in the PUIC under the name of Turkish Cypriot State in accordance with the relevant OIC resolutions;
Also recalling the resolutions on the situation in Cyprus adopted by the 32nd, 33rd and 34th Sessions of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers held in Sana’a (5/32-P), Baku (5/33-P) and Islamabad (6/34-P) on 28-30 June 2005, 19-21 June 2006 and 15-17 May 2007 respectively, which called upon the Member States to take concrete steps to end the economic, political and cultural isolation of the Turkish Cypriots and reaffirmed the full equality of the two parties in Cyprus;
Also recalling Resolution No. 10 adopted at the Council of the PUIC meeting in its Ninth Session held in Kuala Lumpur on 15-16 February 2007, which supports the efforts of the UN Secretary-General in the framework of his good-offices mission to achieve a comprehensive settlement in Cyprus based on UN established parameters ;
1.            Calls upon the Member States to support effective solidarity with the Turkish Cypriot State and maintain close links with it, aiming to help it overcome the inhuman isolation imposed on it, and consolidate and strengthen their relations with the Turkish Cypriot State in all fields,
2.            Calls for extending to extend effective support to the legitimate demands of the Turkish Cypriot State concerning the right of Turkish Cypriots to have their voice heard in all international fora on the basis of equality between the two parties in Cyprus until a just, lasting and comprehensive settlement to the Cyprus question is achieved,
3.            Reiterates the necessity and urgency of finding a just, viable and comprehensive solution to the Cyprus question that will be based on the UN parameters of bi-zonality, political equality and equal status of the two sides and a new partnership state structure and supports the good-offices mission of the UN Secretary-General, 
4.            Welcomes the willingness shown by the Turkish Cypriot side and Turkey for a political and viable settlement,
5.            Welcomes the last report of the UN Secretary General (S/2007/699) which encourages the international community to maintain economic, social and cultural ties with the Turkish Cypriot people, underlining that the lifting of the isolation of the Turkish Cypriots does not contradict the UN Security Council resolutions.

The Council of the Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States, in its 11th Session, held in Niamey, Republic of Niger, on 22 – 23 Safar, 1430H corresponding to 18 - 19 February, 2009,            
Realizing that the Muslims in Greece, in general, and the Turkish Muslim Minority in Western Thrace, in particular are an integral part of the Muslim World;
Recalling the principles and objectives of the OIC Charter, the Resolutions adopted by the Islamic Summit Conferences, Islamic Conferences of Foreign Ministers, the Council and the Conference of the Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States and international conventions, declarations and agreements calling for observance of human rights, namely political, social, cultural and economic rights and freedom of worship, and most particularly the Lausanne Treaty which guarantees the rights of the Turkish Muslim Minority in Western Thrace such as to use of their Turkish language, to practice their religious rites and to elect freely their representatives in all fields;
Further recalling the UN General Assembly Declaration on Elimination of All Forms of Intolerance and Discrimination Based on Religion or Belief;
Realizing that the basic rights and freedoms of the Turkish Muslim Minority in Western Thrace are defined and protected by multilateral and bilateral Treaties and Agreements to which Greece is a party;
1.       Invites once again Greece to take all measures to respect the rights and identity of the Turkish Muslim Minority in Western Thrace emanating from the bilateral and international agreements.
2        Commends resolution No.10 adopted by the Fifth PUIC Conference held in Cairo on 30 and 31 January, 2008 which requests Greece to recognize the elected Muftis in both Xanthi and Komotini considered as official Muftis.
3.       Calls on Greece to take the necessary steps for the election of the administrative boards of the Waqfs by the Turkish Muslim Minority with a view to ensuring their self-governance, enable the elected Muftis to supervise the properties of the Waqfs and to put an end to the expropriation of the Waqfs' properties and imposition of excessive taxes upon them.
4.       Urges Greece to reinstate the citizenship rights of tens of thousands of Turkish Minority members who were stripped of their citizenship under the now-repealed Article 19 of the Greek Citizenship Law No.3370/1955.
5.       Regrets the ban imposed by Greek Supreme Court on the activities of the Turkish Muslim Minority's oldest non-governmental organization, the "Turkish Union of Xanthi" on the grounds that its title bears the word "Turkish", and considers this as discrimination on the basis of ethnic origin.

 The Council of the Parliamentary Union of the Islamic conference in its 11th Session held in Niamey- Republic of Niger from 22nd to 23rd Safar 1430 corresponding to 18-19 February 2009
Reaffirming the principles and objectives of the Charters of the Organization of the Islamic Conference and the United Nations relating to the importance of achieving people's rights of self determination and recalling the resolutions of the United Nations relating to the conflict in Jammu and Kashmir that have never been implemented,
Referring to the Simla Agreement concluded between the governments of Pakistan and India stipulating to find a final solution to Jammu and Kashmir conflict,
Emphasizing the declarations relating to Jammu and Kashmir issued by the 7th and 10th Conference of the Islamic Summit and the two Extraordinary Sessions of the Islamic Summit Conferences held Casablanca in 1994 and in Islamabad in 1997 and all the previous resolutions issued by the OIC on the conflict of Jammu and Kashmir, specially the resolution No. 34/2-P as well as the reports of the ministerial meeting and that of the communication team of the Islamic Conference on Jammu and Kashmir and supporting the recommendations set in it,
Expressing its concern for the use of indiscriminate power and the violation of human rights for Kashmir's people and stigmatizing their struggle with terrorism, as well, expressing its regret for the prevention by India of the OIC Fact Finding Mission through a visit to Jammu and Kashmir occupied by India and its non-response to the proposal made by the OIC through delegating a good offices mission for good offices,
1.       Calls for finding a peaceful resolution for the Jammu and Kashmir issue in accordance with the relevant resolutions of the United Nations and Agreed provisions of the Smila Agreement.
 2.      Supports the current efforts deployed by the government of Pakistan in order to find a peaceful solution for the Jammu and Kashmir conflict by using ways and means, including vital bilateral talks with India according to the will of Jammu and Kashmiri people.
3.       Calls upon the member States to mobilize resources and generously contribute to providing humanitarian assistance to the people of Jammu and Kashmir.
4.       Calls on India to stop immediately its blatant and systematic violations of the human rights of the people of Jammu and Kashmir and allow international human rights groups and humanitarian organizations to visit Jammu and Kashmir.

The Council of the Parliamentary Union of the Islamic conference in its 11th Session held in Niamey- Republic of Niger from 22nd to 23rd Safar 1430 corresponding to 18-19 February 2009;
Pursuant to the objectives and principles of the OIC;
Deeply concerned about the aggressions of the Republic of Armenia on the Republic of Azerbaijan which resulted in the occupation of more than 20% of Azeri territory;
Expressing its deep regret that this conflict has not been settled so far;
Deeply grieved over the suffering of more than a million displaced and refugee Azeris as a result of the Armenian aggression and the enormity and severity of humanitarian problems;
Recalling all resolutions of the UN Security Council, demanding unconditional withdrawal of forces of occupation from the occupied territories of Azerbaijan;
Reconfirming all the previous relevant resolutions;
Urging on the strict compliance with the UN Charter and the complete implementation of relevant Security Council resolutions;
Welcoming all diplomatic and other efforts deployed for settling the conflict;
Reconfirming the respect by Member States of the sovereignty, unity, territorial integrity and political independence of the Republic of Azerbaijan;
Referring to the destructive impact of the policy of aggression, followed by the Republic of Armenian, on the peace process which is pursued by the OSCE.
1.            Strongly condemns the aggression of the Republic of Armenia on the Republic of Azerbaijan.
2.            Considers the actions carried against Azeri civilian citizens in Azeri territory as crimes against humanity.
3.            Strongly denounces the plunder and destruction of cultural and religious antiquities in occupied Azeri territories.
4.            Strongly demands the strict implementation of the UN Security Council Resolutions 822; 853; 874 and 884; and the total unconditional withdrawal of Armenian forces from all the occupied Azeri territories; urges Armenia to respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
5.            Expressing its concern about the non implementation by Armenia of the demands included in the UN Security Council resolutions; and urges Armenia to comply with all the resolutions and decisions of the international organization on the conflict and the withdrawal of military forces from occupied Azeri territories.
6.            Calls on the Security Council to recognize the presence of an aggression on the Republic of Azerbaijan, and the Republic of Azerbaijan, and to take the necessary steps, in accordance with Chapter VII of the UN Charter to ensure compliance of the Republic of Armenia to the resolutions of the Security Council, and to condemn the aggression on the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Azerbaijan; and also to seek stopping it. Calls on the Member States to carry out concerted action at the UN for this purpose.
7.            Urges all states to desist from providing Armenia with weapons and military equipment, which may encourage the aggressor to escalate the conflict and continue occupying the Azeri territory. Territories of Member States must not be allowed to be used for the passage of such supplies.
8.            Appeals to the Member States and all members of the international community to use effective political and economic measures to put an end to the Armenian aggression and the occupation of Azeri territories.
9.            Calls upon all the PUIC member states to contribute efficiently to the soonest peaceful settlement of the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan and to stop all relations with aggressive Armenia.
10.         Urges the international community not to remain indifferent to the deplorable living conditions of the Azerbaijani refugees and IDPs.
11.         Calls for a just and peaceful settlement of the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan on the basis of respect for the principles of territorial integrity of states and non-admissibility of transgressing on internationally recognized borders.
12.         Expresses total support to the three principles for settling the armed conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan included in the OSCE Declaration, adopted by its summit in Lisbon in 1996, namely, unity and territorial integrity of the Republic of Armenia and the Republic of Azerbaijan ; achieving the highest degree of self rule in Nagorno Karabakh region inside Azerbaijan and ensuring the security of Nagorno Karabakh and all its inhabitants. 
13.         Considers the proposal offered by the chairmen of the OSCE Conference in Minsk aimed at gradual settlement of the armed conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan as a basis for negotiation in the framework of the Minsk Group of the OSCE, and understands that this step includes the removal of the dangerous effects of the aggression against the Republic of Azerbaijan.
14.         Appeals to international organizations, parliaments and governments of the world countries to enhance their efforts in order to facilitate the conclusion of a just peace agreement between Armenia and Azerbaijan based on the norms and principles of International Law.
15.         Reiterates its total solidarity and support to the efforts extended by the government and people of Azerbaijan to defend their land, and calls for enabling the refugees and the displaced to return to their homes in safety, honour and dignity.
16.     Expresses appreciation to all the Member States, which have extended humanitarian assistance to the refugees and the displaced, and urges other states to extend further assistance.

The Council of the Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States, in its 11th Session, held in Niamey, Republic of Niger, on 22 – 23 Safar, 1430H corresponding to 18 - 19 February, 2009,
Recalling the principles and purposes of the UN Charter,
Also recalling the objectives and principles stipulated in the OIC Charter, specially those that call for promoting solidarity among Islamic States and strengthening their ability to protect their security, sovereignty, independence and national rights, 
Referring to the UN Resolutions 22/51 and 17/51 on economic sanctions which are unilaterally imposed by UN Member States against other Member States,
After taking note of the statements, declarations, and resolutions adopted by the various governmental and international fora as well as non-governmental organizations, which express rejection by the international community of the superseding of national legislations of one State by the rules of International Law aimed at prejudicing the sovereignty and interests of States and their peoples,
1.            Strongly rejects the principle of imposing any kind of sanctions, whether unilateral or multilateral, on any Islamic State.
2.            Condemns the continuation of sanctions on Islamic States and demands their immediate lifting as well as stresses the respect of the sovereignty of States and non interference in their internal affairs.   

The Council of The parliamentary union of the Islamic conference in its 11th Session held in Niamey- Republic of Niger from 22nd to 23rd Safar 1430 corresponding to 18-19 February 2009,
Inspired by the noble Islamic principles and teachings which enjoin Muslim people inter alias to consult equality among themselves, to uniting their ranks and to consolidate their unity,
Reaffirming also the objectives of the Union and particularly the provisions of the Third paragraph of Article one of its Statute which stipulate that "the creation of a framework for the achievement of full and fruitful coordination and cooperation between the PUIC Member Parliaments in international fora and organizations and meetings represents one of the Union's objectives,
Taking note of the relevant resolutions of the Islamic Conferences of Foreign Ministers, including Resolution N0. 26/34 issued from the 34th Session held in Islamabad, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan from 15 to 17 May 2007 which reaffirms maintaining  consultation and coordination mechanisms between the Member States of the OIC at all levels, and in all issues of common concern and to expand, and reinforce them with the aim of eliminating all the possible causes of differences among them, and to adopt a common position of Islamic States in international for a is considered necessary basic requirements to realize common goals of the Islamic Ummah,
Recalling the resolution N0. 14 adopted by the 9th Session of the PUIC Council held in Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia from 15th to 16th February 2007, and Resolution N0. 17 adopted by the 5th Session of the Conference of the Union, held in Cairo from 30 to 31 January 2008, on the establishment of a mechanism for regular consultation between Member Parliaments on the sidelines of  international parliamentary meetings and organizations in order to adopt a common position concerning issues of common concern for the Islamic Ummah,
Considering the growing challenges facing the real image of Islam and also the common interests of the Islamic World in a world in which the tempo of interacting complexity and globalization is increasing which necessitates to strengthening cooperation and coordination among OIC Member States, including parliaments of these States in international fora,
Considering that the PUIC Member Parliaments constitute 45% of total votes of the Inter-Parliamentary Union which greatly facilitate the promotion of its goals in the Inter-Parliamentary Union.
Expressing its concern about attempts by some circles in from the Inter-Parliamentary Union to undermine the Islamic principles and values in one way or another.

1.       Emphasizes the urgent need for PUIC Member Parliaments to further strengthen and adopt a unified position regarding issues of common concern for the Ummah in international parliamentary fora.
2.      Emphasizes the importance of urging the Parliaments of OIC Member States which do not enjoy membership of the PUIC to join immediately, in addition to their participation in other activities of the Union, and to actively take part in all meetings in order to consolidate the role of Islamic Parliamentary Group in the activities of the international parliamentary organizations and for a, especially the Inter-Parliamentary Union.
3.       Emphasizes that beside the other causes of the Islamic Ummah, the Palestinian issue and the question of Al-Quds Al Sharif as well as the defense of Islamic values and principles and combating obliteration of the image of Islam and Muslims should be the major issues on which Member Parliaments should take a unified stance in international fora.
4.       Invites all Member Parliaments to participate effectively in meetings of the Islamic Parliamentary Group.

The Council of The parliamentary union of the Islamic conference in its 11th Session held in Niamey- Republic of Niger from 22nd to 23rd Safar 1430 corresponding to 18-19 February 2009
1.       Emphasizes on the necessity of realizing economic unity among Member States through the creation of a common Islamic market that contributes to the creation of joint ventures and helps to link financial markets of Islamic States.
2.       Warns the dangers of globalization of the industry such as the inequity of the distribution of the profits of the full production and its centralization in the hands of giant corporations for achieving profit regardless of the development of the Islamic or developing world.
3.      Stresses the pivotal role of parliaments in formulating social and economic policies, and joint economic action to possess technologies as well as coordination and corporation in the field of information technologies.
4.       Emphasizes the need for availability of as a pre-requisite political will for the success of economic integration among Islamic States.
5.       Urges the Member States to conclude bilateral agreements in order to develop and increase common trade exchanges.
6.       Urges the Member States governments to establish an Islamic, social, and economic council whose task shall be the development of Islamic economies and proposing legislations which lead to achieve this goal.
7.       Proposes the formation of an adhoc technical committee for the study of economic issues in the member States. The Committee shall collect reports from Member States and then shall carry out a thorough applied study of on the issues and submit its report to the forthcoming Council.

The Council of The parliamentary union of the Islamic conference in its 11th Session held in Niamey- Republic of Niger from 22nd to 23rd Safar 1430 corresponding to 18-19 February 2009
1.       Requests Islamic States to respect their commitments to allocate voluntary contributions to the Islamic Solidarity Fund mentioned in the Declaration of the Third Session of the PUIC Conference, held on March 2004 in Dakar, Senegal, through:
a)       Inviting the Executive Committee to establish an organ to organize and administer the Fund.
b)       Coordinating among Islamic States at governmental and popular   levels, in particular, among civil society organizations.
c)       Ensuring the exchange of information on prior “disaster forecasting” and dealing with them immediately when they strike and mobilize human and financial resources necessary to that effect.
d)       Requesting governments and parliaments of Islamic States to enact legislations that prevent accidents harmful to human beings and the environment for these and ensure defining the responsibilities of individuals and institutions from these calamities, in particular in the light of existing international conventions on issues such as the international convention on maritime transportation of nuclear materials and wastes.
2.       Requests to extend support to central and East African (the whole of African Horn) countries, which suffer from famine and drought, and to include this in the disasters that should be covered by the Islamic Solidarity Fund when they happen.
3.      Invites Islamic States to expeditiously deliver urgent humanitarian assistance to areas and countries suffering from famine and drought.
4.       Encourages civil society organizations in the Islamic world to contribute to relief operations, to facilitate them and to protect them against harassment under various excuses such as the funding of terrorism of which they are innocent by the evidence of independent world societies.
5.       Invites for contributions effectively to support the Palestinian people who face a unjust blockade through offering contributions to the Palestine Support Fund under the supervision of the League of Arab States or by any other available means.

The Council of The parliamentary union of the Islamic conference in its 11th Session held in Niamey- Republic of Niger from 22nd to 23rd Safar 1430 corresponding to 18-19 February 2009,
Reaffirming the resolution adopted by the 4th PUIC Conference,  held on the 12th and 13th April 2006 in Istanbul, Turkey, which calls upon rich Muslim countries to cancel or reduce the debts contracted by the Muslim States which face harsh economic conditions,
Considering the situation of poor indebted Islamic countries which further deteriorated as a result of the world economic crisis and thus affects their development efforts, 
Reaffirming the obligation of effective solidarity among the Muslim peoples as enjoined by Islam and enshrined in the PUIC Statute,
Recognizing the positive impact of the initiative called "Heavily Indebted Poor Countries" on the economies of the States that benefit from this measure undertaken by rich countries or international financial institutions,
1.       Recommends to rich Islamic States to consider the cancellation or reduction of debts due the difficulties that the Islamic poor States are experiencing, in particular in Africa, and this, within the framework of Islamic solidarity that our sublime religion advocates.
2.       Emphasizes the need to create mechanisms to finance contributions and development projects in needy countries according to Islamic formula away from usurious loans like the musharaka, the murabaha, the musana'a, the muzara'a, and other formula which help achieve the expected goals away from direct debts.









The Council of The parliamentary union of the Islamic conference in its 11th Session held in Niamey- Republic of Niger from 22nd to 23rd Safar 1430 corresponding to 18-19 February 2009,


Recognizing the need to reduce progressively the dependency of Islamic States on world existing world monetary funds such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF).


pursuant to the resolutions adopted by the Cairo Conference on mandating the Secretary General to study the possibility of establishing an Islamic Monetary Fund, and the necessity of pursuing this matter by the Secretary General


Aware of the need to deploy further efforts in order to prosperity for all,


1.       Emphasizes the need to create an Islamic Monetary Fund in order to support existing financial institutions and organs which offer service to working in trade, and for supporting the economies of the Islamic State and improving their living standards.


2.       Stresses the importance of supporting the Fund in order to liberalize trade between Islamic countries and encourage multilateral trade initiatives.


 3.      Invites to benefit from the experience of the International Monetary Fund and the Islamic Development Bank to examine the degree of transparency of economic policies according to international standards.

The Council of The parliamentary union of the Islamic conference in its 11th Session held in Niamey- Republic of Niger from 22nd to 23rd Safar 1430 corresponding to 18-19 February 2009,
Recalling the provision of the Final Communiqué of the 11th Session of the Islam Summit Conference, held in Dakar, Republic of Senegal, on 13-14 March 2008, concerning mandating the OIC Secretary General to form a group of experts to draw up a ‘’legally binding international instrument to achieve respect for all religions, cultural values, and banning discrimination and instigating on hatred of all religions’’,
Stressing commitment towards the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which incriminates incitement of animosity against religious, and views people as equal, irrespective of their religions or political beliefs,
Calls for total respect of all divine religions and religious symbols as well as respecting peaceful coexistence among sects, religions and beliefs in the age of globalization,
1.            Invites Muslims parliaments to issue international legislation which calls for ensuring total respect for all divine religions, and the inadmissibility of exploiting the freedom of expression to insult religions, as well as curbing the growth of religious hatred among people.
2.            Strongly condemns republishing cartoons in some European states through which their authors attempted to insult the Prophet of Islam, Mohammad (PBUH). Also condemns the backing of some European states of this abhorrent actions and asks for stopping such provocations.
3.            Appeals to its peers in European parliaments, the European Parliament and the IPU to enact legislations expeditiously in order to prevent repetition of insult to any of Gods prophets and messengers, or to religions and beliefs in general, because such insult causes anguish in the hearts of believers.
4.            Confirms the dignity of Man irrespective of his religion and demands putting an end to incitement, humiliation and bias.

The Council of the Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member Sates, holding its 11th Session in Niamey, Republic of Niger, on 22-23 Safar 1430H. corresponding to 18-19 February 2009,
Recalling all relevant resolutions adopted by the Islamic Summit Conferences and Islamic Conferences of Foreign Ministers, especially resolution No.40/19-P which gave rise to the Cairo Declaration on Human Rights,
Aware of the universality and nature of Islamic values which are indivisible as far as human rights are concerned, and of the prominent place of Man in Islam, considered as the vicegerent of God on earth, and consequently of the importance accorded by Islamic thought to promote, encourage and respect human rights,
Convinced of the dire need for further exploring ways and means to enhance and protect human rights,
Expressing concern about attempts to employ the issue of human rights in order to throw doubt on the principles and fundamentals of Islamic Shaaria, and interfere in the internal affairs of Muslim States, it condemns discrimination in addressing issues relating to human rights,
Emphasizes the extreme importance of national, regional, cultural and religious specificities in defining international rules and standards con concerning human rights,
Aware that teaching democracy and human rights which conform with Islamic Law is an integral part of the right to education and learning, considered as the tool of society and the nation to prepare the good person and qualify him for future leadership,
Stresses that knowledge by Man of his rights is considered a natural right, based on his right to education as recognized by international conventions; therefore states are bound to teach human rights based on the belief, culture and need of the Ummah, in which thought, objective, methodology and means shall be in harmony in order to achieve a great amount of respect for human rights, preservation of freedom of ideas and expression and the effective participation of citizens in building society,
In the light of the principle of the separation of powers, the imperative of the independence of the judiciary and justice as ell as non-prejudicing the principle of application of laws without mandate or interventions,

FIRST:       To recommend teaching values of democracy, human rights and the International Humanitarian Law in the curricula in PUIC States, in the light of the Sharia while underlining:-  
1.       Protecting the culture of human rights and respecting their universal values, together with recognizing the right of every Man to preserve the spec cities of his cultural identity.
2.       Observing the basis on which the cultures of human rights stand and rejecting the hegemony of the single cultural model.
3.       Involving the forces, institutions and organizations of civil society and taking their views into consideration, when drawing up curricula and textbooks.
SECOND:    To recommend enactment of national systems and legislations, and amendment of existing ones, so as to be in conformity with the democratic methodology which agrees with Sharia in terms of protecting liberties and rights, the freedom of opinion and expression, laws relating to the press and information and those organizing the work of civil society institutions, in order to draw up the legal and legislative framework of democratic action which conforms with the Islamic Sharia.  

The Council of the Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member Sates, holding its 11th Session in Niamey, Republic of Niger, on 22-23 Safar 1430H. corresponding to 18-19 February 2009,
Referring to the UN resolution 22/53 adopted by the UN General Assembly, which designated the year 2001 as the “ UN year For Dialogue Among Civilizations”, and called for taking all the necessary measures aimed at promoting the concept of Dialogue Among Civilizations,
Recalling the provisions of the OIC Ten-Year Progamme of Action adopted by the Third Extra-ordinary Islamic Summit which call on the OIC and its Subsidiary Organs, Specialized and Affiliated Institutions to contribute as a partner to the dialogue between cultures and religions, as well as relevant efforts deployed in this field,
Stressing that the Islamic civilization was, and shall remain rooted and fundamental in peaceful co- existence, understanding and constructive dialogue with other civilizations,
1.             Calls for coordination among Muslim States to establish centers and institutions for dialogue among cultures and civilizations in order to extend bridges of cultural understanding between peoples.
2.            Calls for constituting a PUIC focal group as well as one in each parliament of Muslim states aimed at taking appropriate initiatives in consultation with their governments, and emphasizes the importance of developing the culture and spirit of dialogue.
3.            Calls for continuing to engage in interactive dialogues in order to promote dialogue among cultures and civilizations through concrete and sustainable initiatives and symposia. Appeals to the Member States, the Islamic Development Bank and the Islamic Solidarity Fund to extend every financial and moral support for the success of these dialogues.
4.            Expresses its concern about the marginalization and loss of the Arabic language vis-à-vis foreign languages in Arab and Islamic States, Calls for teaching Arabic to non-Arabic speaking students in Islamic states, considered as the language of the holy Quran and one of the basic factors for the unity of the Muslim Ummah.
Stresses the importance of establishing national Islamic television channels, broadcasting in foreign languages, to be directed to the West, as the media is an important means for contact and influence through which it is possible to change the negative image which the West has formed about Islam, and to project the correct image of Islam.

The Council of the Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member Sates, holding its 11th Session in Niamey, Republic of Niger, on 22-23 Safar 1430H. corresponding to 18-19 February 2009,
Recognizing that empowering women contributes to realizing prosperity and development in many aspects of life in the Islamic Ummah,
Convinced that empowering women does not violate Islamic principles,
Stressing that addressing women issues will help in an effective manner in solving other relevant issues,
Promoting the role of Muslim women in the political, social, economic, and cultural life,
1.            Urges PUIC Member Parliaments to promote empowerment of women in their respective countries and requesting their governments to pay attention to their education so they may perform their role in social development, and making women aware of their role and rights granted by Islamic Sharia.
2.            Requests Islamic organizations and Civil Societies Organizations in Member States to project the rights which Islam has granted to women in order to draw up a document for the Muslim woman and a document for the Muslim child and submitting them to special UN committees for discussion among world documents so that they may be a reference to the rules that enable Muslim states to implement them.
3.            Encourages the establishment of a mechanism to discuss the issues of the Muslim women by establishing a Muslim Parliamentarian Forum.
4.            Gives priority of attention to the development of women capacities and qualify them through training and capacity-building and also by enacting legislation supporting their rights aimed at empowering them to effectively participate in the building of society.
5.            Requests adoption of an Islamic vision on the issue of discrimination against women through convening a scholarly conference to be organized by Muslim parliamentarians in order to address this issue. 

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